I think I need to see a therapist but don't want to talk to someone who wouldn't care to talk if I wasn't paying them...

I think I need to see a therapist but don't want to talk to someone who wouldn't care to talk if I wasn't paying them but also too afraid to talk to family members because of them judging me and not understanding what should I do ?

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wut ddo u need tto talk about?

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Nothing too crazy just a lot of self-hate mix with a little depression & just stuck in a rut I feel like I can't get out ... The days seem like they just repeat over and over again favorite part of the day is when I'm going back to sleep

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ddo u wanna ddo somethink wid ur life?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第24話「愛よ正義よ!私たちマジョレンジ� (640x480, 184K)

And forgot to mention feel like I'm just stuck in my head all day

Yeah I wouldn't mind doing something worthwhile. But I have no idea what

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wlell fren
hab u try'd goign outsied sometiem? jus taekign walkys? r u maekign shore tto stay hydrates? r u puttign in a bit ob a effort 2 exercise?

lole ob dese wlell hlelp ur hlelth... goign outtys isnt a meme fren ids real! but ddo id durign da day bcuz life is rly pretty.... ummmmm if u dond nno wut u wanna ddo den explore a bit fren... thing about id. wut ddo u wanna ddo ffor da rest ob ur life? wut r u interests in? ddo u wanna hlelp peoplel? ddo u wanna b creatib? explore, fren!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第24話「愛よ正義よ!私たちマジョレンジ� (640x480, 212K)

smoke heroin

dats nod a bury goo idea i dond thing...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第12話「京都!終わらない夜」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 146K)

I am a little overweight but I'm not no 600 pound life episode waiting to happen I can physically exercise even with a past injury I have tried it before in the past but never stuck with it and lately when I go to the gym no matter how high my music is all I can hear is my thoughts saying "how big of a shit I am" and just give up

And IDK if I'm passionate about anything
I'm 29 year old & love movie and film but don't really see myself investing in a camera & becoming the next Kevin Smith with 0 experience behind a camera just seems like a waste of time and probably would look like a midlife crisis to the family

And please stop talkin like that you're hurting my eyes lol

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Let's get this shit started lol

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wlell........... u dond hab 2 exercise 2 get better lookign.... u mainlely do it for ur brain farts. u getting better lookign is jus a side-effex.... If you dond no wut u wanna do den keep explorys fren......................................................................................... ids nod da end ob da world jus cuz u dond no.... wut 2 do....................................... hab fun... u onlely hab 1 life

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 35 - Tamaki, tenka o toru!_ [WinxBloom1980][DCECFCA7].mp4_snapshot_08.55_[2 (960x720, 311K)

wowe what a digits you have there sir

I was always comfortable with the thought of talking to someone who's getting paid to listen to me, because I don't have to worry about wasting someone's time. It's his job

i love math and economics! have you ever tried math and economics?! i can suggest good readings

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go to bars
talk to drunk strangers
move cities

But it is kind of a therapist’s job to talk to you, user. If they don’t care about you, they don’t get paid. Just try it.

Appreciate the offer but math is not my strong point

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I really have thought about it there's times and my life I just feel I need to talk it out for a while lots of things inside of me that I keep bundle inside but just afraid of how it will look on me even I know it sounds cliche but I'm afraid of how my family would look at me afterwards like
"what do you have to be depressed about ?"
to clarify I also live with family so I can't really disappear for two hours or so going solo is kind of out the question

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To be honest I don't know any solution myself just try to enjoy your life as much as possible. My therapist has always told me that you have to set yourself goals in life and be sure that you want to follow them. Try to make yourself clear what you really want to achieve but this is usually the most difficult step, at least for me. esfores is a good place to let your thoughts run free there are many people on the board who give very good advice. I am not a psychologist but maybe I could help you at least a little bit.


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I can see how setting a goal can be one of the hardest steps especially if you don't know where to start, change is a big commitment it is easier not to change and just stay the same and that's some of my problem if I have to start somewhere it will probably be my eating habits hopefully. I was thinking about this before bed last night and thought about doing a 6 week diet but just focus on my diet and less on the gym this probably won't fix everything but at least my health will be in a better direction

And thank you user most people wouldn't even care enough to even write back or just write kill yourself most of the time lol

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Doing couples activities maybe? If single maybe find a game you enjoy and play online with friends, that always helps.

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I don't like it when people suffer, wish you all the luck in the world for your new task :)

that's why this is niceboard

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U shud wathc diremi fren itsa pcaanea fir ol menlel decefficies. I youss ta be represssd but naw uma huppy

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I can't do couple activities single but ready to mingle lol and yeah I'm already heavy invested in an online video game already... GTA online if anyone's wondering come fuck with me try-hards

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Thanks user I still have a long way to go & I hope I can push through this and one day be a better person at the end I will try to keep you updated one way or another

Thanks again user keep on truckin

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therapist = the rapist
do not visit your butte will hurt

I didn't know that
thanks for the heads up
I'm not going to make that mistake twice

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don't get a therapist unless u can get it fo free.

How do I get it for free?

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idk dude but i got a therapist recently and felt retarded because of how expensive it was and quit after 2 weeks. ain't nobody gonna help a man unless hes willing to take something from em i think.

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That's one of the reasons why I haven't seen a therapist / seek help I don't have money to burn like that... yet

Thanks for the heads up user

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the one time i ever went to the therapist i got diagnosed with some bullshit non-condition like minor depression
couple years later i tried to become a nucl. engineer in the navy and was almost in before the recruiters told me this bullshit diagnosis made me ineligible

absolute bullshit. learn from me and be aware if going to the therapist could potentially fuck up your desired future careers

Damn that sucks I can see how that happened and have heard of stories like that before in the past I'm kind of afraid to go talk to a therapist because I do have some suicidal thoughts but won't act on them I'm afraid to even mention that on the fear of being committed

to be honest had something similar happen to me when I was trying to get a CDL license was about to enter truck driving school until they told me I had to get glasses went to go see a eye doctor I have found out I had a brain aneurysm behind my right eye that damage my right eye completely no prescription can't fix it so that ruin my dreams of becoming a truck driver

Dream crushing to be honest

>i tried to become a nucl. engineer in the navy

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w-whats with that reaction

did i narrowly avoid a major buttrape or something

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