Are there any true baby faces? I mean, seems like all the faces in WWE used heel tactics forever...

Are there any true baby faces? I mean, seems like all the faces in WWE used heel tactics forever. Is there any real point to being a baby face in the ring or irl in 2019?

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dude when did they have 100 man rumble haha

in the summer of 92 in the back locker room

Idc what y'all say big daddy cool Diesal is based as fuck

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At least he won the royal bumble back in the sizzling, scorching, hedonistic, passionate summer of 92

No one would care about a one-dimensional, goody-two-shoes hero. Wrestling as far back as the 1900s would have the babyface lose to heel tactics, and then suddenly give the heel his comeuppence, even if that meant using heel tactics. Every cage match prior to 1990 was booked this way, with the babyface leaving the heel a bloody mess. What matters is that the babyface stays consistent to his own values.

This. Even Hogan would use some dirty tactics. The only thing he never did was a kick to the nuts that he maybe saved for later in his career.

The Kliq version of modern heels ruined it by playing up to the crowd all the time, and the crowd being a bunch of 'smart' marks going "YAY. YAY. He's getting good heel heat! He's such a good heel!" CLAP CLAP CLAP
If the heels cheated more, acted like outright cowards, shit talked the audience and stars, and ran away from the beatings they'll recieve, then the babyface would only have to whoop that neggas ass to get GOOD face heat. The heels are protected these days, only rarely losing, looking strong, joking on and talking shit to stars without any babyface getting the upperhand. Take Alexa/Bayley, or Baron/Angle for example. If the faces didn't look like incompetent boring faggots in front of the heel, then the crowd might react better to them


Everyone is too concerned by Instagram followers and t-shirt sales. You need great heels to have a great face. The problem is people want to be heels but be loved and respected by fans.

There are some good ones, Corbin and oddly enough women like Alexa and Lacey put some effort to be hated. But most of the roster still plays to the crowd.

It doesn't help that the crap announcers continue to push "Both these guys are great athletes" BS. and like you said fans claiming somebody is a great heel (lets say Owens) and then you ask, did you cheer against him and of course they don't they cheer for him.

I got your white meat baby face right here

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This and Rey Mysterio are the only 100% babyfaces I can think of off the top of my head

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Adam Cole and the Undisputed Era are the best examples of the worst kind of heels out today. Starts Chant for the crowd to cheer and yell his name. Play to the crowd unironically like you're so great everytime you do a smark canadian destroyed. Have group come out to play air guitars and act cool. They never try to get the crowd to be firmly against them. Fucking faggots they are. Seriously


She's booked to lose, cry, and disappear from TV. They have faces but they can't book them

Also she plays the babyface perfectly. Never afraid of the heels despite her size, sells like a billion buckaroos, has comeback moves that look good, and while being scrappy and COULD lose any minute - as soon as she hits that elbow its over. Everything you need for an underdog face is her. The WWE is shit

ding-dong diddly

based ibig sex

Of all the reasons to hate Paul, one of them is how badly NXT fucked up Tomasso Ciampa - he was getting legit heel heat when he came back from injury, the no merchandise thing was genius as was the no entrance theme so you could hear the boos properly. Then because Paul is Paul NXT had to market it as "hey see how great a heel this actor is? he is totally making you boo him, provoking an emotional reaction from you", they started doing merch for him, gave him a theme tune and then he was just another angry beardy man.