Hey I have a question. Is [s4s] like Yea Forums, but tamer? Like the random board but with less cancer and is most slower?
And I'm a Yea Forumstard btw
Hey I have a question. Is [s4s] like Yea Forums, but tamer? Like the random board but with less cancer and is most slower?
And I'm a Yea Forumstard btw
idk some would say it has MORE cancer
but yea hang out for a bit make up your own opinion
bullying is not nice
remember to check your fortune
also you got dubs, nice
Your fortune: Godly Luck
mmmh... how's my fortune today?
u gotta check it urself just put "fortune" in the options field friend :^)
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
this is the worst timeline
this is the worst timeline
oh yeah i forgot to tell you, when you see repeating digits like doubles you should check them like this
consider these doubles checked
see this is like a game and its the only way to get to the top of the [s4s] scoreboard
I see. So this board is all about having shits and giggles then?
sure dude
you do you man
just try to have fun with it
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
to be a full s4s member you must fap to keksandra’s feet five times and draw a pic of her feet rubbing a benis
source: dude trust me
Yes, but who are you quoting?
>i just greentext whatever is in my mind....
lol I've never even seen a good keksandra pic absolutely boring soulless character generic anine #3428934236523495
who are you quoting is the worst [s4s] meme of all time but prepare yourself to see it everyday
lol uou never had sex
>W H O A R E Y O U Q U O T I N G ?
>did I just made a new meme?
hoo qot?
>hoo qot?
Hold up let me try
I'm severely disappointed
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
So its like... the bloomer part of Yea Forums? I think I even see friendliness.
Lemme try
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
judging from the unix timestamp of your image you have been infested by the "le ebrybing nice XD" disease a long time ago. try to not have it leave a big impression on you
just shitpost as hard as you can. at all costs