Serious, can you be gay and a white supremacist at the same time?
Serious, can you be gay and a white supremacist at the same time?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, people who are gay and white supremacists are merely attaching themselves to an ideology in order to fit in
fuck white supremacists, they are the most delusional set of peoole alive today.
If someone were to ask you why white supremacists are delusional, what would you tell them.
That every race has some stupid group that makes all of them look bad. Literally every race.
I don't think that's the case. I believe those individuals have come to the conclusion that certain races are much more likely to adopt criminal lifestyles or just behavior in general that is detrimental to the well-being of one's society. I don't think you'll find a single one of those people who will honestly tell you that every single white person on Earth is valuable or, in this case, superior. I think the issue comes from the fact that certain groups have a much higher percentage of "undesirables" than other groups.
i dint c u post this on /i/
discord raiders are active tonight
I can't prove it, I just have a gut feeling
apparently some big subreddit got shut down so they'll probably be spamming this board for a week or so
Did you really laugh before you posted this reply or did you have a straight face the whole time.
why do you fink black people commit more crimes retard?
It's genetic and cultural, retard.
so culture has nothing to do with the past oppression of black people in the united states? could they perhaps be socioeconomically disadvantaged?
>this entire thread
there are virtually 0 "white supremacists"--that's quite an extreme word. I'll take racist, alt-right, white nationalist, etc but basically nobody in these groups are the strawmen you make out of them.
absolutely. Ryan Faulk and Richard Spencer. It's actually part of the dogma that non-whites are infinitely more homophobic and sexist than whites, as a reason for why they shouldn't be allowed to immigrate into white countries. Hate crimes against jews and homosexuals in the UK and France and Germany are highly disproportionately committed by recent muslim immigrants.
I think nation of islam takes the cake for a political ideology
Genes are a huge factor for sure, and that's in the super hypothetical mind space of genetics. There are tons of practically inherited traits that go along with being raised by black parents, making black friends, identifying yourself as black and being more likely to absorb that culture, etc
don't reply to reddit raiders please
Kys normie red-pill reddit is epic
>muh oppression
for all the racism of days past, blacks were doing BETTER than they are now (compared to whites: ie the black-white gap was SMALLER) in the 1940s than they are today in the following areas:
-unemployment rate
-violent crime
-children born out of wedlock (this was also lower as an absolute % and number)
So while they were oppressed without a doubt, (and it really wasn't as bad as people think it was--it was about as bad as European serfdom, and in fact black slaves were better fed, less productive, taller, and had a longer life expectancy than white workers in the US during certain periods) it's your own damn fault and your parents fault if you can't get your shit together in 150+ years since slavery and 50 years since any form of institutional racism, not to mention institutional racism being in your favor now through affirmative action at universities and in companies, popular culture, and federal hiring practices
I know "socioeconomic disadvantage" is a scapegoat most people use nowadays but if you look at the big picture you'll see the truth. The reason why Africa is such a poor and violent country and why places like Detroit or Harlem are so poor and violent is because they're both populated by people of similar genetic background.
I suppose then one could argue that Africa has been victimized by colonialism, but has Africa been the only target of colonialism? No, I think many places have and have improved effortlessly since then. Quite embarassing for them when you see just how resource-rich Africa is and how forgiving the climate is. Even more embarassing when you see how much Africa improved during apartheid.
back 2 reddit namenigger
>anyone who isnt a far right cuck is leddit
reddit raid thread do not reply
im not a nigger. i dont like niggers actually
no, this thread is being flooded by underage redpill niggers from there, one of their big forums got shut down so now they've decided to give Yea Forums a shot and this is the board they chose somehow
50 years.
generational wealth exists if your grandma was fucked by institutionalized racism you still feel the fucking effects. not everyone is a clean slate you fucking degenerate.
im just a normie s4s user. never had a reddit account or browsed there
idk how to prove it... uhh... ass man? bread? dubs! wooh!? introducing? es four estranged copypasta?
