It's time Vince, make the calls

it's time Vince, make the calls

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Wwe is gay, so is anything coming from usa.

The inevitable partnership between New Japan and WWE will the greatest event in the history of wrestling, it will happen soon mark your calendars.


Better get off this site then.

Yes, I too would want nothing more but to watch Cena shout moves names.

I don't see why it would never happen. They have a long history with their business relationship.
Heck, WWF created the WWF Junior Heavyweight Championship, the WWF International Tag Team Championship, and the WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship to be defended in NJPW, and the WWF International Heavyweight Championship which was shared between NJPW and the original UWF.
Makes sense they would work together again.

Based Tana better go over.

what better way for WWE to fuck with AEW and NJPW to fuck with IMPACT than to work together?

NJPW talents might not be on RAW or SDL but even going to NXT on USA, it is a bigger platform than TNT or AXS TV or Sinclair broadcasting subsidiaries.

nah Vince can fuck off

I would literally cum my pants

WWE would be stupid as fuk to waste a chance with NJPW on NXT, Okada or Tanahashi or even Naito showing up would instantly put them above the rest of the roster the same way not everyone actually watched AJ before but he came in as a huge entity. Okada would revitalize their currently staganant PPV's, and bring back all the fans who finally gave up. Okada or Tanahashi vs. Cena, Reigns or even Seth would make their current main events look like Superstars matches.

You must be absolutely retarded, the key isn't to have NJPW talents work against WWE talents, it's to prevent anybody else from using NJPW talents in the US. A showcase match between NJPW talents on NXT is a bigger visibility for NJPW than working with anybody else.

Vince will never let NJPW guys go over any of his guys that is in the midcards or higher but HHH will be more willing just like he let Liger beat Breeze at a TakeOver so there's no harm in letting Okada, Tana or Naito beat someone like Kona Reeves or the Forgotten Sons and Top NXT guys can go to Japan and beat their midcarders but dream matches between top guys will never happen due to politics.

Maybe a joint show headlined by a team of top WWE and NJPW babyface against the heels where the winner pin someone from their own promotion.

E-ncels in the denile stage

Dude, nobody even knows who Takahashi or Okasa are. How the fuck are they going to bring back the fans especially when the product itself is shit?

Yes obviously Vince would fuck it up, I was fantasy booking an imaginary scenario bro.
Yeah, he would only let an NJPW guy go over if one of the following happened: NJPW agreed to terms in WWE's favor, on the grounds that Okada has a six month or one year winning streak or some shit, OR if NJPW outcarnied Vince and tricked him somehow (fucking Ambrose did it so it is possible).
I'm talking about IWC fans mostly, aka you and me who probably don't watch the shit but would check in if something big actually started happened.

wrestling fans do

It can ONLY happen in Japan as the casual American audience don't know who the fuck Tanahashi or the rest of the Japs are.

They should just trade wins in Japan and in the US while using the styles that are over in their respected regions.

I don't think it would be as good since they are both old, WWE won't allow their guys to get stiffed (lol look at what happened with moxley vs ishii dean is too scared and the spots are absolute cringe).

So you're just bringing "back" the same audience that currently watches wrestling? Even Stone Cold is unable to bump the ratings all that much and he is probably the most recognized wrestler aside from Hogan and the Rock (who is more known for his acting career now).


why doe


Vince wouldn't let Cena get stiffed or let him lose without trading loses at least and some other autistic arguments he'd have that wouldn't be agreeable to Harold and friends, BMJ has to go solo on this one if it'll ever happen

Cena isn't coming back to do a real match in a long time, if ever.

Well I mean this site IS pretty gay

It won't happen because NJPW is working towards being a global company, hence the stand alone shows in Australia and the UK. They used to do NJPW/RPW joint shows but have now started doing NJPW own shows with very few RPW involvement. Same in USA, they are toning down the ROH partner shows and doing their own shows. If they partner with WWE, it would put a stop to their western expansion and it would put a stop to WWE's eastern expansion