How to become a girlboy in 1573 easy steps, by fortune. I will begin with the first steps soon.
Your fortune: Average Luck
How to become a girlboy in 1573 easy steps, by fortune. I will begin with the first steps soon.
Your fortune: Average Luck
step one DIE
step 1: be depressed
cute stick finger
step 1 be a female (male)
the stick figure is a stupid whiny idealistic magical girl and all of her problems are her fault
Step2: Cut penis with local dog
Step1 ) Never walk or lay down or sleep or walk or sit down without pointing your knees inward
Step2 ) Do the same thing with your feet
Step3 ) Keep your legs and feet as close to each other as possible at all times, using Step1 and 2 as well, even do this when you sleep; soon muscle memory will just do this for you.
Step4 ) remove every hair from your body permanently.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Step5: Never work out less than 5 days a week
Step6: Always eat a calorie deficit every day
Step7: When you work out only do cardio and butt + hip excersizes
Step8: The only excersizes you do should focus on building your butt and hips up; also running is still okay.
Step9: Never fug a hairy person; it's a sign of bad hygiene
Step10: Part of your workouts should be learning to hold your breath while doing physical activity so go to a pool or something and start breathing as slow as possible while your face is under water; do the same thing while you run; in a couple of years your breathing will be so amazing that your body doesn't even need oxygen for 3 to 4 minutes while doing physical activity such as standing on the bottom of the ocean.
Your fortune: Outlook good
Step11: Don't be mean
Step12: Here is your diet: (salmon,chicken breast, halibut, flounder, peas, corn, asparagus, swiss chard, spinach, kale, rice, ginger, garlic, onions, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, potatoes, avocado, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, plain oatmeal, cinnamon, blueberries, eggs, cayenne pepper, watermelon, honeydoooooo melon, cant elope a melonnnn, kiwi, oranges and water.
Your fortune: Outlook good
Step13: Never drink anything other than water
Step14: Now that you are completely hair free; start using a pumice stone in the shower and using moisturizer every single morning on your entire body.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Step 15: learn to always keep your shoulders back; another muscle memory thing.
Step 16: learn that you should walk with one foot in front of the other, directly always, also wear heels to bed.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>start breathing as slow as possible while your face is under water
freediving; it's a fun thing amongst us; look it up.
Step 17: dont ever step outside of your house without wearing something that turns you on. It can be under your normal clothes or not.
Sep 18: don't ever punch an animal in the face because you are a horrible person if you do, the only exception would be if it's trying to murder you.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Step 19: Remember that body hair is useless and should be fought with radiation if necessary because it's gross.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
try and do it while speaking
you can't talk underwater silly
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Step 20: learn how to makeup, although you're already probably really cute anyway; don't forget to fug with your eyebrows till they are basically gone, but not really.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Step 21: this is the hard part, learn how to do your finger/toenails but not like a slut, just nice and polished and curved. Never fake.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Step 23: bleach your ass hole (do safely).
Step 24: start using a butt plug every day, all day.
Step 25: ditch that plug for something that vibrates without noise.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
"Step 15: learn to always keep your shoulders back; another muscle memory thing."
Even better phrasing: "learn to always roll your chest up and out". the shoulders come naturally if you do this, but not the other way round, and it's the position of the chest that determines good posture in the upper spine.
>remove every hair from your body permanently.
rewrite your DNA
ah, so simple! just rewrite my genetic map limiting follicle growth my head
why didn't i think of that, lol
Just google it OKAY also I fell asleep for a while.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
fortune very wise
she come from the sky
step #475 Lose all your friends
Step #476 Gain new friends
step #748 Realize what you have done
step #757 Realize what you have done is so amazing that people are just jealous.
step 42: realize that you are always now sleeping with your knees and feet pointed inward; and just don't care because it's normal.
step 43: hair is gross, again, stop being a butt hole and irradiate it.
I forgot a few steps but I'll tell you soon:
also don't forget to tell ur gf that you love her everyday, if you don't actually love her then part ways.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
always post your blizzard authenticator on s4s
mine is currently 606512
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>Always eat a calorie deficit
but I'm severely underweight. . . . .
What number is this step or can I do this one in any order?