i do NOT have autism.
ah tards
Tbh I thought that it was named after shitredditsays because it's the place to call out any SJW shit you see on here but I guess its like the opposite wtf
so then why did the gap increase in income and also crime when racism has decreased and reversed course?
spoiler: single motherhood and toxic black hood culture, also a low genetic IQ
ah yes, another reason I hate blacks. They are intolerant of gays and other blacks who deviate from "black culture" and "act white" which is what they should do all along instead of smoking weed and having sex and playing a gangsta TM from the age of 13
im not underage
im not a reddit nigger
im one of you. i am better than you. i am smarter than you. i am taller than you. i smash more boypu$$y than you. libtards
furry avatarfag redditor pre-teen, leave this board, there are many more that will accept you
furry avatarfag redditor pre-teen, leave this board, there are many more that will accept you
see and and and and not really an avatar when it chagnes each time you seething copester
reminder to report all avatarfags
because nebulous "racism" isnt the only factor. I know youre an underage redditfaggot because of your simplistic view on complex concepts.
stop "arguing" with the raiders, they don't care
ITT hating redditors is more important than hating niggers GOD I love this board
go back faggot
Found the illiterate redditor
die phonenigger
tue toi kike shylock
whatever nigga, you won't last here. peace
white supremacy is coat riding to cope
unless you have played the game your brag about beating and done a considerable contribution you are just dick riding historical achievements of people who shared your culture and skin tone
can you be gay and white supremacist? technically but most of white supremacists are painted as homophobe's so you'll be shooting yourself in the foot by trying to insert into a group that hates you, there are black white supremacists as well that gleefully misinterpret data and come to same conclusion as the rest of them
many crime = prone to crime while ignoring the root of why the crime happened, if you are broke as shit living on scraps and surrounded by a culture that refuses to help law enforcement uphold the law you are going to have a hard time not being a criminal
if your neighbors and peers call you uncle tom for trying to have a honest lawful living that isn't rapping or making designer clothes you will be peer pressured into going the easy way to maintain your "friends"
humans are dumb animals like that we want to be accepted by those we grew around and if those you grew around are involved in organized crime, disregard the law and shit talk honest living to cope it's not going to be nice
petty violent crime spawns from need to do petty violent crime such as mugging or robbing or burglary etc, you will not see a person who has a decent amount of money do that because they do not have any need to do that
ego adapts to the environment and is prone to accepting convenient half truths over truths that would cause you to self reflect and realize crushing truths, the man may not be actively holding them back but the system kind of allowed them to fall through the cracks and build around the issues without addressing the root cause
white supremacy in a nutshell is standing next to some other kids sandcastle and saying "look what i got, i take credit for this"
Jews are kike faggots
"no, people who are ... white supremacists are merely attaching themselves to an ideology in order to fit in"
jewish people do not share cultural spooks of chivalry, martyrdom and altruism as strongly as those that spawned from european countries, their religions enables them to lie to the goy if misinterpreted and emitted golden rule from
their religion is used for solidarity same as ethnicity which causes the side effect of them "sticking with their own" same as asian people tend to do (and pretty much everyone with tribal tendencies, yes european people too)
the utopia of relying of cultures and still mixing them haphazardly is foolishness, there will be cultural differences that will be glaringly obvious that will cause unnecessary conflict, united earth is impossible unless all the cultures involved adapt to include other cultures but that cannot happen if the cultures involved do not also include ideals of working together to achieve a common goal, even world wars required a "big bad" for countries to unite into coalitions and those coalitions fell apart as soon as that threat was gone
united by hatred is a fickle alliance
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Kike fgt
not jewish, also bi not gay
Your fortune: Outlook good
based nodoka xD
fuck you
Under developed prefrontal cortex. Thats why they have slopeheads. People with prefrontal cortex brain damage become more impulsive violent and unable to think long term aka they generally start acting more like nigs
reddit necrospam
you sound like leo from d'jango shut up, lol so basic the white man took niggers and made them just like the white man and now your all pissed off about it cause you though you could control them and instead they assimilated deal with it
don't reply to the reddit raiders
Yeah yeah whatever thats all true but they do have underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes thats just a fact. East africans less so but west africans from around the congo definitely do
The first ever white supremacist invented homosexuality because he thought women had no purpose. I believe it was in the Ancient Greek or something.
