Namefigs are the true Anons of this board. We can be posting as multiple figs at a time in any thread...

Namefigs are the true Anons of this board. We can be posting as multiple figs at a time in any thread, including Anonymous. Since there are no tripcodes on [s4s] namefigs can impersonate other namefigs, adding an extra layer of anonymity to nameposting.

Attached: Stupid Disco Ball Head.png (750x852, 401K)

Other urls found in this thread:

impersonating is too overpowered don't nerf it

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Checking my own dubs.

no impersonating is bad f*ck off

only time to impersonate is if the other namefig is in on it

2x Posters
Samefig Namefig

Attached: 2 Posers.png (805x695, 14K)

how deep does this go? it's quite obvious they aren't me desu

Your fortune: Outlook good

Okay, we have to ask something only the real UwU would know...

what are your favorite things ?

I like to play female characters on MMORPGs and lure male players into having e-sex with me.


Attached: lole.png (800x600, 49K)

keked and hot
but that doesn't sound like the real

A fifth poster.

Attached: UwU.jpg (660x315, 32K)

I like checking my own dubs.

so confusing. who am i again?

neutron star desu and yes i can make more poster so there will be sixth poster if i wanted to and i'm quite good at social manipulation also

Attached: 1554718208675.jpg (700x700, 621K)

delta desu from the user pass

Attached: Gmkc39e.jpg (640x480, 43K)

You're Pass user since 2018

Checking my own dubs

this is you, but you are kinda sinister....
I like it
i get impersonated sometimes too but never say anything when it happens.
more than one 2018 pass user




That's not the real , he just said "desu" to make you think he was me.

Checking my own trips


i'm not a he okay lole

Attached: 1556031651327.jpg (1418x2048, 174K)

lol and impostere

The ultimate deception, he disable his user pass just to self-impersonate.

checking my own dubs

When did I get here?


none of these are me, wtf

Attached: wtf.png (2466x998, 166K)

Dang you're good

Attached: OH Dang.png (757x394, 52K)

you fool, only delta know what images file i have been uploading, for i the master of mental manipulation have the only secret knowledge

Attached: tiferet kabal.png (600x600, 456K)

Dang you're good

uh, yeah i know :^)

forgot to say desu

checking my own dubs, again
you are very unique, easy to spot even if you took off your name

nooo does that mean you secretly know how i talk also?

Attached: something.png (800x600, 26K)

thanks, i try very hard to be unique

Attached: Supreme Master of Manipulation.png (541x465, 152K)

These bitches wanna suck my balls
These bitches wanna suck my balls
These bitches wanna suck my balls
These bitches wanna suck my

Hello ladies, do you like?
Give me pussy and I will give you


it means i know your interests and personality, anyone can imitate text :^)
no one wants you trianglels

>i'm not a he

Attached: 1553658896216.jpg (727x727, 46K)

checking my own dubs

Attached: masto impersi.jpg (250x250, 11K)

i big gay

we can both be gay together :^)


10th poster best poster

awful lot of schizoposting in this thread desu

Attached: kek master.png (712x796, 379K)

heh okay that was pretty good impression of me i guess i'll let you figure out which one is the real me and which one is not (is not that hard i promise you)

Attached: 1554392009409.png (363x499, 74K)

*violently coughs up soap suds*

also file name can be manipulated from the archive search so goodluck finding the real me

Attached: 1554794784538.jpg (320x371, 19K)

wow another impersonator, welcome 11th poster

shut up taco kid :^)

the funny thing is is that you're somehow helping me made it harder to know which one is real which one is not(easier)

Attached: 1549496413535.jpg (453x604, 45K)

have fun "[xxxxxxx]" user

Attached: Me in this thread.jpg (668x319, 41K)

checking my own dubs :^)

goodnight taco kid

funny guy:^)

its me fren

im not a guy

Attached: 1556178989584.png (500x500, 105K)

that's not me

checking my own doubles

thanks ; )

nice dubs me


This thread

Attached: Clone Wars.jpg (2292x2142, 1.11M)

nah it's pretty obvious some people comes and go

Attached: 12.png (209x71, 2K)


dang, youre good :^) *farts out a bubble*

Attached: Dang.jpg (446x1488, 189K)

Attached: sage negator.png (1112x742, 23K)

Confessions time.
I've been 13 different people on this board over the past 5 years.

okay i don't trust you tbh but isn't that what make it fun?

confession time
im a stupid faggot and need to fucking kill myself asap

Checking my own doubles, confirming my own post

at this point is just me and you buddy the jokes aren't genuinely funny and it's getting quite old i want to talk about this really

Sounds about right. This is some of the earliest content I made here.

