Anthem has seized total control of AXS TV, massive layoffs happening, AXS TV Dallas Office has been closed, firing people left and right. Anthem now completely owns NJPW's production in the U.S and NJPW is not happy about it whatsoever. The gooks got big leagued hard by IMPACT and NJPW will work on Anthem's channel until 2021 or get dropped by the channel entirely if NJPW refuses to work with IMPACT.


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>Why did you make me do this? I just wanted an undercard match on Wrestle Kingdom.




Imagine saying this 3-4 years ago, fucking wild times.

Pro wrestling got fucking crazy in a span of a year. I love it but it's kinda scary.

Here's what a bunch of literally who's think about this entire situation!

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This is good since it means New Japan will not make deals with any American company excluding RoH.

You cant be neutral in a moving train, if these gooks really wanna be serious about their """western expansion""" they're gonna have to swallow some pride and work with Impact or AEW, otherwise hope they're complacent booking 1000 seat arenas in the states for the next few years.

Impact is as small as RoH and AEW still has to prove anything,New Japan does not need allies in the US and AEW has only been trouble.

I don't think they can force NJPW to work with impact till the contract is up we also have no idea what the deal with NJPW and ROH is like so they might not be able to
if NJPW refused to work with Imapct wouldn't that mean Impact got big leagued?
And didn't someone at NJPW say they would be ok with working with Impact if someone from AXS was in control the first time these rumours came around
Also if NJPW is getting way more views then impact (which they are now) why would you piss off njpw?

Trump is personally blocking visas, so mexican & canadian wrestlers can't work in the US or go between.

>get dropped by the channel entirely if NJPW refuses to work with IMPACT
You're reaching user.

>NJPW will be forced to team up with AEW regardless now, especially since Impact is partnered with AEW now
Kek. gooks and wwmeme btfo.

>NJPW will be forced to team up with AEW regardless now
>especially since Impact is partnered with AEW now
Not true

Okay, well, what happens when Anthem approaches NJPW and asks them to work with Impact and NJPW refuses? You think Anthem, which now owns the channel, will just grit their teeth and accept it?

NJPW will never do a partnership with GAyEW or Simpact since at this point they can sell out decent sized arenas alone and they really don't need their important guys to work for other companies.

>they can sell out decent sized arenas alone

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TV contract bind both way. As long as NJPW fullfils their end they can't be taken off for no reason. Now Anthem can fuck with their production. To what extent I don't know. I doubt NJPW allows them full control in creative decisions(like cutting some big match to 5 min or something).

>they can sell out decent sized arenas

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Why do they think NJPW care so much about a show no one watches?

Simpact couldn't fill 1/4 of that arena

"Anthem is going make Okada job to Tessa in 5 mins at slammiversary" - an intellectual and totally not a chIMPACTzees, very cool and very smart

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Way to shoehorn your political fragility into a discussion about wrestling.

Go dye your hair purple and green if it isn't already.

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Yeah, and who was champion when tickets went on sale and instantly sold out?

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They will make an deal with AEW down the road.

I thought TV Asahi (who partially own NJPW) was in charge of production, apparently someone from there didn’t want Chris Charlton on commentary, which got quickly reversed, but still. Don’t know if that’s true. Unless they have two English announce teams, one for njpw and one for Axs. They do this in Japan already.

the state of all the NJPW marks having a fit about this and people acting like NJPW on AXS is this amazing show

Does anyone here actually watch it?

It's pretty decent promotion. They're not making much money from it but they're making new fans.
Many viewers will move on to the show just to watch World directly.

Clearly not the guy you posted

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It's hard to get visas because requests shot up


But but.. everything is somehow Trump's fault!!

BRB have to dilate.

People paid to see New Japan,if so many people really cared about Omemega they would have got refunds en masse when he wasn't announced for the show.

SRS is reporting that 40% of AXS TV staff is gone or will be gone within the next few days. This severely effects NJPW's relations with the channel, as many people and officials that NJPW trusted and enjoyed doing business with, will be purged and replaced with Anthem representatives. Interesting times.

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You are so stupid that it is amazing you know how to breathe

They're just moving production headquarters to their own site in Toronto. No sense having both remain open.

