Is there any proof Big E is really gay?

Because if he’s not...

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It’s okay, she’s a lesbian

He behaves like every gay black man I've ever met and believe me I should know

All that sandwich talk basically confirms Sonya and Mandy have had threesomes

I mean they did live together for two years...

I work at a mental health clinic and its my job to diagnose diseases like homosexuality every day. He fits the profile.

It's a work, ya mark.

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Honestly, having watched that video, Big E is so fucking wasted in his current role. Imagine if he was around in the attitude era and he was this obnoxiously gay heel, but also jacked as fuck so you know he could literally pin you down and rape you and there’s not a damn thing you could do to stop it. Fucking terrifying man, that is a heel of heels right there. Goldust x100. Fucks with every man’s psyche and gets mad heat.

He has big tits. BBT

Lol they're so grossed out by his tonguing of the pizza and they hated the fact he could have drooled male homosexual saliva on the food

thats hot.

He’s that one guy that thinks he’s in the closet but everyone in the locker room knows he’s gay isn’t he


kek, nice


No, it’s cope from waifufags

Everyone is disgusted by him and his mannerisms are gay as fuck. Stop. Just stop.

Some ex OVW guy said he was gay on one of the Hamin Podcasts. He blamed all the steroids saying it mangled Big E's brain and turned him cock thirsty

Just look at his mannerisms and the way he prances in the ring

or his overcompensation on social media

>ywn be chad enough to hang out with a chill stoner blonde and a cool lesbian chick and just chill and eat food
I wish wasnt unironically incel

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He's just very musical, like the rest of his species.

That’s an oddly specific gimmick idea

Yes, it is. user who offered the idea is clearly in closet and doesn't know what the fuck to do with his sexuality.
user. It really isn't hard.

He literally folds his slice of pizza in that video into a phalic shape and starts slobbering it like a bitch in heat. He’s not just gay he’s the rub it in your face kind of gay.

What is his endgame?

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So you want Big E to be Sonny Kiss?

Can you really imagine anyone being intimidated by Sonny Kiss? If Big E wants to fuck, though, you're getting that ass torn.

To prove that being a lesbian with the sexual tastes of a 14-year-old boy is the most tortruous existence imaginable.

No, it doesn't work unless it's a jacked powerhouse dude.

He's gay. For white women that's an accessory no different than a purse.

Every man who constantly hangs around with groups of women (like Big E) is 100% gay. Straight men will do it on occasion if there's someone in the group they want to fuck, but they'll get bored very quickly. Big E is around women all the time.

Look at how he acts. You never see him around a woman either. Dude is 100% flaming.

Sorry, I meant you've never seen him with just one chick on him. He's always around a group of them and somehow the girliest one of them all. I think his father was a preacher or some shit, so you already know he has some latent homosexuality.

Im never around women but im not gay you roody poo

He is working on a foursome with sonya, her hot gf and mandy.


Gay or not, he is a charismatic fucker and I hope this Kofi reign ends up with E turning on Kofi. New Day is stale anyway

yikes which part of alabama is your clinic in

I don't know bruh the way his tights would ride up his crack so easily that shit aint natural dog

Not gonna lie I was just as sure Xaiver was gay and I have video evidence to the contrary so i don't know what to believe.

He dresses like a fag.
He acts like a fag.
He sounds like a fag.
Women treat him as if he were their faggot friend.
He has never been in a documented relationship with a woman.

Nigga open your eyes
Big E is a fucking homo

Xavier is some kind of AGP or "Queer" (according to the new definition), but he is attracted to women.

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Literally all true of Woods and in addition he hangs around with noted homosexual Kenny Omega

It's not that he's not around them, it's how he acts when he is. He acts like their gay best friend. Like you never see him with a wrapped around some chick. Those chicks in the back probably call him "brother" and shit. He's either a simp or gay.

Xavier always talked about his girl and we saw him dick Paige. He's out there, but you don't get those vibes like you do from Big E.

He's your Uncle and your Daddy

he once anally violated kevin nash but shit at this point who hasn’t

Fake news. The truth is he is a necrophiliac and he raped Deadie Cuckuerrero's corpse. Grow a set of balls and learn to tell the based truth

I love Big E. Hunter convincing Vince to choose Reigns over Big E is proof he shouldn't be in charge of the company. Big E should have been a main event, Rock style heel.

Woods and Omega are bisexual dirty dick faggots who fuck both women and men. Woods is the type of guy who joins the cheerleaders, listens to Britney Spears with them, acts like their safe, gay friend then fucks them. No strings attached since they assume he prefers men. Just some "safe gay sex" with his girl bud. Old trick. He still blows men like Kenny does, and they're still really messed up people.

Big E would be too scared to get into a fist fight with a freshman in highschool. he would go for an immediate takedown. he cant throw or take a punch.

murican pizza looks like the most disgusting shit ever

Kevin, please.

Sounds based.


didn't know nash posted here

Hold up.
Wasn't it a long-time thing that Big E fucked Lana before she was in the WWE, because she would slut around tail gate parties?

Idk about the Big E part, but Rusev and Lana have literally said the first time they had sex was in the back of Rusev's car while tailgating because she got completely shitfaced

Woods is never as grabby as Big E is with married women.

Accurate in the case of Woods.
Kenny is just a simple gay man.

wasnt kenny fucking that reporter chick for awhile?

He should be called Big B for Based

He needed to know if he was bi.
He wasn't.

sup Kev


Based. The only known cure is the rope desu


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you seem to have a problem imagining there could a be friendship between a man and a woman, huh?
How old are you, user?

phew, seems like you are an expert in this area, how big was the last cock you blew, fag?

>Notices a man acting like a homosexual
>Homosexual gets defensive and tries to passively aggressively say something homosexual to him
Wow just wow, how much did that post make you seethe

I mean you're spot on otherwise but
>Wow just wow
You sound gay too

kwab. So I'm spot on that you're a fag. Didn't need your confirmation anyways, but thank you

You must be new, because only a newfag used to usernames wouldn't be able to tell from when a different user is replying to them.

>replies to someone and has to deal with the cope
>oh gee I have no comeback so I better pretend I'm someone else

The state of you (you)

Based retard

Attached: seethe.jpg (844x618, 121K)

Amazing. All of this to say you're an idiot in seethe.

Cope newfag

I'm really proud of you son that was a good comeback

Cope newfag

I think you ran out of memes

Cope newfag

he is new.
So fucking new.
I enjoyed this exchange you two morons and just because one of you decided to answer instead of me.
Both of ya should just take a walk in front of the train.

No that was one idiot on a forum doing the old "I went to college with (insert hot chick) and here's (some bullshit I made up for attention)" act.

>steaming with emotions
I think one day you will look back on your life and realize that you don't have to feel bad for being you. with (you) being gay.

Cope newfag

>came in thread to talk about black faggots
>acted like one instead

The wit in here. Phew

Go back

Not enough glycine max for ya?

>Not enough glycine max for ya?
Does this count as jobbing to the filter or not?

You tell me ya glycine max chugging s󠀀oyboy.

Cope, you already jobbed

Half waifu cope & half because he has many questionable personality quirks.

Why do you know so much about Gay guys user?

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Because people who don't act straight, act like you

Based United States of America, trembling Third Worlder can't even type out the words.

America hasn’t been based all decade