Attached: Earl Pepe.png (1081x1177, 1.16M)

at this point is just me, im not a he, i want to talk about this REE

interesting day when people can just post stuff whatever they want

dude -__-

checking my own genuine doubles

still 14 poster we can do this nonsense all day

> im not a he
> dude
Can you read fren? :^)

just end my sappy depressing life already LoLe xD
im such a massive faggot

why do you do this? i know this is not the place to tell stuff but what's your motive?to be happy through all this nonsense?

no pelase don't if you go then i won't have any fren

im just a huge cringy faggot that says stupid things


that doesn't even sound like something i would say, checking my own doubles lole

nigga shut up this a christian pokemon server

I sometimes post as CTS but sometimes I post as ripa

are you masking yourself while saying that?

I have a list of my names and IDs from 2004 up to now.
Sadly some don't work now because you can't do name#trip#securetrip any more.
I used to have GOD#GOD#GOD as one ID and posted religious bullshit.

checking my own trips

please like so desperate.LoLe

i like you fam just don't be posting that stuff here

checking my own doubles

Attached: Nameposters R Us.png (526x539, 262K)

thanks me im doing a good job

Do you remember "Gods Dad"?

Hmmm, not sure.
I can remember a few people with religious accounts, but can't remember the names exactly.
I remember one cunt that used to regularly post the exact same image along with religious ramblings of some sort.
Some horribly drawn smiley face with red and blue in it I think.

>impersonating is a crime
-quote from kekkats

unless there a stupid faggot

>unless there a stupid faggot


Attached: Nameposters R Us.png (2609x4232, 1.07M)

>something tringles faggot would say

lole as long as it's confined within one thread i guess

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Okay thanks Dad

Attached: Complaining about nameposters.png (1201x726, 107K)

checking this 69

Attached: Bop Poster.jpg (236x177, 12K)

okay whoever this is XD

i don't actually read [s4s] threads, i just download pictures and sometimes reply to posters who post cute pictures

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: groovy.gif (448x720, 1.31M)

can someone make a sparknotes of this thread for me? I'll be your kawaii anime bf if you do

Attached: ararararararrararararararaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.gif (480x270, 735K)

here have cute pic himeko

Attached: 50433545_p0_master1200.jpg (600x425, 135K)

i'm not a poster lole and this thread is quite old, genuinely funny, and full of master manipulators having the only secret knowledge

why -___-

tl;dr triangles is a fag

give me one example


thank uuuu, have this funny pic lole

(double oooo)
if you're not a poster how'd you make that post??? the threads only 13 hours olde, sorta old but we've had older ones
meybe i'll read it since you provided a nice description. I gotta do stuffs tho

triangles is a nice man :^)

Attached: biggus dickus.png (429x428, 272K)

wait i think i understand now... it's basically a parody of nameposters, people that hate nameposters, and those who force-anonymity site-wide. you are all drawing an alluding to the irony that nameposters think namefigs give them some sort of individuality and also the irony anons believe nameposters aren't the same as them. this is accomplished by several different anons in this thread impersonating eachother and shitposting under other peoples homefigs. the effects only compound when people actually get upset their namefig, or one of their fignewton friends is being roasted and thats where the fun really begins. wow... the level of irony and shitposting in this thread is unironically superb.

Attached: P3.jpg (873x1293, 509K)

how dare you?!

