Does asp like martina?

does asp like martina?

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No. All women are whores.

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who the fuck signs to ROH in 2019?

Why not? It will boost her name and maybe WWE, AEW or IMPACT will take notice of her.

I fancy Martina

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flabby arms

I probably would, where else are you going to stand out?

she turned down wwe

she literally turned down a wwe offer to join roh


She probably likes being in matches that involve actual wrestling

someone who anticipates impacts parent company buying them


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Well... I have no idea what her motivations are. Tenille signing with ROH was a big deal and they did nothing with her.

imagine the beer hangover braps

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You marks will really believe anything

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And a hotdog and a handshake

god i wish that were me


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>asp hangs out with a women

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is chadblade drinking red wine?

More than I should. Probably one of those fucks you regret afterwards but feels great in the moment.

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They'd probably water down her gimmick in WWE. Plus she'll still be able to work Stardom dates.

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jinny looks like tessa in this pic

Based Chadblade bantsing with Martina.

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