If Yea Forums was a relevant board, who'd be representing us on this image?

If Yea Forums was a relevant board, who'd be representing us on this image?

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vince. Last name is up to you to interpret

Cuck old gimp autism

Jasethy for wrestler, Paul for booker


Cody or the Young Bucks

I love Triple H but it's undoubtedly him.

Triple H

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Also Yea Forums hates Tarantino? I only ever lurked there occasionally


>Yea Forums
>Kanye instead of Lou Reed

Vincent Kennedy McMahon, nigger got lucky with 3 once in a lifetime talents

Unironically, Kevin Nash.

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>every person listed is the most popular or influential person in their field because Yea Forums is full of contrarian high schoolers
HHH probably

>HHH is the most popular or influential person in his field

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Who is Yea Forums's? Yea Forums's would be either Gaytch or Michaels.

HHH, obviously

>Yea Forums
>not Gen Urobuchi.
For Yea Forums either HHH or Vince.

Damn we are the fucking losers of the nerds

who is we

Either Vince

Wrestling fans (yes I know nobody here watches wrestling)

Jim. Or one of the Jarrets.

>Shitting on Zyzz, Araki and Yeezus

Russo for the Real Answer
Heymen if you want a contrarian answer

Dusty Rhodes

But we unironically love Nash and his escapades in that fatefully hot day in the summer of 92.

>Araki being a bigger hack than Miyazaki or Miura
I know JoJo is flavor of the year with Ironic weebs but come on

>6 months ago

Everyone who isn't Undertaker

Go back.

Seth or Brad Shepard

Cuck man phil.

Why don't we just edit ourselves in?
Put Nash on it maybe we can get all of Yea Forums shittingon him. Thanks wolfcuck


Fuck you

But Yea Forums loves Kanye

Deadie Cuckerrero

Literally every single podcasting boomer fuck

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Almost none of these are true (i.e. they are not who the boards call a hack).

Undercarder or CM Phil

half of these arent even remotely true lmaooo

but it would be trips

Kenny Omega

seff rolands

Who's the idiot that made this image? I saw it on Yea Forums earlier today. The whole point of a bait image like this is to include someone who has both a sizable hatebase and a sizeable fanbase, so that when you post it you get a flamewar of people attacking/defending the choice. The only ones that really qualify are Kojima and Kanye.

Absolutely no one on Yea Forums is going to defend Stephen King, and no one on /sci/ will defend le black science man. Who is this supposed to work, reddit? This image is way better.

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this. Flips, thigh slaps and goofy faces yet says he's an artist.

seethe, sweetie

russo or cornette

Yea Forums should be RR martin

Meltzer or HHH or Cody

Tell it to MSG, BITCH.

RR is good, he just fucked up in making his story too big.

I vote for this

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Undercarder or CM Punk

Based Big Guy Ryback was shooting on Meltzer and Alvarez earlier on a livestream, calling them nothing but marks that get their info from other people. It was the best thing.

No, this image likely was done by someone who does not know much about Yea Forums

everybody with a functional brain knows tarantino is a hack

Yes, but nobody on Yea Forums cares about him outside of for 2 weeks when one of his movies comes out. He's not important enough to mention.

This image was made by someone who isn't familiar with any of those boards

Vince Russo

Has he even wrestled there? NJPW had washed their hands of those geeks by then


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Influential is correct and who doesnt love the multi time world champ and rumble winner The Game Triple H

Common visitor of Yea Forums here. No, we don't Tarankino. Pretending to dislike him is just a common meme there.