Per Dave Meltzer
>"The name Diesel was actually a rib on Nash. In the police report he filed in the particularly humid summer of 1992, he had stated that nobody could hear his screams of pain because of a nearby diesel truck."
Per Dave Meltzer
I heard that on The Podcast before Meltzer ever said it.
Deadie Cuckerrero was forcibly pozzed in the summer of 89.
Nice try Cryin' Mark but we all know the only one with a tattoo like that was you
I don’t get it, the Nash meme works perfectly, but the deadie memes just fall flat
rent free
Counter memes are always like that since it's a product of someone getting worked.
I have no idea why it's even Eddie when clearly the OP is retaliating against the why ya cryin mark meme about Carder
>Per Dave Meltzer
So the rape story is fake.
nobody mentioned Eddie, dude
Deadie Cuckuerrero was raped by a Mexican cartel of donkeys with a dildo dipped in donkey piss in the sizzling and stinky El Paso summer of 1989
Kek what a gay bitch tits Samoan with weak test tube sperm who can't produce a son
>"Thanks for teaching me how to suck dick all those years ago, Pat. I would never have made it in Hollywood without you."
Why would there be a cartel of donkeys? Why wouldn’t they just use a donkey dick instead of a donkey dildo? Why dip said donkey dick into piss when it probably already smells
the reverse psychology is hilarious, the Nash haters swears Deadie posting is a fail yet it always trigggers them
Deadie Cuckuerrero swallowed rapist HIV infected cum when he was forcefully oral creampied in sizzling hot summer of 89
Rent free
Nah you're the virgin who keeps forcing the stale fabricated 92 meme by posting about it multiple times per day when it's well past it's sell by date because your so scarred an mentally worked into a dong ding diddly seethe by the Nash/Deadie posters over a year later. Would be funny if it wasn't so sad. You keep samefagging to bump threads also which is lame. The shear desperation of trying to keep your gay meme going is evident to see since the new jannies have been for most part quickly canning your obvious incel posts. Beggin you to have sex. Go to gym. Do something with your pathetic life. In b4 worked/cope/seethe. Just trying to help you out
No I ain't, I just pointed out that The Rock lives rent free in their heads. The OP made this thread to make fun of Nash, and then these guys think that the way to defend Nash is to talk about the Rock instead. It's quite pathetic that they do that, instead of being able to laugh at the clearly false OP.
What a hero
C is for counter meme.
C is also for COPE, which you are failing to do
C is also for Cringe, which is everything you embody.
why did you manlet cucks get so triggered about someone pretending to be wolfcuck pretrending to hate eddie?
it's a seething samefag
Because it's clearly one autist butthurt over Nash being mocked
It's an endless cycle of butthurt.
That's what this board is.
An endless loop of eternal asspain.
>to be the man you have to sick off the old man
>DVD is called Cheating Death
>dies the next year
Lmfao saved
Do you seriously believe anyone on here actually believes your blatant samefagging?
Couldn't care less you no life faggot. Yes u have same fagged in this thread. Shout it from the fucking rooftops you loser raisen balls needle dick tranny fucking dog wanking queer, but the person I responded to here was not me samefagging. Now get off the computer and hit the weights and then get a shower ya smelly prick
Why does being exposed as an unpopular shitter who needs to pat himself on the back for validation hurt you so much?
Who raped you?
I hope your mom dies of cancer. Actually she will. Kek you just got btfo
Reminder that the Nash rape was ordered by former WCW president Jim Herd. He saw Nash as his greatest new star and was bitter to not get a chance to properly push him. The paid assault was Herd trying to get Nash out of the business, but he just went to WWF instead.
Deadie-posting is Herd friends trying to cover it up.
Deadie Cuckuerrero is a rotten corpse of raped flesh and worms
It was a hot summer night in the shithole known as México. Deadie "La Sombra" Cuckuerrero Rodriguez Martinez Chimichanga had just gotten done wrestling Rey Mysterio Sr. for 150 pesos and an ear of corn with mayonnaise on it. Deadie went and visited his favorite whorehouse, where he did a line of coke, took a shot of tequila, and went to the back to fuck his favorite 16 year old hooker. When he arrived at her room, however, he was surprised to see a tall black woman, with the longest legs he had ever seen. "Oh la le vato, chinga mi familia! Es bueno!" Deadie was horned up and ready to fuck this ebony queen. He went in for a kiss, and thr black lady judo threw him onto the bed facedown. "Eh holmes, Deadie don play dat shit vato ese arriba la-" Deadie felt the strong hands of the woman on his back, pressing him into the matress. That was when he knew he had made a terrible mistake. The hooker, it turns out, was a tranny, with a massive black dick bigger than a maglite flashlight. She was kind enough to use lubrication, but for the next 90 minutes she used Deadie's helpless, tiny body as her personal fleshlight. By the time she was done with him, Deadie accepted his fate. She came down his throat and he thanked her, paid her all of his money, and went back home, a single tear on his cheek, conflicted about the pain and pleasure he had experienced.
bruh ya fucking deranged