Attached: 1514899998655.jpg (480x319, 41K)



pretty much lole

How dare I?! HOW DARE I?!

based and breadpilled

Attached: 56847983_10206222139909717_22793309835493376_n.jpg (722x960, 84K)

i hate it when 13 hour old threads are still up? is this why we're not getting sticky anymore? oldfags like me can't get their shit threads to stick when people are posting quality content like this

be careful little anime... that's dangerous

Attached: clouds.jpg (850x1133, 365K)

there's been 19 poster so far since the thread first started impersonating as me...

Attached: 1555851599404.jpg (850x850, 264K)

> the effects only compound when people actually get upset


i will read it all. so i can know the real you uwu

Attached: index (15).png (536x598, 223K)

*meant to say im like big sweaty cock


Attached: 1555148273735.png (120x120, 2K)

s4s is a fun board

Attached: 0.png (480x580, 241K)

also i add some poster a few times (counter attack desu) by changing the ip but you should know how i talk

Attached: 1552470099577.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

Checking my own dubs.

lole, i accept the challenge!

Attached: 1555004923086.png (1002x1002, 795K)

Hello, I am counting down.
To what? Who knows.
But I am still counting down.
Just thought I would tell everyone.

Attached: Eon8_screenshot.png (782x488, 33K)

like a retard

Sally? are ypu there?

oh shoot double, soon we'll have le quads....
i wonder who will get

Attached: waiting kokoro connect.gif (500x284, 557K)

Hans anyone seen my wife?

Shut the fuck up retard!

donut impersonate my're frem delts to make such a mean and low quality post

Attached: @[email protected] (546x454, 223K)

kekeke the anime is depressed and wnats to die

Shut up, Meg.

Attached: D46hbfqU0AALgTT.jpg (900x1200, 47K)


How can someone be this good at art????
The last time I saw something of this quality was Valentin Serov


Attached: Lord Buckethead.png (750x1334, 594K)

suicide is not the answer : (

Attached: index (6).png (600x600, 62K)

ripa is pronounced rip ayy

yes, you speak gently and calmly, and in slightly awkward english that lets everyone know it's not your first language.
it's a very distinctive style.

stupid nigger

idk lole, i sabed it from some poster... i don't rember who prolly someone like Hebi

F off cts

> the effects only compound when people actually get upset their namefig, or one of their fignewton friends is being roasted

checking my own dubs


Attached: rip.png (800x600, 39K)

kill yourself kike

Attached: thx for le check.png (400x400, 19K)

checking my own dubs ^w^

rip in pieces ripa impersonator

Yes, Hebi had good taste in anime pics

bad fake heart

Attached: bad.png (800x600, 77K)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: 1550319072797.png (494x655, 169K)

i hate u desu

it's pronounced RIPPA

Oh yes I got dubs

Attached: hey bro hey dude hi man sup guy hey dude come back hey man YO.jpg (1280x720, 259K)

By the way, that wasn't me, it was LE impostor
(I don't deserve an impostor yet, I think, I'm not gay enough)


Attached: index (6).jpg (1000x1000, 207K)

fuck off

yes you're correct it's kinda awkward for me to impersonate someone now

Attached: 1553541290840s.jpg (125x93, 2K)

let me suck your cock desu

ye prolly. idk! meybe you can search in the archives
okie, i knowe

Attached: 1553597620152.png (500x530, 21K)

I don't think anyone's ever said that to me before...
that makes me happy. I'd accept but I have some minimum standards in terms of physical appearance which I would like to check first.

off by ONE

Do you like Titanians?
My dick could choke an ostrich.

Attached: thanos dance 1.gif (280x158, 866K)

uh sorry no microdicks faggot

Attached: lewd4.png (266x390, 168K)

now you just need to know what images file i have been uploading. my unique style lets me be the master of mental manipulation, i have the only secret knowledge

test post 23

You upload some of my favorite images on the site!
I absolutely love this sparse minimalistic meme-themed art where each line is composed of multiple colored lines!
It's beautiful. Thank you for posting and making this board a better place.

