Death to all trannys

death to all trannys

t. a tranny

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post boypussy

plz dont judg

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this poster is definitely nit homosexual

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discord gg/fSTQHpZ

Official based boipussy server :3 come bully or make tender e-love to some girls(male)

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no offense but DIE

discord is for f-gs

no shut the up

good dubes

very nice trips

catfish is FtM confirmed

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

alright. . . ?

the joke is pathological self hatred lole

Yes, I understand, just seems pathetic regardless hence the ellipsis and question mark demonstrating unease with the statement.

Forget it.


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le drug birde

i hav seen the error of my way
life to all trannys

t. a tranny

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How are you

user is cool

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You're cool.

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You made me smile, thank you coolest user. ilu.

smilo is good frem i am glad i could do that for u
ilu two n i hop ur day nd or nite is going swell

Attached: smile.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

Kinda. I just woke up about 2 hours ago and now I am going back to sleep.

Thank you for chatting, user.

Sleep well frem and good night

GIVE ME ATTENTION!!!!! - the Yea Forums thread.


holy fucking based I'm going to bump this shit no one can stop me

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


A tranny that wants to die
This comes to no surprise

We should help them in reaching their goal.