Your winner...
Your winner
Fuck this self mark
It was supposed to be at XYZ, it's too late now
He didn't even fuck Serena
ash sucks, Gary was always the Micheals.
Literally never won the big won.
Ash is the Bray Wyatt of pokemon fights.
Bray Wyatt won the big belt though
Ash has never gone over when it really matters
Too late and no one cares.
It's like when Sting won the belt at Superbrawl 98 after being made to look like shit at Starrcade the previous year.
They should've pulled the trigger in Kalos.
>Jobs, gets salty, changes careers.
Gary is pretty much the CM Phil of Pokemon.
Ash is the Jannetty, Red is the Michael's
bumping non /woo/tists threads
>bring back old fans
>highest record revenue
>so much of a draw that get the fox deal
>hypest season ever
>can't draw even with nostalgia boost
>records low ratings every week
>gets moved to fucking sundays lol
>literally everyone forgot about the league until cuckui is rumored to be involved
SuMo Ash is the Seethe Tarpins of Pokemon anime
>Wins the big one when everyone stopped giving a shit and wants him to leave
Well put red in the hands of a autistic kid and we all going to see if red its better than ash.
Now he can finally retire, right? time to anime Pokemon Adventures
>he doesn't rate gold
Yes please. Now people can know that Lance has a Tyranitar in his party. People talk about Gyarados and Charizard deserving to be dragons but never heard anything about Tyranitar.
So he finally won? For real? No fucking memes, he actually won a fucking league?
>Pokemon Adventures
Fuck that, where's my Nuzlocke anime.
They’re in the finals in the anime. The anime is about to get a reboot, without Ash supposedly, so everyone believes this is his chance to actually win.
>Being a pokesimp
MMMMMMmmmmm that will be 20 pure strikes and a bottle of jack.
>No fucking memes
the league, his team, th art style, his character and the enitre show is a reddit meme
XY's ratings were garbage though. The 3DS games also sold significantly less than the original DS games.
Pokemon Go literally saved the franchise from extinction while also discarding all possible SOUL from the series.
I thought Pokemon Go was ded gaem?
They should have went with the whole heel turn instead of turning him face. The heat from killing leomon was legendary
I thought his face turn was going great until they made him job to D-Reaper
>loses the big one for the 6th time in a row KWAB
>goes to foreign country and joins outlaw fed
>wins bingo hall tier championship
Who cares about this piece of shit rated G anime. The games are dimes drawer, this cuck is an anti draw. All the Pokemon characters suck and are literal whos. Only the Pokemon draw.
Its true what the other user said. That season was anti draw tier. So for not drawing a dime he got cucked again. Seriously that season was trash. Also was the last straw for Pokemon and anime for me.
>Bray Wyatt won the big belt though
I had to go back and look it up because I legit forgot that happened.
Ash is the Goto of anime
Only acceptable anime is Dragonball or JoJo. Fuck off weeb!
Fuck Pokeshit.
Their revenue keeps increasing every year
You watch anime, you're automatically a weeb. Even if it's just shounenshit that you watch. Welcome to the club.