Guys, I broke with my gf tonight. Give me some good rare matches and promos to forget this shit

Guys, I broke with my gf tonight. Give me some good rare matches and promos to forget this shit

Attached: flair-crying.png (424x318, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tyrone here
She finally got with a real nigga tighty whitey

it's not that serious nigga, get over it

Chris-chan vs Chris Jericho WM XX

Matt hardy chewing out Lita

Admit it - she broke up with you.

>"She's a bloody whore mate! Kill her befo we do!"

Attached: S335L5G5VNBCDBG6M6BERFFUJM.jpg (360x384, 19K)

She dumped you after she found out you liked wrestling, didn't she?

Attached: Lita.png (1081x762, 997K)

Kevin Nash vs The New Day, Titus O'Neil, and Cedric Alexander in a Summer of '92 match

All of the Jericho vs Benoit matches in WWF/E

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 32K)

I'm really sorry m8. M y ex gf had BPD and we broke up even though I loved her because I knew I couldn't handle her for the rest of my life. Here's AJ & Kenny vs. Nakamura and Yoshi hashi

Edge and Lita’s live sex celebration
Lol but really though, you’ll get over it bud. Go watch some classic ROH matches or maybe the Rock/Hogan at WM-X8

mens elimination chamber 2018
miztv promos are good (ignore miz 2019)

Attached: DWcMxJfVQAAaAdS.jpg (1200x675, 161K)

Do it.

Attached: IMG_7216.jpg (320x400, 14K)

WrestleWar 89 Flair Vs Steamboat

Leave the memories alone

god bless you dude. Free man. Pain will subside but the weight is lifted my guy. pound some local puss and dont look back, cause thats all she'll do.

Post nudes.

just start watching Raw from the beginning. By the time you've caught up you won't give a shit about her anymore.

It's just a hole. Theyre not real people even if they can mimic thought and feelings.

Pure cringe. Please just kill yourself when the time comes, leave the kindergartens and the churches out of it.

Then how the fuck am I supposed to get a highscore dumbass?

Take a break from the internet for a while. We all know you're meming but the meming really is a cancer.


Deadie Cuckuerrero is a Deadie peice is raped shit KWADS

>posts on Yea Forums
>has gf
>broke up with her

i must not be scott steiner because this doesn't add up

fuck off you stupid fagbags. I hope all the females in your family get raped by niggers and get AIDS and you have to watch them die slowly.

fucking state of you losers. hope you die in an incel shooting or mudslime rampage

Lol imagine carrying this much hate in your heart

The Jericho/Christian/Trish/Lita storyline

Jesus Christ Flair cried a lot over the years. I like the character but as a man he's an absolute pussy. Worst of all he's insufferable in real life. The real life Flair always talks SUPER quiet and slow as though what he has to say deserves straining to hear and for the greatest of all time his opinions are always idiotic outdated bullshit and whoring for whatever company hes sucking off presently. Plus he's a bully. A cry bully. The absolute worst type of human being. My ex was like that. She'd be the biggest bitch possible then she would cry and expect comfort (while becoming further agitated if you actually tried to comfort her, but she EXPECTED an attempt and got angrier if you didn't try)

I hate women. And I hate Ric Flair. Fucking crying fucking pussy.