Hop in dude
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Hop in dude
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Fuck you you sub-human.
"thanks again for inviting me to visit the mosque, i've never seen one of those things on the inside i hope it looks cool... we going to the range after? you know you shouldn't carry weapons in the car like that they might misfire or the police might pull you over if they see you lugging around this much firepower, i know you said this would be unforgetable trip to the mosque but i think you're overselling it a bit those things can't be that cool but ill withhold my judgement until we get to see the place"
>Thanks again for inviting me to visit the mosque
Stopped reading right there
two same numbers
whomst art thou quoting?
Our lord and savior
Who? Who! Did you just ask me who?
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
did you know that when bible said thou shalt not lie with another man as thou lay with a woman they meant you are supposed to treat them better because bible clearly favors men with all the women can't teach and stuff you know
so really bible didn't say that being gay is wrong they just said fucking a guy like they are a girl is wrong because men on men sex is supposed to be like intimate and nice and shit
i think organized religion is pretty gay so might as well love thine fellow man while you're at it you know, also let the kids come too you know at least they aren't filled up on porridge and malice so they can go to heaven
satan was just a misunderstood angsty angel who rebelled against daddy god but they still hang out and play games with god so that should tell you they are cool with each other you know god just kicked him out cause he tried to take over his crib
haha FUNNY.
i like when somebody says subhuman and magically a wild nigger appears lole
Nice interpretation, proddie
of a lower order of being than humans
(of a primate) closely related to humans
not worthy of a human being; debased or depraved
a subhuman creature or person
being called a human to begin with is not a very high praise, to be called less than human is a bizarre compliment, you differentiate them from humans but you somehow say they are less than humans?
truly bizarre, how can you be less than a creature that is their own worst enemy?
alright bet man where we goin?
two same numbers
i bet we are going to a place where i meet some old friends that will be happy to see us
Were we going sir?
Do I have 2 ride with a nigger?
that sounds sick!