Do you agree with Dave Meltzer that Kota Ibushi had the best G1 in history in 2018?

Do you agree with Dave Meltzer that Kota Ibushi had the best G1 in history in 2018?

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Shingo this year was better than anyone else any year.

But he didnt win the thing, so maybe.

Ibushi v Ishii and Tanahashi both blew my mind last year and he had a bunch of other great matches. No problem calling it the best.

That's fair to say, he was also in a STACKED block. I'd put Ishii 2018 and Ishii 2019 above him though.

ITT: people who've watched the G1 for 3 years talking about who had the best G1 in history

Who do you think has had the best G1 in history?

t. Watched the G1 for 5 years

I get where you're going but the guy making this claim has been watching the G1 since it became the G1 in 91

I’m not talking about Meltzer, I’m talking about the absurdity of people who’ve been watching New Japan since Omega/Okada having a conversation about who had the best G1 in HISTORY. It’s ridiculous. It’s a conversation that only should be had by people like Meltzer

World exists.
Anyone who popped up in the last 3 or 4 years couldve caught up.

Ibushi/Tana was great but only really picked up during the last half desu

Omega/Naito 2016 was an all-time classic that should have broken the scale.

He didn't even have the best G1 of 2018

Don’t say ishiit.

Who did?

World barely has anything pre-2015.

Nah, I don't tend to agree with a man who doesn't actually watch wrestling when it comes to judging wrestling.
Don't tend to take a guy who raves about Pac's matches but then doesn't know what his finish is when he actually sees one of his matches seriously.
Don't tend to unironically listen to a dude who reviews and rates every match Jay White has and then months later calls one of his regular spots new and a tribute to Kenny Omega.
Dave is shoot retarded.

I bet you started watching with AJ, faggot

no, Chadblade in 2019

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I'll never agree on anything that idiot has to say about anything AEW or Japonese ever. Or what he has to say about the WWF. I only agree with him on his fashion sense

Right here, brother
Never lost once and went over Inoki in a crowd full of Japanese HURUKUMANIAKUS -HH

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god, hulk was the legit fucken tough guy

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God forbid someone holds the foremost wrestling journalist accountable for not watching the shows he reports on!

I agree that nu japan is total dogshit