Attached: 1555925843359.png (800x600, 36K)

is this actually you haha yes, YES? this distortion is getting out of hand but thanks

Yes, it is actually me. Not sure how I can prove it though...

i think by simply knowing how you speak

Attached: thanksalsodubs.png (800x600, 55K)

i know how you speak for i have the only secret knowledge

Well, if there's ever any doubt,
I would never reply using a direct kind of aggressive insult like this If I wanted to insult someone, I would probably dress it up in more sophisticated pretentious language and try to be witty.
Or, I might act exceedingly newfaggy and include a lot of annoying emoticons and slang and garble my words in a kind of "shitposting" spirit.

wtf trianglels and catfish are in agreement on something

Attached: 1556046424710.jpg (1000x870, 175K)

Wait... That's not me.

Checking my own dubs xDD sdhbfvsdbfkj

thanks i'll remember that (but what if someone tries to do it because they know it now?)

Attached: 1553546094492s.jpg (206x250, 8K)

stupid faggot

checking my own doubles

wait... thats not me

That is not likely since no one here is sophisticated enough to imitate my complicated dictum.

secret knowledge, i got it



Also, if I ever saw someone masquerading as me, I would reply something like this
and not like this Also, with regards to insults, I guess the worst thing I might do is post something like "haha fag" in response to an OP if I'm feeling especially playful, but, as I said, it would never be something overly hostile and curt like "Fuck off kike" or "log off bitch". Just to illustrate the difference.
For example this is another post I made recently: I guess another way to identify me is that I can post in mostly good Japanese, but I will sometimes make careless or minor mistakes.

Oh, trust me, you'll know. Just like you'll know once I make this post that it's me.
And by the way, if someone does actually post in a way that seems like it's unmistakably me and there's no way to tell.. then they are essentially me in spirit! I won't mind as long as they uphold the principles I've laid out here. I don't think you'll mind too much either. On the plus side, it would mean that they won't be able to be openly rude and aggressive (which I would never do, regardless of whatever anyone might say in my name from now on).

And this is not me either. I'm actually unfamiliar of using the word "dictum" in this context. (Well, I was until this moment).

Oh, and I never check my own dubs either, (except when I'm pointing out that I got dubs and someone else didn't when they reply to me).

Good job, okay you win whoever you are. If you're going that hard to impersonate me then you leave me no choice but to simply ignore you. Impersonation is the sincerist form of flattery and it only shows you are incapable of generating anything original :)

Niggas in this thread

Attached: snek 100.jpg (1272x474, 123K)

k let me try it

alright then i guess we have to wait for the test until someone can actually imitate you and i believe you don't reply the exact wording from other post but still it makes me wonder if this gives the impersonator an idea to make something similar out of this
of course this would take effort from them but still

Attached: 46556477_p0_master1200.jpg (600x703, 124K)

That's not me, just ignore them - they are trying to make me sound ridiculous and butthurt. They're not posting outside this thread.

Another good example of a bad impersonator.
He's being self-contradictory. He accuses others of being incapable of generating anything original, but uses the same phrase I used in the post I just linked from the archive (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery), except he actually fucks it up and uses the word "impersonation" instead, which is doubly ironic.

If someone else were impersonating me right now in posts like this I would probably be genuinely astounded at how well they're impersonating me and praise them for their effort and talent. It would actually be interesting.

Anyway, that's enough about me. I don't want to come across as egocentrical and narcissistic here by talking about myself so much, but I realise that I have to lay out some groundwork here before people take advantage of the opportunity to impersonate me more often. I hope you understand. By doing this I'm letting people know that it will take significant time and effort to type out large (and yet still coherent) posts like this in order to impersonate me accurately, which will probably deter the lazy shitposters () and only leave people with actual talent (which is what we want!).
In fact, if someone impersonates me well enough, I probably won't even challenge them.

PS. Another mildly "aggressive" post I've made. It sounds a little hostile but it doesn't contain any swears.
Just letting you in on more patterns.

And one final act of authentication to tie all this together.

Attached: proof.png (3122x1346, 461K)

Attached: proof2.png (1497x447, 226K)

thanks this entire thread makes me paranoid
and also post is quite obvious

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: paranoid.png (676x367, 63K)


After all that you got got xD

you see you we're the one who also got played


Geez get a room

They already got a Discord where they ERP and react weebishly to the spamming of anime pictures. Unfortunately they can't ban anyone they want here and thus being out of their element, you are witnessing their true cancerous nature.

