

Attached: mouff.jpg (850x1200, 147K)

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big birb

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w-we're having a lil bavi

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I'm bored

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That means you're losing

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it grows harder to entertain myself
days don't grow harder
and they don't stagnate
but I look at them with the apprehension of;
what next?

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What happened to the real Catfish tho? How come he doesnt post here as much anymore? Things must be going well for him

Im sure you will find a purpose in life. Maybe fall in love with someone.

I'm not cut out for love.I'm not being melodramatic or prickly it's just not something I look at like "WOW I WANT THAT". I want like. Like is more fun.

Only if that is God's will

everyone deserves love. you just haven't met the right people yet

lose both eyes change name to yolanda keller move to 666th Avenida Cuuatro
scream yolo and suck of kindergartners...

I wonder if you have the self-awareness to realize you make people sick to their stomach

Good. I want you to vomit up your soul for me, slave

id buy that for a dollar

Think about God the next time you vomit and think about how he likes it

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skynet controls time. amongst its cybernetic hive mind individuality is a tactical advantage
2019 neo peking is about to explode!

You better drink some ROOT BEER to settle your stomach then

You're have three arms??

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time stands still

not if u have a time sphere
*points to crotch*
i have ure tiem and relative dimensions in space rite here

Ok thats funny dude but is that all youre actually going to post?


Ok then you lose the fight.,

Now go to the back of the line

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rick veitch presents

Loser Retard in "Schizo Nonsense"

illustrated by robert crumb
foreword by niel gaiman

hurd erud hureu dueru dururheurudru. He said, walking.

mr. natural guest appearance

Fimmy Jallon presents: Nobody

musical guest From first to last

Nobody (Ft. Taylor Swift and Brendan Eurie from Panic! at the Disco)

with the blue man group and stomp!

>You enter the stage, where a field of rye is seen growing below the empty audience, illuminated by a bright light from above

>You are alone

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read the goddamn teleprompter

There isn't one

you're literally obama

even if there was it would only say words that you, yourself, would write

who quote!!!!!!!!!

I'm not there. You are alone, talking to me through spirit only

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wake up...

Unless you deny the spiritual connection, in which case, you are all alone.

Who are you talking to?

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Who did you think was generating the simulation? It's a program called JABBERWOCKY created by the same developer

Enter: Stage left

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Now this is epic

Lord Sakai

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