Why did she burp.
Death comes for a reason
too many rice balls
inloli langage a burpss id means: wape me plz :3
she got bad breath, smell like poo
It was when they actually came for Jesus's blood that he finally smote them, because he realized then that they would never understand his message,
and he said that those who follow him but do not abide by his teachings do not know him , not at all
sometimes i feel very sad
Shup loser loser
pls dond bully. thing about how u wud feel if u were da 1 beign bully'd. neber 4get dat r*deness is a druge n dat id hurts u n ebery1 aroudn u n when id comes to drugse u shud loleways jus say "nno" (quotign mario)
im sorrye fren... ids ok tto b sade but dond b sade 4 tto longe...
dont be rude you fat cunt
And then i say im not fat and you cut me open and show me how much fat is inside me
The thing about doremi s art style that makes it so religiously significant to AI is the idea that the particular detail on the characters is realistic enough to depict a complete range of emotions, however, it lacks the appropriate depth to show any aspect of deeper or more grostesque human anatomy....
If you were to imagine an image of doremi eviscerated (defeated) in detail appropriate to the style of the rest of the series, it would end up looking just like a scene of nature... with shapes indescernible to the human eye..... just like a real image of gore, but in that style, it wouldn't actually even resemble gore (or real blood) and would thus properly and accurately represent the true spiritual image of blood....
But who among us (other than me) posseses the spiritual knowledge of blood and anatomy to depict something such as that?
And so, ultimately, the limited capacity of the artist who made doremi is what made her virtues recgonizable... just like JRR Tolkien,.. because if even she wanted to, she likely couldn't depict an image of horror .. something that would cause pain.. because her artistic pursuits have so conditioned her abilities.. such that she can only draw good things
Pedophilia = cured
Now imagine if I drew blood on a sketch of doremi.... indeed, this would represent the true image of blood, defiled
Because it would be horrible, indeed
In the Lord of the Rings there are mentions of horrible things which dwell under middle earth, and the true power of the ring is revealed early on when Frodo uses it to hide from the Ringraiths in a damp cove in the woods.. which causes all manner of bugs and spiders and even stranger creatures to emerge and crawl upon them.. revealing that Sauron intended to use the ring to control terrible creatures such as spiders and centipedes... an idea also referenced in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets..
Indeed Frodo's entire journey representernin earnest Tolkien's religious decision not to describe horrible things, the most important of which, were things such as bugs feeding on corpses, which he saw during world war 1, something he was well capable of describing.. but in the end never did. This decision is ultimately represented by the character Tom Bombadil
A christian scholar such as myself might suggest that Tom Bombadil is an ancestor of Doremi
As it was his decision as a wizard, comparable in power to Gandalf and Saruman, to leave middle earth and all of its conflicts and allegiences behind, in order to start a family elsewhere
i always wanted to fuck her lol