Why was wrestling only ever good when Russo was involved?
Why was wrestling only ever good when Russo was involved?
Because you formed your opinion based on the popularity of something, which is stupid, by that logic Avatar is the best movie of all time but guess what, it's fucking boring
Shouldn't you be watching some Whojapanlets do circus acts?
That wasn't even the golden age. It was more like a renaissance era if anything. Wrestling was at the height of its popularity in the 80s with Hogan and Savage.
>attracted casuals that dropped out after only one year
Dropped it cause it went back to MUH WORKRATE with manlets midcarders shitting up the main event scene.
Reminder that Avengers: Endgame is the GOAT move now.
Shouldn't you be watching old hacks doing cringe podcasts in their mother-in-law's basements?
Avatar *is* the best movie of all time. Almost everyone in the world saw it so, objectively, it is the best.
You’re already making excuses for AEW by trying to fool yourself into believing quality doesn’t equal viewers. The more people like a thing the better it is. Fuck AEW and fuck Dean Ambrose.
I'm a Russochad thus a well adjusted human being who doesn't mark over fake fighting.
WWE reached peak ratings around the same time Jericho,Angle and Benoit were at the top,Russo BTFO.
Damn nigga talk about rent free
I didn't know al snow posted here.
I pretty much doubt it since you're legitimately wasting money on some old dude doing videos in a 240p quality
Seems that you don't know much about investing your money
Don't your kind pay $11 a month or so to listen to some marks who have never worked in the business bitch and moan about said business?
I don't listen to WOR, pal
Ratings started coming crashing down towards end of 2000 already. They maintained for awhile off the momentum created previous years alone.
>Well adjusted human being
You guys are on the same level as Meltzerdrones. A Perfect rivalry actually
Melterzerdrones are fat smelly losers who mark for Whojapan and live on hand outs from the goverment.
I have a job, a house, a girlfriend and I stopped watching wrestling in 2001.
Holy shit, is Russofags really this insecure and pathetic ?. I guess they aren't much better than Meltzdrones after all. Then again Russotards claimed that Russo inspired Game Of Thrones so i should not be surprised with their inteligence.
>Thing that didn't happen
Ah this is the good old Yea Forums that i'm talking about . Lies, insecurity and denial. I miss a posting like this after a countless of boring Deadie and 1992 threads
It's hardly something grand to lie about.
Just putting the Meltzermarks into perspective.
Honestly, my friend subscribes to WOR, watched NuJapanlet and he runs a really succesful business. though i don't know what the hell is happening in his head for doing that kind of thing like subscribing to people like Meltzer or Russo
Well, natural betacuck in denial would do even the smallest thing to make himself look good and feels like they are people with the absolute opinion. Every single lies, small or big, matters to them. Every Meltzer magoos and Russocucks out there are just that pitiful
Where is the Meltzer magoos ?. Watching them fighting Russobetas in a pathetic vs pitiful thread match is actually quite interesting.
it is interesting how each peak basically mirrors my interest in wrestling. stopped watching from late 2000 until late 2002. stopped watching again in 2003/2004 after triple h buried everybody & austin retired. started watching again the raw after wrestlemania 21. stopped in 2008 and only started again when the rock came back. stopped in like 2016 again. have not returned
confirms nobody wanted to see triple h and people tuned back in once batista killed him off and cena became champ. the triple h, benoit, and jbl reigns were a fucking disaster. the rock and other returning legends held up the ratings for a while in 2011-2014 but it sooned dropped off once the new era took over entirely and the brand split happened
Late 99-mid 2000 saw a huge talent infusion + developing talent. The Dudleys, Tazz, Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian, the Hardyz, Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, Saturn. Heel Shane, heel Stephanie, Triple H's "Game" gimmick, The Rock continuing to skyrocket, Stone Cold getting hit with a car, Kane and Undertaker character development/American Badass Taker, Foley flipping between Cactus Jack and Mankind.
I'm sure there's more.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.
Double sentence post. Anyway, there were a ton of changes building off what Russo/Ferrara started in the WWF by Oct. 1999 along with new talent. Remember that the Radicalz left WCW because Russo got sent home and they didn't want the old WCW powermongers in control of their careers. Russo/Ferrara's methods didn't work in WCW because they wanted to remake everything at once instead of gradually shifting characters.
They also had huge pressure to get ratings right away.
>McMahon still got money from Saudi
>Whosso still forgotten and jobless
McMahon is laughing all the way to the bank because XFL is his priority now, not the WWE.
He can see that the marks have ruined the business and there's no pulling the nose up.
Well, there's no pullling the nose up if you keep going back to the same well and using the same people inside the wrestling bubble.
Triple H, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle and The Rock were headlining 2001 and 2002 though.
It wasn't until 2004 when Benoit and Guerrero had a chance to headline shows and by then the ratings had already fallen hard.
>It wasn't until 2004 when Benoit and Guerrero had a chance to headline shows
Paying for any podcast is stupid, but at least Alvarez and co try to make their show look halfway professional.
>It wasn't until 2004 when Benoit and Guerrero had a chance to headline shows
Shincon Chishing vs Tangyang Son
It was before the darkmatch.
ratings literally started going down significantly in 2002 when rock left and Triple H was the top guy.
> literally a filler PPV
> fatal 4 way involving Underdrawer and Kane
Roddy Piper vs Adrian Adonis
based Russo still working the marks to this day
>russo """chad"""
HAHAHAHAHH this new york cuck literally had restraining orders against an old out of touch fart jim cornette
Russo is a dimeless shitter. He begs for donations cause he was shit with money. Literally no one is a draw
Yeah Scott Keith and Meltzer is to blame for all of this
the answer to this is TNA
What you mean
no dimes
I appreciate Russo :'(
fuck you're so stupid
Imagine bragging about a 1.14
TNA is shit but that is actually pretty good numbers for a basically nobody wrestling company. I've never seen an ad for them or met a human being who has even heard of them either.