It's a nice board

It's a nice board.

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Yes indeed

Attached: nice at night.gif (377x350, 99K)

nice thread

But that's boring Let's to evil sheit.

the cutie board

beign nice is da foundation ob maekign nice thinks ann beign happye.....

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第48話「あいこのいちばん幸せな日」(DVD 64 (640x480, 137K)

finna kill myself cause life is mostly boring and ive little to nothing to look forward to LOL


no motivation to make or create anything, literally just consume. there is no point for uneeded effort since its all a fucking game. so i may as well go max looks, and make money so i can enjoy material gains and fuck the hottest quality girls.

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hope you find something more than that...

YOU'RE the type of guy that got bullied for being a faggot in high school fucking kill yourself you stupid irrevocably dumb piece of retarded shit fuck bitch

i could write manga or work on my video game project but its pointless effort versus just deff material gains/pleasures.

work towards what is eeded and what you desire.
if there's no passion in your projects drop them

Let me tell you something kid, you are the best. You are the coolest person i have ever met, and that is a compliment. I honestly think you must be a in a wonderful relationship that is extremely fulfilling too because that'd explain just how many good things you deserve

no passion in anything, really. maybe there is in girls but realized allmy red pill/mgtow learnings thru the years are true after i been going gym/chad mode etc. and im not even part way there and ive got with 7s etc. long term relate with a girl who cares about you unconditionally isn't something that can exist in reality. girl only lvoe/care themselves and their children.

finna get a trap boy or fem boy for emotional care/relate then just with max looks maintain/fucking 8s/9s eventually.

other than that just make money and video game it up i guess but yeah i feel dead inside and wouldnt mind if i got killed or smoe shit anyways

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It's a cute board with a bunch of cuties

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go live and try to find meaning in it all.
you help define your purpose here, you choose your course and actions in getting there so choose wisely.

You're in control, for better or worse friend.

hang thyself nazinigger

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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why would a neo NAZZY take advice from a Untermensch ? SMHFAM

there is no purpose. uncle H tried to establish the greatest manmade society and purpose and people but it failed and now we have modern man and world etc so yeah.

there's really not jack shit to do in terms of meaning its all a grand joke.

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i try 4 my frens

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 24 - Ongaku club de rock 'n' roll!_ [WinxBloom1980][52AE2F0C].mp4 (960x720, 156K)