Hikaru Shida vs...

Hikaru Shida vs. Mei Suruga was decided for Shida's self-produced box office ("REvolution in Tokyo") on 10/15 in Korakuen Hall.
There will be 6 matches on the show, Shida will compete in 4 of them.

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Almost 3 hours of non stop Shida? Sign me up.

I hope it makes tape

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i was thinking the same but with a slightly different word to end my sentence

DK Powers explode

After losing to Riho, Shida is gonna lose to Emi's new favorite daughter.

Shida's lost to Riho and Emi so now she wants to take her frustrations out on Mei.
I think there is a chance Mei will score an upset.

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I hope it makes tape m'boy?

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I doubt she'll win but I hope so

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I want a little bit of Mei's bubblehs

I'd rather have some of her milk

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Sounds like the worst joshi show of all time. Thank god Shida is fucking off to the US so I don't have to see her anymore.

Still better than any TJPW show ever

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Seething pleb

seems like you're the seething one

Two of my favorite wrestlers.

gook shit LMAO

Can't she control her own body?

>We just need to hope she doesn't realize she's becoming a total smokeshow for a few more years, or she'll become insufferable like meme-Hana.

I think as long as she is with mommy Emi she'll be fine

Emi let her girls get lewd in the past. Mei in a bikini will be dimes and that's all it will take.

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>Mei in a bikini
yes yes yes

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I'm in love with Shida

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what is it you like about her?

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Is there a Shida/Syuri tag team match on the card?

Should be.
Also I don't understand why Syuri wasn't in AEW Battle Royal.

Its probably going to be an only dvd release like last year. It will appear on battleman im guessing tho

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Yes. Shida/Syuri vs. Emi/Nanae.

Thsi should be a good match

I want to see SAKI naked

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no you dont

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SAKI posted four pictures of her bum on twitter, which many fans (myself included) enjoyed.
Is that not enough?
Also keep SAKI out of my thread about Mei and Hikaru Shida.

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Is there a better way to die than being smothered by Mei's Surugas?

Being crushed by her body-scissors.