Help i have a virus

help i have a virus

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haeb yu tryed instal gentoo?

on screen
all over

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oh god it's the hannah montana distro
fren that's not a virus it's an operating system, the only way to get rid of it is to install a different operating system over it. since i doubt you can even burn media from that piece of garbage, you'll have to buy a windows or ubuntu install disk

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just got an error mesage catz: all ur base is belong to us

install Temple OS and you will never receive another viruse

when they ask youy for the ransom password is: D00D! I'm Pi22a toppin6!

im in a CIA region locked area i can t get a templeos iso

help i have a virus

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Maybe installing Slackware and working in only CLI might help, only starting x11 to play extreme tux racer.

can we turn vim into an operating system

Yeah but then you'd need a good text editor

delete ur computer

boooOOO u sUUUUXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX

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ur search history
how do i ext vim
how deo i exit vim
how do i quit vim
quit vim
vim q doesnt work
how do i quit vim
stop vim
why is vim so bad
how do i exit vim

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I think emacs already is it's own OS lol

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in vim its dm to delete memetic word object

plz censor em*cs in the future

Never used either but based on what I've read vim seems slicker and more elegant, and more... aerodynamic/streamlined, I guess?
I don't want to set 10 million macros in a text editor.

I agree lol

i run arch btw
we ginoo/leenux pro now

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no bulli
idk what i'm doing, this is my first arch install

i use arch btw
you can just read the wiki and (btw arch user here) follow instructions are u installin on a vm as a test (arch here)
i use arch btw
arch user here :-) (arch btw)

following tutorial by le bald arch man (luke smith) and also reading the wiki
wanna switch from fedora cuz im bored of it but want to make sure i know what i'm doing before i install to hardware and potentially fuck things up
(future arch user btw)

its kinda hard to actually fuck shit up and the live environment has mostly all the tools u need to fix ur shit if anything goes bad
pro tips: download dialog and wpa_supplicant from the live env if u are using wifi so u can easily use wifi-menu and then netctl enable "profile" to enable profile at boot and create a separate partition for ur home folder if u havent already protips over

Have you seen Kaonashi lately?

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im out of the live enviroment now and booting off disk so the hard part is over
wifi seems to be pretty tricky set up so tnx 4 the tips
my partitions are all set too i have seperate ones for home, boot, root, and swap
thank u fren, hopefully i can soon also use arch btw

it shouldnt be bad if your drivers work all i had to do for wifi was do wifi-menu which lets you connect to a network and ot automatically creates a profile for that network, you just enable the profile with netctl n boom snap crackle pop it starts at boot
if youre gonna be switchin networks a lot if youre on a laptop or something there is networkmanager and nm-applet that you can use that handles automatic connections

ye probably best to just use networkmanager

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o macaco cantador

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non o that plz