Would Tommy Wiseau tap to Sid's Crossface? Why or why not

Attached: theroomtop.jpg (968x645, 30K)

I did not tap this is bullshit, I did not tap, I did nahaat.


Sid would tear him apart

Kek I see what you did there

Tommy would no sell it with a DON'T TOUCH ME MATHERFAKKER

This reminds me of the promo tank abbott did after tapping to Sid:

>Only reason I tapped, was cause they where gonna take me off TV

Attached: tank.jpg (300x168, 5K)


He'd push him away and go DON'T TOUCH ME MOTHERFUCKER GET OUT!

As he suffers in the hold, he would scream "why, Sid, why, WHY?!" before he taps

fucking hell i lost to this kek

>I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it… beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.

Was it Sunny?

Easily he is going to tap. Later he is going to steal Sids underwear, lay down and start moaning with the underwear to his crotch crying begging god for forgiveness.

Attached: Tommy American.jpg (225x225, 6K)


This would make Sid so pissed off.

Attached: TauntingSidBeforeTapping.jpg (297x170, 9K)

Reminder that Tommy is pure and not for sexuals


Attached: Dolph Ziggler storyline number 78.gif (480x270, 3.07M)



>You are tearing me appart Sid! *Chip* *chip*
>You are tearing me appart! *Chip* *chip*