What is smol dreaming about

what is smol dreaming about.......................................................

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Smol is dreaming about that last time on the turntables

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easter eggs

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theres neppy... BEAT HER

yay, punishment timee

all the smol things

true care, true brengs

i'll take, 1 lift
u're ride, best trip

my balls my balls my balls my balls!

leave this thread immediately and never come back you are not wanted here you idiot!!!!!!!

you are rudeme is sorry but sad u rude

rewd pls leaf

How she’ll never be cool :)

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gys pls forgiv I lov smol i was jokin sorry plz

I -will- forgive you
but first

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sorry user that wasnt me that was my brother

yes hello this is the brother typing that was me im sorry i did not mean it that way


hello the brother


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I can fix that thing with one sword and one Shield you just pulled up the shield so that it can hit you and you strike it score with your sword and it's dead