Why does anyone watch this god forsaken company?

Why does anyone watch this god forsaken company?

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The wrestling equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome and being brainwashed into thinking they're somehow betraying the company by refusing to pay for their shit product.

Kanes coming back at somepoint
They legit asked him (im not fucking joking) to come on the road for something,of course he said no

Why does it live in your cranium rent free?

Why would Big show and Kane have had retirement angles when they’re not retired?

The same reason I watch the MLB instead of little league baseball. The big leagues are the big leagues for a reason.

Kane is legit more entertaining than 99 percent of the roster no matter what stupid shit they have him doing.

Shawn coming back only to wrestle geriatics in front of sandniggers who didnt even give a fuck still makes me bubbly And i dont even like Shawn that much, that was the moment i stopped giving a fuck about this trash company

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i stopped watching this childish shit years ago

care to extrapolate?

Big Show would be retired if they offered to let him do a proper retirement angle and match. If they gave him an actual send-off.

Kane maybe too.

SrGrafo was raped at gunpoint in the steamy summer of 2012. KWAB.

Big Show and Kane haven't retired retard

Cry harder

I thought Big Show's matches with Braun were his farewell.

I wonder if he'd join my stable?

It’s actually insane that Shawn came out of retirement for that shit show. What a joke.



I kinda likes that Cena passed the torch on some throwaway ppv/match. It just showed how little he cared and how insignificant Roman is. That match didn't count and everyone knows it.

Plus Cena made Roman cry on live tv. That was the best.

>Kane returns in his 60s (meaning his knees are 140) after serving two terms as mayor
Dear God.

So do you still watch when a team is 40-120?
Its OK to admit when something is shit

After that he came back for the Saudi Blood Oil Bowl Tournament and then started hanging out with The Bar for no reason as the three of them feuded with The New Day for a couple of months, remember? Sheamus and Cesaro looked uncomfortable as fuck, like none of them had the heart to tell Big Show to stop following them everywhere.

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Cena vs Reigns was never going to be good. It was never going to feel substantial. It was never going to feel right.
Shawn's return literally shouldn't have happened at all. Complaining that it happened in Saudi Arabia is like complaining about Bayo 2 being a Nintendo exclusive. It literally exists because of the Saudis and nobody else.
If you got worked by based Corbin ending Angle's career then you are a retarded mark. Angle can't even wrestle anymore. If they gave some dream match opponent, nobody would remember Angle fondly and instead would be talking about how shitty and over the hill he was towards the end. Hell, that's what people were already saying about him in all the matches he had leading up to Wrestlemania. Letting one of their top heels catch heat for a match that was never going to be good regardless of the opponent was one of the smartest moves WWE made at that Wrestlemania.
Big Show doesn't deserve a retirement match.
Kane maybe does, but he's also not retired.

Shit thread OP. That's why I had to his you with some Reddit spacing.

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HBK jewed the Saudis and smiled afterward, Shawn sold out. But at his age I don't blame him.

Forgot pic

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Oh I forgot about this. I think they put a stop to this after the "Big Show makes Drake Maverick piss himself" spot.

does shawn have his pinky up cunter's bum in this pic?

The Saudi shows have really rubbed it in the audience’s faces that the WWE have no credibility and nothing matters.

There is precedent.

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WWE is based, faggot. King Corbin is bringing back 4.0 ratings next week.

I still remember Bryan vs Roman at fastlane years ago. If the Cena match were any good it wouldnt matter what show it was on

could've been a dimes heel brute stable but sheamus is on borrowed time and show is practically retired.

you literally keep watching you dumb fat queer when arent crying about trump or playing your videogames

>when arent crying

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Because E-drones are literally brainwashed.

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rent free

post more images of WWE fans you've saved on your PC to show how little you care about them lol

doing cena vs roman on a b show to bolster the b show, also saving the big match version for further down the road.

shawn michaels returning at this point wasnt all that big of a deal, and he didnt want to do it, so he did it on a show that only hardcores will watch. no one cared about kurts retirement angle, so why not use kurts retirement to help further new talent.

kane and big show arent retired, they will come back 100 more times.

Kane seeked a life outside of wrestling and Show is dedicated right now to healthier living both were successful

Hi Adam
Ya seethe?

>Shawn:The undertaker was the best match for me to retire since the end of the heart heartbreak kids story should be heart breaking
Well that match sure was fucking sad


I remember watching Big Show struggle to get up after one of those last matches with The Bar.

He's done.

Indeed. and that's why not doing a proper retirement angle with him is such a loss.

Kane and Taker won't retire as long as there's Saudi money to make
