Would the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman tap to Sid's Crossface? Why or why not

Attached: wackyWavingFG.jpg (469x469, 39K)

Fuck of

nah wacky waver would probably tough it out, Nash was mentally broken already and being mounted from the rear triggered his PTSD so he tapped

>fuck of

Wolfcuck typing through tears

>implying that anyone can break out of sid's crossface


Fuckin kek

Big Poppa Pump could not only break the hold he also broke Sid's leg just by looking at him once.
stay in school, kid.

>implying that anyone can break out of sid's crossface


Wacky waver is made entirely of rubber/plastic, meaning sid could bend him in any way without him feeling any pain, so no



gotta disagree with you as wacky waver can't control his flapping arm movements. get him to the ground and he'll tap inadvertently.


>spams posts because retard

You still seething after getting buried in the robocop thread?

That was the name fag Machine Jerk

can someone please extrapolate on this meme? I dont understand why Nash tapping out to the crossface makes him such a bitch, lots of other people tapped to it also

The sid crossface has moved past that and has now become it's own meme independent from nash, although sometimes people still bring him up but no longer in a "kek what a bitch" way

Go back


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The thing is, the sheer mention of the sid crossface causes wolfuck to sperg out even if nash isn't even mentioned on the thread

>sees all user as the same

The sid crossface has moved past that and has now become it's own meme independent from nash; although sometimes people still bring him up but no longer in a "kek what a bitch" way and more in the "he even beat nash with it" way.

No, it's definitely in a KWAB way lol