Look out! he's gonna inject you with the big gay!

look out! he's gonna inject you with the big gay!

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it also temporarily makes you sleep during which time he will bend you over and give you a special "injection"


thats called rape, dude

someone should really stop him

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I am not gay but goddamn i would gladly choke on his tiny cock for days

bad news user, you're gay
▲󠛡 ▲

fortunately astolfo is non-binary so that isn't gay at all!

thanks dad *also farts*

jokes on him, im gonna buttfuck him and give him my aids

What? Why?

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a nurse injected me with antipsychotics just yesterday and now i feel severely sedated even though it's the lowest possible dose

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hey its that thingamabob from BB with the eyes except theyre flowers fsr

wrong. It's a woman


the word cur originally meant dog so curse means dogs so to rid the kingdom of the curse literally means to rid the land of beasts

shut up

that's the definition of the word cloister

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I appreciate the fact that someone considers my name to be worth their attention.

Ok Rentenpilz

thats not what the phrase means retard
it's referring to imitating someone else's work in your own when you are attempting to make something legitimate

they are not attempting you to imitate you in order to create something worthy, they are just plain making fun of you

it's the difference between writing a lord of the rings clone and writing a hitpiece on why the lord of the rings is shit using parody

I don't get it.
The only google result for that word is some German guy's Youtube channel. Are you trying to advertise your channel to me?

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You mean you don't understand the point of your own youtube channel?

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tick tock

Why would you assume that's my youtube channel? genuinely curious.

i want to say he's mentally ill and save you the trouble of interacting with the schizo, but i'm pretty sure you're one of those newfigs here who likes to pretend everyone who isn't explicitly calling you a fucktard is some nice person with great spiritual advice or some nonsense like that

That's actually pretty accurate.
You're exactly right, it's not that I *think* that everyone here who isn't being explicitly rude is nice and enlightened, but I do like to pretend that that's the case, I admit.

you just got called a fag lmao

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But it's also not the case that I *think* that they're not those things either. I just refrain from any "real" judgment and simply pretend, as you said.

Also I'm kind of getting bored of this place already; I've had my fill of what's left of the culture here and I don't think I'll stick around for much longer.
[s4s] is turning into a bit of a chore for me tbh.

>mfw it's time for my court mandated estrogen injection

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based that is a smart and wise decision do not let anyone else tell you otherwise

good dubs

traps not gay tho

not so shabby urself


Hello s4s, are you searching for a true ACTIVE discord server to hang out and make friends?
Where the mods aren't power hungry?
Look no more!

We have MEMES, tons of LEWDS, a selfie channel, comfy channel, lots of E-Girls (Traps/Femboys too!).

If he injects me with the big gay, and I already have the big gay. Does it cancel out and make me straight, or does it turn me into super gay defender of metropolis?

thats a guy?

nigga u just gay

makes u into a hipster millennial

It's too late for me user...i'm already the gay

I'm genuinely curious about this.