S4s meetup when?

S4s meetup when?

Attached: mark wallace.jpg (360x360, 20K)

in 3 hours

sorry i can't

okay this is dubs

Attached: [s4s] meetup.jpg (1280x720, 210K)

me on the right

dubs confirm!! lole


me on the right

I /HATE/ Robby Williams

wen half life 3 confirmed and free mansion for the leon


only 17 days???? i cam't habeeb it!!!

u got no feet
owe 40 000 eyes

17 days until esfores meet up in the light music club room
ok two eyes


forty thousand. including your kin's

ill take them like u took elians

alright, i'm back!
ignore because i'm ready af right now

Can't wait, see you there!

come to my house i'll show you the life of the mind

sorry user, i don't get the joke

Attached: i_dont_get_it.jpg (307x307, 14K)

i know because you're a fuckin pleb

what makes you say that?

me on the right


also nice dubs


to have a esfores meet up is like having germany raid russia in the winter, its just a really swell idea

january 24th 2020 vancouver bc 12am
also las vegas june 6th 2019
don't be late.

Your fortune: Good Luck

The one on the right is very cute.

id follow around catfish and cts and then we pull pranks on the others and treat them like shit