Why would NJPW care

>many people and officials

how many people do they need to do a commentary track?

If that was the case, it would have been the same trend for their other US shows.. but it wasn't by a longshot.

AXS handles the production for the events in the US.

It blows my mind how many times IMPACT/TNA have fucked over New Japan. No other company has ever even come close.

AXS TV got the matches from NJPW, cut them and produce their own 2 hours show then insert their own commentary. They didn't just show matches from NJPWorld.

which are always a huge step down shit btw

>nobody watches your shitty wrestling on your shitty channel
>buy another slightly less shitty channel just to shit it up with your shitty wrestling that people will continue not to watch
>put a bunch of people out of work in the process
truly some 8D chess right there

how are they fucking over new japan?

>one show at the Madison Square Garden is comparable to the other shows they did

The only one that followed that wasn't a minor show was the G1 in Dallas and they sold around 5000 tickets,if they picked an arena in the north east they would have sold more than that for sure.

Anthem is playing 8D chess while NJPW is trying to win the marks. Bushiroad dont care for NJPW cos 1 girl from love live make more money than njpw have ever made.

Anthem owns TNA. NJPW are on AXS TV. Anthem buys AXS TV.

Impact is going to put their matches on NJPW instead of ads and put NJPW matches on Impact shows instead of ads then the chIMPACTzees can claim that Impact and NJPW are working together.

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I wonder if New Japan has an out in their contract for shit like ownership change
I wouldn't want those TNA simps anywhere near my product


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now that some 193D chess move pal

Those companies don't get along and won't work together, ever since TNA did Okada and Naito dirty.
There is a good chance that this will either be a catalyst for a AEW-NJPW alliance, or there is a good chance this is a result of a behind the scenes AEW-NJPW alliance that's being kept quiet.
Personally I think the second is more likely because if Mark Cuban was still in good graces with NJPW he would not have sold AXS to Anthem.
I also think this will lead to a ROH-Impact alliance, that is equally and mutually beneficial.

Instant 10k vs 5k over months is a longshot difference.

AEW took a lot of guys from njpw pal. Gedo dont like that.

One happened right before Wrestlemania,the other happened in an area of the US where New Japan is barely even known.

They mustn’t hold that much of a grudge since NJPW uses Callis who’s a higher up at Impact. But there’s more of a chance of AEW partnering with them though yeah.

>tfw okada returns to tna
dont even tell me this wouldnt be kino

They used him before he singed with Simapct. They use him less and less these days.

>the prodigal son returns
aint that some shit

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He returns to TNA to bury every single shitter they have.
Not Elgin though since he's okay.

are you implying cage vs okada wouldnt be a banger?


They were leaving anyway.

Nu Japan shitters don't watch anything but highlight clips on twitter.

Or maybe they watch streams

>it's mainly rovert covering this
So it's fucking nothing?

That how it used to be pre wrestlekingdom this year, now they use he NJPW world footage so they have faster turnaround time.


People are being let go. It happens when there's a buyout

Karma is a bitch Who Japan you now have to kiss the feet of the company you big leagued AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA


>AAA works with impact
>Impact works with NJPW
>AAA works with AEW
>NJPW will work with AAA and impact.
For the smarks
>AEW is In a partnership AAA
by association
>NJPW works with AEW

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>US expansion a failure
>soon to lose their US TV deal
OH NO NO NO NO NO NO Harold more like JUSTold

Holy fucking reading comprehension dude. He said "When the tickets went on sale." Not "When the event took place."


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>The company that controls Impact controls NJPW US tv
>This means that Impact controls NJPW US tv

Just like WWE controls what's on the wwe network. If they don't want it there, it's not on there. So all those "supercards" that NJPW does are in jeopardy. Especially ROH and AEW who both have major tv deals.

They air at on the north east.

Man you're really reaching here

NJPW works with CMLL you fucking hick

>Wrestlemania weekend show where every coattail-riding indy does their best business and makes their profit for the year
What did they mean by this?

Apologise NuJapanlets, and maybe us OwlChads take it easy on you.

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What about the Friday Night MMA shows on Axs? I hope they cut all wrestling to keep MMA around.

Okada, the guy who played Okato.