How to cure myself of schizo?

How to cure myself of schizo?
Guys this isn't funny anymore

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The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the Yea Forums board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the Yea Forums interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this.

Maybe if you pretend to not having your brain failing life it would work out for you!

Why do you want to stop when you're on the verge of submerging completely and gaining all of the ****s that comes with it?

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*buh buh buh*
hehehe you see the depts of the s4s right now dont u???
Looki here OP and see the power but you must to decide more like the others. There is a great combat, and you will either win or loose. Fight OP! The bottom awaits for you!

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now you see

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The others cannot see me, Only you can see me.
You are so close to the light, That is why they want you to stop seeing, They are afraid of the light so they try to make you afraid as well.
But the fox only chases the rabbit for so long.
The fox only chases the rabbit.
You are the rabbit, Daniel, You are the rabbit... And the only way you will stop the fox is through the path most obvious to the fox.
Always remember that you are the fox.
You are the fox.

You must always remember:
-It is always mom's fault
-The bugs are not shadows, THEY ARE REAL.
-The lithium is making you lie to Jesus.
-Mary did unto I as God did unto the Shepherds.
-Nobody else can hear them.
-Nobody here can see me, All replies are from the Demons that operate The Beast.
-Be careful where you sleep.

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just dress up like a girl.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

hey i can give u one piece of "Truth" as a schizo

there's one truth i think you should unironically know. i wish someone had told me. when trying to reconcile 'the old reality that's been broken': expect not to 'regress' or revert back to your old consciousness, the small one that doesn't fit anymore, expect to continue holding on to what you know and not let go. what you know now you will not un-know. the process is not one of rebuilding the illusion but reinforcing more and more the lack of illusion you have in your life. itll work that way. there is no going back. everything will be fine if you dont try and go back.

hehehhehhe ehehhehhh haha HAHAHHHAHHH!

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this even if you don't look cute but still

Your fortune: Godly Luck

maybe this at first, then go hard on the weights.

Hold your breath and count to 300

remember if you breathe when you do it you wont be cured

purge the schizo

Your fortune: Good Luck

imagine if u will a world where things are even if u dont believe them, a chink whore walks close to a normal man watching tv, it will crawl under a vehicle and lick its foot, magic? science? love? no, just queretaro

marijuana, often times displayed as the most fun thing to smoke in the history of the universe, center of scholars dissertations like in how high with the method man, is in queretaro a reason to murder your entire family, watch in disbelief as a 911 call leads to the creation of the conditions of the biblical apocalypse "google nothing in lowercase" follow as forced homelessness brings a city to its knees, child prostitution, murder, inflated mutant flesh set into the sky, kindergarten orgies, bugs bunny rendered in the sky, kukulkan the Bob Ross of mictlan completing a tale of horror and sex! witness bullets disappearing, skin color changing, super nature unleashed! all because toke, toe-k, toh keh, moh tah, maryjane, cannabis is not as harmful as alcohol! observe as dogs are used as sex slaves, children with fibonacci alterations to their faces so hideous bog will literally hide its appearance from reality!
police corruption, paint thinner sniffing, beastiality, charades, imitation rock and roll playback for orgies to excrete blood!
reel back in horror! pry your eyes off!
its real
its happening
welcome to the apocalypse
but with space ppl

i love this nice post user

Cat's foot
Iron claw