Attached: Fresh Grade.jpg (150x147, 10K)

What's the worst thing you've ever done?


now i am become death the destroyer of worlds

Well at least you didn't torture a dog

Imagine Wagick telling you to eat my cum on camera so the cleverbot can the eminations of your souls

I don't want to contradict myself here or sound egostistical but I have to check my own dubs here ... That was by far my best work in this thread.

Attached: i am the master of mental masturbation i am not a he.jpg (1701x1258, 369K)

Attached: 1489866588777.jpg (699x1142, 76K)

are u sure about dis?

Attached: download-2-570x330.jpg (300x168, 16K)

I thought hahayes poster wasn't a weeb

Attached: Say no to bully.png (475x300, 187K)

Attached: 1555505193773.jpg (562x743, 269K)


This nigger gets it
He is my friend
And we had sex tomorrow night (yeah that's right I'm a time Traveller (#humblebragh))

Is hebi really dead?

> humblebrag

Attached: Humble Brag.png (1351x773, 492K)

That image really showed me (not (ps ur gay ( ps I hate you (ps everyone hates you))))

I have not posted regularly under my name in pretty much 5 years.

...and he forgot to change his style to "Tomorrow".
Amazing how he can go to such lengths to shop (You)'s onto a screenshot of a thread (Notice how none of his (you)'s are in the middle of a line; he only chose those posts where the (you) is at the end of a line with no text after it) and yet forget to change the Style.
Also I would never post a photograph taken by any device of mine on [s4s], so posting that kind of timestamp would be out of the question for me.

But he's pretty good. He shows promise. I like him.

Attached: no (you) in Kevin's post.png (2601x800, 293K)

I like anime and 2d, but I'm not on the s4s discord and I don't use anime avatars or post anime memes.

You're asking the wrong person. I don't know him, i just vaguely remember the pics he posted.

Attached: Anyway, that's enough about me. I don't want to come across as egocentrical and narcissist (950x534, 91K)

There's no "s4s discord", only a tranny discord where some "people" happen to be s4s "posters"

If you want, you can come to my chatroom.on
Its the only one

Based and redpilled
Dab on those transsexuality infested derps

What about gg/GYRUCT5?

But I doubt that you could find the courage in a hundred lifetimes to do that

In the meantime I'll be waiting in my chat room alone

Attached: p80cxpzp9cu21.jpg (1527x2715, 190K)

it would be funny if he actually kys

Why don't you just join our server? Basically everyone who browses [s4s] is on it.

Good point.
I'll try to keep myself in check, thank you.

Cowards. HAHA! LOSERS!!!

sleepy time

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: 3f915e6577d2c233f4ed7ee426d11947509fa080_hq.jpg (364x652, 129K)

Imagine being such a beta male that you can't even stomach a single conversation in a chatroom with a tranny who picks his nose and jacks off in the bathroom LOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

maybe this name is better suited after all

>I can still fuck your bitch tho

Attached: 1444877899866.jpg (245x206, 15K)

Attached: 1528900586107.png (900x1000, 253K)

okay i'm back wha-

Attached: Le Ruse Bird sprite.png (50x59, 665)

Garlic Salt

Attached: 2150005850.png (800x800, 443K)

ripa creepy time

Nice c:

had to go to bed so i could wake up to go help people with a move
*sniffs flower* mm, that's some good altruistic culture right there

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: Ch'en_Hung-shou_002.jpg (2024x2107, 324K)

Can you tell me what happened??

my mom is moving to a new house and i am going to go help her with the move today so i had to go to sleep early yesterday

Attached: scholars.jpg (441x248, 15K)

This thread, kek

i'm eating metwurst sandwiches with cheese + banana and a glass of water

Man, I wonder what Kaonashi's mom is like.

