Hello s4s

hello s4s
finally sunday
what you doing today?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: R0vrI2B.png (777x1087, 718K)

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i wanna drawwwwwwww

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Sharp.04.[39D6017F].avi_snapshot_14.09_[2018.04.01_23.07.11].jpg (640x480, 77K)

Why don't you draw then?

bcuz i jus got hoem n im gonna sleep!!!!
cleopatra comin atcha!

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_19.53_[2017.07.31_09.50.30].jpg (640x480, 221K)

wut r u gonna ddo? 2day?

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 49 - Me o samashite!! Ayatsurareta Momoko [WinxBloom1980][5346B470].mp4_sna (960x720, 354K)

Good sleep though.

Get drunk and watch anine and play vidya.

Attached: 1551982196895.jpg (1136x640, 117K)

drink lots ob water fren u n ur bodye deserbe id bcuz ur wonderflel n precious (bcuz deres onlely 1 ob u)

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 37 - Yousei-datte yasumitai!! [WinxBloom1980][E0B8157A].mp4_snapshot_21.00_ (960x720, 391K)

It's not only quantity that makes something precious, but quality too.

Attached: 51571792.jpg (663x879, 63K)

uh oh ur stlell precious

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.44.[640x480].[C9177F0D].v2.mkv_snapshot_03.31_[2017.08.17_10.42.25].jpg (640x480, 201K)

I'm going to get drunk

dond get drunk
pet a skunk

You don't know me, lole.

What you going to drink?


ill lrn moar about chu den!!! sso i cam say id wid confimedence!!!11

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第04話「どれみはママ失格!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snaps (640x480, 116K)

what brand

Good choice!
I like wheat beer a lot.

Uh, ok then.
You're not the original doremiposter, are you?

Attached: 1551008072381.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

Yes he is (pass users since 2017)

nah those are too expensive, I just drink cheap 8% beer

That's better then, I wouldn't like to talk with a impersonator.

yes i am hlello
sleepys soon. taek caer fren i hoep u hab a wonderflel mornign dond 4get about ur sippys

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第10話「結婚の約束 幼なじみのないしょ」 (640x480, 132K)

Whats it called?
Also wouldn't drinking cheap whiskey be more economical?

natty daddy

and yeah but I don't trust myself to have more than a 5th of booze around me

Ok, I'll keep your advices in mind.

natty daddy lole

i just wake up in the evening hours desu!

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what hour is it for you now?

around 09:48 PM

wtf you woke up just now?
where do you live?

i prefer not to tell you but it's around SEA or EA

Attached: 1542341238441.png (500x500, 165K)

idk what sea ea means but I guess it's near china, you don't have to tell me or anything, it's ok
anyways, what you did/ will do today?

Attached: kotoha19.png (357x487, 270K)

Wooooork and other things (maybe anime or youtube) also SEA(south east asia) & EA (east asia)

Attached: cat.jpg (800x970, 250K)

you work on sundays regularly or today is an exception?
what anine you watching?

probaly browse s4s all day and watch youtube maybe I'll play csgo later.


just some unfinished stuff also some anime that i want to watch but haven't (sewayaki kitsune)

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i would like to play rainbow6 but my PC doesn't even run csgo at 100 fps. I really need to buy a new one.

I'll give a shot at this sewayaki kitsune
are you watching hitori bocchi marumaru seikatsu?
it's good too

I've heard it but no i haven't watch it,i guess i'm going to see it later then

Attached: marumaru.jpg (225x321, 34K)

I got fed up with csgo when they introduced this battle royale mode, really shitty.
Recently I started to play Metro2033. I got it for free some time ago. Nice game.

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You watched boogiepop from the previous season? Really amazing. Best anime in this year so far.

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yea the BR csgo is real shit. I curse csgo every day but still I play it again and again. Is Metro2033 good? maybe I get it too, there are simply no good single player games anymore. Also this anime looks epic

yeah i did,10/10 anime but i still haven't watch the boogiepop phantom(2000) though (maybe later).
also the ost is just amazing

You play the BR csgo? Foda né mano, só tem favelado...
Metro 2033 is entertaining, but slightly creeps me out a little. Wait for it to be free again and then get it.
Idk if you know the game, but I really miss Battlefield Play4Free =(

I was thinking about reading the light novel, but I got almost no time for it.
You have good taste btw.
Is there any more good animes this season? I'm only watching Hitori Bocchi and Bungou Stray Dogs. Now I'll watch the anime you said earlier, but I want to know if there are more.
I really like moeshit

also, sorry if my writing is shtty, very drunk rn

oh yeah jojo part 5 vento aureo and tate no yuusha

actually I understood right now that by BR you meant Battle Royael, not Brazilian, lole.

I never watched jojo, too cringe.
And tate no yuusha sounds kinda normie, though I never gave it a chance too.

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just a few rounds, and then i never played again. Yea i know Battlefield Play4Free but not played it much. I have played a lot of Battelfield 3, that was the last really good game from EA.
Why are you talking to me in Portuguese?

oh haha I apologize if that was confusing.

at first yeah my impression of jojo is just weird but then i kinda get used to it,because the unexpected random strange part just happens and that's why i like it desu

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I used to play with my friends, really good memories from it.

It's okk.

weird gife

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