it's that time of the day again
Tick tick tick
Other urls found in this thread:
the lemon girl
over and over and over girl
The precession of that timeless melody called life.
Radioactive decay used as measure in an atomic clock?
Nice trips, desu.
biological clock (circadian rhythm)
very accurate clock
tick tick tick, we are motion desu
we all live in different time .for me it's day while for some of you it's night
Ow I think I broke my finger while I was trying to download that picture so quicly
True, infinite segments/measures on our sphere but all relative too.
*soul spear*
everything is always from the past .the message that i send you(my brain>hand motion>computer>every single transmitter and other computers across the world >your computer>your eyes>your brain)
Funny how that is. We're kinda like cycles within cycles constantly shaping the future from the past and present.
Sorry about the late reply.
that's how the world work naturally but of course we can't go back to the past sadly(actually i'm not sure
We can go back to another version of our past but going to the actual past is impossible since time is an attribute of tangential motion.
this is why we're not friends
Sorry MISS.
cool how your name spells out MISS
i just notice that now omg