but you're not gay
This could be us
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aaaand we're not animes
This is only cute in anime, IRL it's just cringe
I am
I'm gay it's just nobody loves me
Maybe you should start off by being yourself and accepting yourself for who you are
now why would I do that when I'm a piece of shit
because everyone is special and no person is intrinsically bad or worse than any other person and you should treat yourself with love and encouragement
All I do is sit around, play video games and act cynical to everything. That alone would earn me a title of piece of shit. Though I actively don't support others and do nothing for anyone
I do basically the same irl, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Itll only make you feel worse. Just remember Boii loves you
nothing wrong with any of that except for the cynicism part. That's the only thing you should change because cynicism doesn't bring any enjoyment and is a waste of effort for something completely artificial.
I'm not being hard on myself, I'm just being down to earth. Also when do you refer to yourself in the third person? I don't recall you doing that before
I dont, just a random thing I suppose
Ya, and the cynical part is the one thing I don't think I can get rid of. I don't see the value or good in anything, I always assume that it's going to end badly or that I'm just going to fuck it up so why try. I can't get myself to understand people trying to be nice to each other just for the sake of it, there's always an alternative motive behind it to me. It also doesn't help that I afterwards review what I did for the day and go over how I fucked up everyone and everything around me, which I usually do as people just stop having any fun the moment I say anything that is even remotely serious and they just start getting depressed with me, like some sort of disease
You don't have to see value or good in anything in order not to be cynical. You just have to not single out the presence or absence of value or good in anything as something significant.
The truth is, I have absolutely no way of ascertaining that anything I think I know about how the world works is true. All of the memories, thoughts, intuitions and sensory inputs that I'm experiencing right now could have been created by some unknown force a millisecond ago and "I" would have no way of knowing. Any moment the world as I know could go completely haywire, it could turn into heaven or hell, and there's no way to predict or prepare for that. However, my memories, thoughts, knowledge, etc. are the only thing I have to go on in order to navigate the world and make decisions. The reason I even opt to continue living and make decisions in the first place is because that's what my intuitive thoughts and experiences tell me is the right thing to do, and they are the only thing I have to go on, so the whole thought process is circular. In the absence of any way to gain assurance about anything, the only thing left to do is try and maintain your peace of mind as best you can on your own, while you're able to, and use all the tools at your disposal. So I choose to view my thoughts, attitudes and assumptions not as means of constructing some accurate image of the world, but as tools for providing me with my peace of mind.
Whenever I start thinking negatively about the world or assuming a negative outcome, I remind myself that I have no way of knowing how accurate the experiences, memories and reasoning that lead me to this conclusion are in the first place. A cynical world view is a useless, illusory fabrication and a waste of effort that has no real predictive power. A positive world view is also an artificial fabrication that has no predictive power, but it has some use in giving me peace of mind.
The problem with cynicism is that it's not egotistical enough.
I see where you come from for that conclusion, but I would rather be a self hating rationalist, than a positive person that constantly gets betrayed by others. I don't see a reason to be positive though, people around me either constantly try to put me down, or say something along the lines of "why are you sad? You aren't searching for food in Africa or working as child labor. Stupid kid go play some games and stop making the world about you, you entitled pig." And while I like to believe I don't let others influence me too much, constantly being around people who only act like that eventually gets to anyone. I physically find it impossible to be positive as I just don't see how anyone is going to make me view the world in a way where I can be happy, where I don't have to constantly prop myself up to look some what happy so that I'm not just made fun off, where I can actually rely on people around me to not be asshats that do nothing but make me feel worthless if I even express my own opinion on anything minor that slightly differs from their own
two same numbers
everyone has the potential to "be a piece of shit" in them
what separates the wheat from the chaff is people who accept that and overcome it with benevolence
if your actions have no victims why beat yourself up over them?
