You can sageru all you want but you will never crush my feminine spirit!
btw I'm a boy
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
You can sageru all you want but you will never crush my feminine spirit!
btw I'm a boy
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
that's adorable.
Casually masculine
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Casually Feminine
Some of these questions are not gender related but okay
keep up fellas I'm in the lead over here casually feminine uwu honestly I tone it way down...
grrr grrr grrrrr
hahe how dumb
also check these
makes you think
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Please ma'am spare some Coochie? Just a crumb?
lole i decided to make this too
im casuali male how can i be a full male?
everyone here is a girl
This is what I got, I have no idea what the other 31% is but it ain't female
probably just undifferentiated
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
So then split that bit 50/50? So 15.5% added to both
i believe your masculine percentage is still 69% and feminine 0% but the secret one(undifferentiated) is 31% otherwise the feminine will be the one that has 31% i guess
I have a penis btw.
this guy has it (dubs)
ty bby
This is a Girls ONLY Board and We don't NEED your Toxic Masculinity here.
I'm just a really abrasive bottom, no need to be rude Karen
Stop Vaxxing Your Child Toblerum. Polio is Obviously BETTER than Autism.
Why get polio when you can get measles, they are way more fun
mom i miss dad :(
lol i'm on this sub reddit