Hello friends. Hope to get advice from you.
Okay, I'm 19 years old. My weight is 110 kilograms (242 pound) The last 3 months I've been trying to lose weight. At home I got to lose 6 kilogram (13 pounds). It is very slow! I want to sign up in the gym but I am very scared
How to overcome this fear? How to speed up the process of losing weight? I'm sick of being fat .. In my 19 years I am still a virgin .. Never even kissed!
I set a goal to lose weight by the new year. And fuck all the beautiful girls in the city.
I really need your advice .. Thank you and sorry for my bad english.
Hello friends. Hope to get advice from you
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im sorry i have no answers just a question
how many warm meals per day do you eat?
what kind of meals are your go to meals?
do you snack on chips, bakery products or candies / sodas?
the easiest part of weight maint is diet if you have the willpower to resist
if you lack that you need the drive to burn more calories than you take in
rice + meat + veggies = good balanced warm meal, depending on how physically taxing your work is 2-3 warm meals per day should be enough to keep you fueled
unless you're going for muscly build you can just burn off calories with aerobic exercise meaning running or waving sticks around, you already have bodies own weighted training with body mass you've gotten through food so aerobic can be enough
also you'll have a caterpillar to butterfly effect when you burn off the excess body mass with exercise and get the muscles that supported that mass to the surface view
you can try fasting but that is a pretty harsh way to lose weight and you need to know how start eating again slowly so you don't mess up your body by gorging it on food after water fast
if you decide to try water fasting it's pretty simple, when you wake up one day just don't eat anything only drink water or juice, the next morning after 24h water fast start off by drinking some water or juice and then eating a light snack like banana or apple, after 4h from that snack you can make a warm meal again but eat slow
You can't just go to the gym and expect to lose all the weight at once, you'll just get mad you aren't losing weight then say it's pointless and stop. You gotta have fun doing it, so try to go to a gym that's tied to a sport you enjoy. It's how I started going to the gym, I went to a boxing gym and I've been going for a year straight now. But if you had put me in an ordinary gym I would have lost interest and given up a year ago. Boxing and other MMA related sports usually have their own gyms if you want to try them out, you usually make a couple of friends going to them to, as there's a common sport to talk about
burn more calories than you consume lol
stop making excuses to stuff your face and make a calorie calculation on how much you can consume and how much you need to burn off
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Thank! I do not eat bakery, do not drink soda and do not eat chips. Do not eat after 6 pm.
Thanks again. I will try
no problem, if you keep rice + meat + veggie x2 per day for a month you should see positive changes just by sitting on your arse, don't forget to drink juice and water though it helps keep your body healthy and you need vitamin c from juice so you avoid scurvy
That makes sense .. Thank you! I love to watch boxing and UFC .. I'll try. But still .. Scary .. I will look funny. Ball in boxing ... Damn
Yes, I know it .. Thank you. I follow calories but it is slow. Probably need to add more sport.
Chicken is the best meat for this. But I do not really like rice ... I do not know how to cook it (((
picture related
get yourself a rice cooker that you can plug into the wall and you don't need to know how just follow the step by step instructions
1) Don't take in any sugar at all for a month
2) Stop eating bakery products
3) calculate the working calories your body needs and eat three meals a day that adds upto 400-500 calories less than your working calories.
rice cooker It is expensive .. in my country. But thanks, I can find not a new one at a discount.
Thank! But I think 400 calories is very little .. I consume ~ 1500 calories per day I hope my stomach will not die)))
get a metal pot, rinse the rice under cool water (you can swish it around with your hand or just shake it back and forth under running water), put your stove on, put water into the metal pot, pour the rinsed rice into the metal pot, stir the rice in the metal pot with something (metal spoon will do as well), when the rice looks soft you can scoop a few rices out of the pot and blow on it, taste the rices to see if they are hard inside, if yes let them boil for longer, check again in 5-10minutes and redo the test, when the rice is soft inside as well the rice is ready enough and you can rinse the rise again and pour away the boiling water, your rice is now ready to be added with the meat and veggies, if you're lazy like me you can cook the veggies with the rice in same water and then rinse them at the same time
forgot the image, you also need that thing so they rice doesn't go to the drain
Thank! You are the best, thank you. Tomorrow I'll make a rice) Remember your nickname!
stop eating, drink water only. after 2 days your body will start running on reserve fuel (aka "fat")
Interesting .. But I heard that the body eats muscles first
But I'll still try to starve for a day or two. This is useful, right?
tfw drink hella soda and eat whatever i want and stay at 140 lbs with a mysterious muscle definition that used to make my friends that work out mad as fuck cause they know all I do is sit on my ass gaming or browsing
Are you an anime girl? How??
I prefer American style animation cartoons tyvm
American style animation.. I watched RWBY it's American, right?
dont do fucking boxing
literally even running in a city is less dumb than boxing
why dont you try swimming for an easy start
Swimming? No .. My belly it's terrible .. Run, great idea, thanks
>people that work out
>envious about ectomorph bodytype
Anyone who goes to the gym knows endo or meso are best for gaining muscles, ecto are the lanky ones that can hope at best to look toned without juicing
>My belly it's terrible
nigga ever seen a whale?
swimming is perfect for fatsos cause at first your fat will help you and by the time you lose it you should be a tshaped god that doesnt need help anymore
plus your poor joints wont hate you
t pose while swimming, got it
this guy slaps your gf's ass, what do??
eat him
"i am sorry master, i must protect m'lady's honor, i must use your forbidden technique.. just this once"
I understand ... Damn, I will be without clothes .. Scary ..
It's Metro Last Light!
Join the fascist path!
I have lots 7 kg in a month doing nothing, when my mother saw me he thought I had anorexia or something.
