Who would be the pro wrestling BMF champion?

Who would be the pro wrestling BMF champion?

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Zack Ryder

What the hell is BMF? Black Man Fellatio?

Nick Gage.

>special made up belt
>interest for only one week
R truth, dog

get this gay shit out of here and back to your containment board

>those words were the very first three words that came to your mind when you saw those letters
i got bad news for you buddy

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>i got bad news for you buddy
I'm going to have to challenge Kevin Nash for the belt?

Gay liberal confirmed
Continue enjoying JRE

Should I know what "BMF" means?

>gay mma shit w/ gimmick belts

Ask Shaft.

Big Mammy Fuel

Baddest MotherFucker

its called the BBD champion you faithless fool. OOOOOOOWAHHHHHHHHHHH

MMA is a work, stop watching that fake pretend fighting shit

As opposed to real pretend fighting?

>one off

doubt it

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Only the real thing for us /asp chads

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>UFC trying to make their own unofficial oc title like wrestling did

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life imitates art

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They already have a baddest mother fucker belt...

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