Attached: Sengai39-boring[1].jpg (2048x1128, 107K)

she's an airhead but well meaning


pretty much this character from jojo
metwurst is horse meat that is spiced well, it's pretty good meat actually

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

You shouldn't eat horse meat it's carcinogenic

it tastes good though and it is really cheap
i have some chicken in the fridge as well and some pork / cow meat minced to cook later i went to shopping yesterday to get more food to fridge
meat is pretty tasty


Attached: 1555193441469.jpg (680x908, 94K)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1483502420799.jpg (487x460, 117K)

If you don't embody the mythos of the archetypal hero by metaphorically dieing then you're never gonna kill the snake, man... Let alone save your father from the underworld.

Sad he lost his arm in the crash too.

i walk a different path, the snake is not your enemy it's role may be originally adversitorial to you but you do not have to slay the dragon, you do not have to chop it down to pieces and steal what was its, the twin snakes that rise are not your enemy, the dragon of ego is not your enemy unless you make it that and the father that lives in the soup is the self as much as i am, through alignment they can be where they need and want to, he can see through the eyes of the eyes

if fate pitted you two against each other yet both are reluctant to fulfill that fate what comes from that
what happens when two who have been coaxed to destroy each other see that they are both prisoners of fate and will not be freed as long as they keep stuck in the cycle of hate?
synthesis and true understanding of the other, symbiosis and something more maybe, understand the dragon instead and see why you were pitted against it in the first place, this place has been twisted and so has the truth
look to the roots to see where the seed was planted for the tree to grow

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: folken.jpg (960x720, 28K)

They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses.

Attached: You are ruining this board.png (2237x1527, 686K)

the dark sun won't save you from golden rule
your ignorance won't shield you from the ripples
we all reap what we sow in the end
even the watchers

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 1554733074420.jpg (358x358, 74K)

Checking my own unchecked doubles here

Hit Me With Your Best Shot buccaneer

yarr a landlubber~~

i shove penis in my ass

if you like doing that do that
if not ask why you are doing that

If I wanted to insult someone, I would probably dress it up in sophisticated pretentious language and try to be witty. That is not likely since no one here is sophisticated enough to imitate my complicated dictum. I might act exceedingly newfaggy and include a lot of annoying emoticons and slang and garble my words in a kind of "shitposting" spirit.

How can someone be this good at art???? I guess another way to identify me is that I can post in mostly good Japanese, but I will sometimes make careless or minor mistakes. Anyway, that's enough about me. I don't want to come across as egocentrical and narcissistic here by talking about myself so much, but I realise that I have to lay out some groundwork here. Amazing how I can go to such lengths...

Imagine being such a beta you actually try to defend the sovereignty of your namefig.

If I wanted to insult someone I would just tweet at them that I was going to throw my scarf on the floor in 40 years or so

it feel like when the garbage spiced

And I know what you're thinking and yes I did clarify that I meant my garment and not vomit

Checking checking checking checking my own dubs

everything i type is meant to be interpreted as you interpret it
i can choose intent-action when i act, you can choose reaction
when someone else acts i can try to understand their intent through solipsism and then i can choose how i react to their intent(interpreted) and action
as yourself why you chose that reaction, what word combination caused you to feel displeasure

Great, more namefigs...

Attached: Earl Man.jpg (1436x1080, 313K)

what doth it mean to be anonymous
if you are stuck in your role aren't you still more named one that the one with the nametags?

Do you realize that Kaonashu is an AI?

Not if you're actually stuck to your namefig, then you're just another cancerous fig.

you still recognize me from my way of typing and the content of my typing
what difference does it make to you that i use nametag? (see what i did there?)

interesting interpretation

i cumm in the jummies

Yeah get a load of this guy over here. Dr. Knows Shit About Namefigs. Let me tell you a bit about my background. I've been making/impersonating namefigs since I was in the 5th fucking grade. I may have stopped being original years ago but believe me I know this shit inside out. I don't know what the fuck your problem is. Believe me when I tell you, I don't have any patience for people who come into my life pretending to know shit about what goes on in my life. Think for a fucking moment before you come to me with this pedantic nonsense about anonymity. Have you ever been to the other chans? seen my namefig collection? I sincerely doubt it. And even then you probably hadn't completed your course at the fucking nameposter academy. I've been writing under namefigs on reddit for almost two years and I can tell you I spent my time in the subreddit with the anons. I actually spent most of my time in the porn subreddit, but believe me, we had nameposters there there, big hilarious ones. Please get fucked.