think of yourself as an alien that just portaled to this reality with objective to enjoy life and experience this reality
how would you go about doing that, when you find the answer to that you find a way to go forward with a strange sense of stillness
why would you let spooks of society to make you miserable, state out loud the opposite of what you blame yourself for and see how ridiculous it sounds like
humans are flawed but we are not inherently malevolent, the things we have learned and things we believe to be facts of life are just words we assign to situations that are misleading
you are not ingrained into labels of actions and objects, you are a human being who is self sentient and able to experience the miracle of life in the way you desire
don't be too hard on yourself
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
I don't have potential, I am a piece of shit. My action half the time are at the detriment of others, as everything around me feels meaningless and awful that I just do random things throughout the day for any excitement, whether it hurts others or not is a 50/50 chance. I constantly feel hollow and that I'm completely alien to any situation I'm put into, I have almost no control over my life as so far I've never been allowed to live alone which I'm trying to do, I'm not allowed to even have my own thoughts and feelings as that is apparently too much for my family to handle, so anytime I mention anything that's contrary to their beliefs they start screaming their asses off at me and take away any escapism I have from reality. I haven't learned a single thing that will help me get a job, keep myself out of jail, or keep my money afloat and not be charged with tax fraud for not knowing how to do my taxes. Anything that I can do moderately better than average at gets immediately put down and I'm told that I won't go anywhere in life as I'm not doing things with a group of people or the way they instructed me to do, even if it's wrong. My entire life just feels like people use me to validate their own thoughts an opinions, so they get mad when I don't as I'm my own person with my own thoughts
Being a "positive" person in the sense I mean doesn't mean you have to assume the best about people, be gullible and trusting and then get betrayed by others. The point, for me, is not so much to avoid negative assumptions and focus on positive assumptions, but to avoid too many assumptions, period, both positive and negative, because assumptions and expectations of both kinds lead to frustration and disappointment if you assign too much significance to them. I recognise assumptions as the tool I can use to make myself at peace in the current moment, not as some principle to live by. Sometimes those assumptions are negative. For example, if I see someone shady trying to approach me on the street, I won't assume that they're trying to offer me something positive. Doing that will actually make me anxious (and based on my experience, probably rightly so, although I have no way of knowing for sure) and fuck with my peace of mind. Assuming that they're up to no good and moving out of the way will actually make me feel at ease. So in this case, I'm also being "positive" in the sense that I assume that my decision to treat the other person with suspicion and caution will end well for me. The point of a positive outlook for me is to provide me with peace of mind and positivity in the current moment, from moment to moment, not at some specific time in the future as an expected consequence of something that may or may not happen.
And I get how difficult it is to break out of negative thinking habits when other people are always putting you down. It's one of the most challenging things in the world. But when I internalised the kind of thought process that I just laid out, and realised how little I and other people have the right to assert that something is true, I managed to get better at shutting out the negativity, and for me at least it was totally worth it. It just took some dedicated practice.
I'll try to get into that thought habit and see if it helps, though knowing me I'll somehow fuck it up
my words will not fix your situation
know that there are storms in life that one must weather through
at the end of the storm you will see sun again
you can take that as a hollow platitude or you can take it as someone elses experience relayed to you in text
Try it, and if you would like to, you can keep me updated on how it goes.
good to see you are still alive as well
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
For some reason imagining Kaonashi reading "log off bitch" in response to his philosphical-spiritual posts makes me crack up every time.
I'd like to know how he reacts to them.
words are weak
if reading a word prompts a emotional reaction out of you you need to meditate more
nigger faggot jew cunt bitch
it's just life in fancy words
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
what metaphorical concepts are tried to be conveyed through religion and philosophy
can they have a deeper meaning than just symbolic and metaphorical?
does it matter?
you decide what it means to you
Your fortune: Average Luck
nobody even cares about kanashi, even his retarded schizo friend gets more attention than him
lol it's even sad sometimes
he types lines and lines of garbage and nobody ever cares... good thing his brain is too fucked up to even realize, good for him
does "lightening up my mood" count as "prompting an emotional reaction out of me"?
Homura is lucky ;_;
intent = misguided help or malice
action = aligned with intent
c'est la vie
yes in a positive sense
in this moment i am euphoric, not because of some false external validation but due to the fact that i have finally detached myself from emotional reaction *tips fedora*
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
what would you be like if you were what you are instead of your ego tells you you are?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
lines and lines of garbage nobody reads...
brief and bitter statement
i wishe i was a cute gayboi like in my mmos :C
two same numbers
there are ways to live out your fantasies
if that gives meaning and joy to your life go for it
don't make permanent solutions based on temporary emotions