why is [s4s] a typically white western girl with left-leaning political views who has nothing to do on a saturday night?
because [s4s] is a vegan bored
Why is [s4s] a typically white western girl with left-leaning political views who has nothing to do on a saturday night?
*eads mead*
But why is [s4s] more female than the rest of Yea Forums??
all the men got bored and went to real boards like Yea Forums
TBH, Yea Forums is where most of us from Tumblr went after the shitheads that mod the site decided to censor it. I’m glad I found Yea Forums, it’s just like Tumblr, but with more free speech
We don’t want men here, anyway, ya know. UwU Besides, isn’t Yea Forums notorious for sexism against women who game? Yeaahhh, better stay away from that.
y-you people
Game Theory: Women who joined [s4s] after 2018 ruined this nice board.
[s4s] has been majority female since 2014 dude
Your fortune: Outlook good
based and redpilled
ur so cute i love u
Ok, if this is actually true, and by golly I'd be very surprised if it is and not just a meme, then wtf I love female communities now.
Good trips too
Girls on my [s4s]? It's even less likely than you think
Well, ok, it's likely if they're talking about trans people, but not biological girls.
Uhhh trans "people" aren't girls
what the h*ck is Yea Forums?
it's so hote that girls might be reading my post
shutup new namefig
shutup new namefig
How do you know, have you checked every single trans people on Earth?
I can tell when a poster is a girl by the fact that they censor not only swears like "fuck" but also mild words used to replace them like "heck".
This practice exudes a certain feminine charm, it's like a bite whose pressure you can feel without feeling the pain.
i never have read one of ur posts ever just saying
You probably have because I've posted anonymously as well.
>How do you know, have you checked every single trans people on Earth?
Yep *farts*
this post is the first post i've ever read from u "haha yes, YES".
Rare dubs.
: )
Oh you Hooligans better watch out because this honky Grandma be trippin I'll get a picture hold on
Long time fans of my work will appreciate this
doesn't the spikeman hurt beary ebil's ass with his spines?
not if she can't feel pain
oh I'm sure lol
By female, you mean female (male)
the cia thinks were gay
everyone thinks were gay
I#m a girl. And I read this with my vagina.
What is a vagina?
behind the pp