probably, it's also probably mostly bread out of Africa Americans at this point or at least will be In a few generations or yes you may be right but how relevant is it really? Do you live in The heart of affrica or something? how about Detroit? does this effect you on a day to day basis? or is this just an intellectual debate on how you think niggers are smelly.
makes some people feel better to know sone have it worse, weak approach and a crutch that makes you crooked
African americas still have smaller frontal cortexes depending on what mix of other race dna they have. Sure if they're only 20% West African their cortex will only be a fraction smaller but it still has an effect. Just like if youre part asian youre more likely to have black hair and high cheekbones
When you see a pol thread
as a matter of fact, yes
two same numbers
Serious code black
"and it really wasn't as bad as people think it was--it was about as bad as European serfdom, and in fact black slaves were better fed, less productive, taller, and had a longer life expectancy than white workers in the US during certain periods"
I would imagine this applies to so-called "house slaves", those who were just essentially maids and butlers. Not to "field slaves" who were producing the economic value. It also depends on what kind of European serfdom you're talking about: Eastern European serfdom (everything East of the Elbe) was more reminiscent of slavery than Western European serfdom but ultimately serfdom as better than slavery by default simply due to the fact that the precise rights and obligations of serfs were legally regulated and they were not considered personal property (with some exceptions in Eastern Europe).
I don't believe the problem is institutional racism or lack thereof. The black community, as far as I can tell based on personal research although I'm not American, has historically come to define itself in opposition to Whites and their culture, which happens to be the culture of primacy of reason, openness to learning experiences, entrepreneurial initiative, civility and deference to the Law, etc. And this opposition is not merely ingrained in and localised to the black community itself, but permeates the entirety of American culture. In fact, the more white people make attempts to eliminate all traces of this opposition through affirmative action-like initiatives, the more it stands out (like the Streisand effect). If the average Black individual were to have a predisposition to those "white" qualities, even if there were no direct peer pressure from other Blacks, he would feel visceral discomfort and internal conflict at the idea of expressing those within a culture that subliminally defines his own identity as distinct from the identity that embodies those qualities. It would subconsciously feel like a betrayal, a loss of integrity and a loss of the sense of self that has been shaped by the surrounding culture since birth, irrespective of being raised in the black community per se. Genetic changes (such as reduced intelligence) can happen as a result of persistent patterns of behaviour becoming epigenetically crystallised and inherited over generations as a result of culture, and I am fully ready to believe that Blacks are simply less intelligent than Whites on a genetic level. However, genomes are not intrinsic or permanent; their very nature is to be moulded and remoulded by their environment, and in the case of race and ethnicity, it is the cultural and socio-economic environment that has played the biggest role in modern history in shaping traits such as intelligence and social patterns.
But I can stand to be corrected on this if I'm wrong.
"at least our pyramid is not red" t. blue pyramid
"we're a new thing called red pyramids"
"what should we red pyramids be like?"
"being a red pyramid is not being a blue pyramid"
"blue pyramids have a lot of useful and attractive qualities though"
"lemme try those"
"wait, I'm a red pyramid, why am I doing blue pyramid stuff ew"
"but those qualities are objectively good"
"yeah, but I'm a red pyramid and red pyramids are the opposite of blue".
"Even if I act like a blue pyramid, I'll still be red. I'll never fully be able to be as blue as the blue pyramids, so might as well stay red and proud".
would you guys hug a Nazi?
only if he were a cute girl
two same numbers
Good eye. Is that significant in some way?
What data do we keep here?
One does not preclude the other. You could be both.
Code black
Phrenology is a pseudoscience that was debunked a long time ago