It's not really difficult just eat the what you need like 2400 calories a day
This is ... hard .. Dude, how? Are you definitely not sick? Maybe it's diabetes? I hope all is well with you
I'll think about it ;)
nah niggy I look good I'm not skinny fat lank monster I have slight abs and a V nice muscle tone on my arms too idk I just got good genes and a fast metabolism don't hate
two same numbers twice
Of course!!!! I went to the doctor and I'm fine
As a teen I was an edgy fat boy but them I discovered that if you don't eat too much and you do a little exercise you won't be fat MIND-BLOWING (pic related)
two same numbers
*eats enough calories to maintain current body-weight*
Unfortunately, it does not work for everyone .. Beautiful picture)
what is "Lole"? Lol? Yes?
two same numbers
unless you have a medical condition that packs water to your body or something similar the big bones excuse is horseshit
your parents raised you to eat wrong, food is meant to be eaten so you don't die not because it's so yum yum good that you cry to your pillow because you had grossly excess food to stick to your gullet
fix your diet and eating habits, if you have to snack during the day eat fruits, eat warm homecooked healthy meals so you don't get peckish so often, eat smaller portions and only eat when you need to, pace your dinners throughout the day and avoid night eating
"but kaonashi, i want to lose weight without making any changes to my current lifestyle" then accept that your motivation to lose weight vs your motivation to keep eating is lopsided and just be happy with your current state and at least enjoy the food you eat
you don't need to be fit these days you can have food delivered to your doorstep and can work from home, there is no burning need to lose weight to survive so if you enjoy eating that much eat and enjoy
guilt after eating is just stupid you clearly enjoy eating so might as well enjoy it, if people judge you based on your weight then it's a good filter for surface people
lole is lole
naked granted but everyday a little lighter
like blonde
Well ironically I started losing weight when I stopped worrying about it
Calm down please. I have been eating only what I cook myself for a long time. And I'm determined resolutely dude. Or I will do it or die. Believe in me! My life sucks so I will change. Thank you for your advice and help. This is my motivation.
It's impossible. I get up and think my diet menu for the day. I try to do something every day. and at the end of the week I go to the scales with shaking knees. So far this is the only goal in my life. And so much time spent ... Damn
cuz u died
i don't understand man ...
nice trips! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!L OLE!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!
seeking "Lole"
Try some cool vidya, watch Ukrainian films and find a waifu just don't think in it Ez
Ukrainian films sucks. I like more stupid American comedies about teenagers. And horrors. Do you have any idea about waifu ?
Having a waifu is very difficult since moe shit is mostly exclusive to Japan but I created a imaginary being by watching only harem and ecchy anime and pretend that I'm in these situations she has no name but I love her to much
I have said Ukrainian films but I watch every kind of film except romantic ones cause I'm unable to empathize with a real human being in that aspect watch whatever shit you like
And how is your sex life going? This is probably difficult to do ... But I can try, why not? Maybe the truth will help to distract
Sex life what sex life??? I don't have any sex life I have never had a gf and I don't in the way of getting one
A 21 years kissless virgin. I had already give up at the age of 16
I understand you, man .. As we say "He нoшy нoшeннoe нe eбy бpoшeннoe" (Do not wear worn, do not fuck used (girl)) I hope you understand what I wrote. Why did you give up so early? Have you already after 16 years .. all .. ??
Well at that age I was an infiltrated in the normiehood I didn't go with then to parties or weekend but I could say I had "popular" friends despite sometimes I hated them so much cause the got drunk and smoke, as the started losing the v-card I discovered that pure girls didn't exist and whores were the only thing that I would find outside anime and 50s films.
I keep in touch with some of then but ours differences are now bigger than ever
I once was at the party. Drunk heavily. But there was nothing like that. While writing the post I crashed under the window of the car. Pretty funny. By the way, do you have interesting life stories? I would love to read!)
make it harder for yourself to eat junk food and harder to avoid exercising
ie never buy junk food so that its less accessible
dont use vehicles unless you really have to
That's for sure! I don’t have so much money, so I can’t afford a lot of unhealthy food. But healthy too! Vegetables are very expensive. And I love salads, with cucumber and cabbage. Do not worry, I do not eat junk food.
High intensity interval training, protein bars, collard greens, oats.
Don't eat as much, and do physical activities until you sweat, then keep sweating. Harder than it sounds lol but that's what separates us from the fatties.
As an option. thank
Living is so hard, right?
I would like to tell you some stories but when interesting things happened I were at home watching a Kurosawa's film, the better parts of my student life could be when whores gave my hugs and threat my like her crush or something only because I didn't show any emotion at all, they were trying to make fun of me but I didn't mind because that was the only female contact that I had.
Normies would say that my life was kind of lonely and sad but when I give up to nihilism at the age of 15-16 (as I have already said) everything got better I didn't get a gf but as I could keep with my hobbies that was enough to keep me happy
Is your hobby watching movies? Yes? It turns out you are a very strong person .. Going against the system .. Quite unusual, it can even be called history. But is it sad sometimes?
Yes my hobbies is watching films and I don't know why you said I'm going against the system I'm only doing what I want. The saddest moments in my life almost carry me to suicide but some stuff like my cousin traumatizing me by showing ghost videos as a child (later I recover and become atheist) and realizing that I enjoyed more watching toradora than going to a party made me the edgy boy I am
In the CIS countries there is a "life plan". You study at school, then to college, then you find work, you create a family and children . "Live like everyone else" is called. And so you break this sequence. Modern punk rock is about that. And about the poverty of the country. Is Toradora anime? Heard about this, but so far not looked. Damn, I spent the whole day at Yea Forums. Advertising some hentai. Why is she here?)
Topkek that level of hedonism in your pic is admirable