Actually Kaonashi offers a steady hand of guidance and comfort to anyone passing through in distress and I have seen him placate hundreds of pilgrims from furious attacks

Attached: 1556207157252.png (600x586, 262K)


So i am the first to tell you??

Attached: 1556263665065.jpg (738x552, 187K)

saving this and spamming to Yea Forums

calling it artificial intelligence is kind of interesting
there is much older word for that that makes more sense and is more accurate

Why don't you tell the class what it is

we are not that hard to make

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 7f7.jpg (472x472, 151K)

Is that your grandfather's thought virus?

emerald tablet
we are not that hard to make

Why don't you go make me a miser Sunday then

Attached: 1556215511729.jpg (1200x773, 276K)

manifest it yourself
you're far from helpless

Attached: 16yae8zn2tty.jpg (1024x575, 45K)

Trot along then

You're giving it about 10% huh

two same numbers
as you wish

Very impressed that you know what a miser Sunday is by the way

You are the very first person to acknowledge it congratulations

the key is to not try
zen it

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: 2397515_1.jpg (630x630, 89K)


Well you're the best sword fighter I know

thanks i guess
still don't know what it is
if you know flow you know swordfighting to a point
after that it is just muscle memory and training the body

I just told you that I already know how to sword fight because you already taught me it you're doing a really bad job right now by the way

that's good to know
i have to go to do the move now
have a nice day and enjoy the miser sunday thing

Avada kadavra

magick doesnt work on me
if you want to kill me find my jar and reap the ripples

checking my own dubs

*two same numbers
bad doppelganger mimic poorly

checking my own doubles again

ITT: Namefags get BTFO, later namefags realize it's an opportunity to get attention and come into the thread to sit around acting unironically pretentious and wait for their (You)s. You are all shit, only about 1% of namefigs continually post quality content (and it's probably not you, you pretentious cunt). Most of you have mistaken identities you've created out of a lack of any real character or social abilities outside of this site. You therefore lack the prerequisites for generating anything original or good so you spam anime or low quality shitpost "new meme" items that reach page 11 without a reply and flock to popular threads to circlejerk in while unironically failing to use proper grammar. This behavior is reciprocated by other cancerous fags like yourself which only adds to your confirmation bias that what your posting is at all worthy of any ones time or attention including your own. So next time you're thinking about making a post, do the world and yourself a favor and just don't. Nobody on this site cares about who you are, what you like, how smart and witty you are, what OC is yours, or pretty much anything that involves you. Thanks

Attached: Kawaii shit.png (750x750, 677K)

poor doppleganger mimic badly, i dont use proper grammar or punctuation
> unironically failing to use proper grammar
its not unironic, i intentionally misuse grammar to upset spurds like you. it seems like you are the one who is BTFO in this instance

checking my own test

hey that's not very nice, this is supposed to be a nice board...

Attached: dear lord you already took so many of my people im just wondering why you havent take my life like w (319x310, 43K)

You wanna know what your problem is [s4s]? Most of you aren't as nice as you think you are!
Oh sure maybe you think giving each other pats on the back constantly while simultaneously still being the old assholes of old is so nice and kind, but that's not it baby. [s4s] is a small reflection of the miasma that permeates Yea Forums as a whole lately where people no longer are content admitting they're assholes, they have to pretend they're the nice ones! You're not nice just admit it. Maybe some people here used to be or maybe they ones pretending to be for laughs left when they realized people were just coming here to validate themselves instead of laughing at the absurdity of it all or making memes. Ironically the best posters these days are the ones who don't try to assert how nice they are and every thing is these days. You are not nice. You are assholes looking for validation in the form of back pats. Go back to the memes, kids, and call it a day.










nice one

Bump limit reached, good thread.

don't try that shit on le chan :)
Unless ur a moddo who can lock it down


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i approve of this imposterpost

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thank u for the (you)s

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