Another night up way too late with nothing done and a lot to do early in the morning

Another night up way too late with nothing done and a lot to do early in the morning.

Attached: 09. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_11.24_[2018.10.26_00.31.23]. (960x720, 315K)

Wash it.

Attached: stare.jpg (345x375, 23K)

have u tried to quit anime

Attached: prank dino.gif (451x75, 21K)

tea can help you sleep. turn off all your devices too, don't let this place keep you awake.
trips double dubs conbo

it's ok everything will be goode

Attached: tomorrow.png (537x717, 208K)

i took a shower on the 16th

i watch like one episode of cartoons every few days even though i say today i will finally watch this like every day

i can fall asleep in like 1 minute if i get in my bed i just wanna stay up longer

Attached: 71586414_p3.jpg (855x1920, 596K)

I don't know how you can go on not showering for so long. If it suits you...
have fun tutuposter.

i usually don't shower for like 3 weeks at the minimum

Attached: 73207494_p8.png (471x889, 120K)

tutufren i jus caem up wid a masterpiece ob a story whiel i wuz patrollign
showering feels goode u shud ddo id moar often

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第42話「自分で決める!はづきの道」(DVD 64 (640x480, 145K)

what feels right about not showering? do you like making yourself suffer a bit? I do that a little to make myself remember what I have to be thankful for.

i like to shower i am just an incredibly lazy person

what is it friend or is it a surprise

Attached: 1271148808671.jpg (700x700, 54K)

lemme type id out on my phone.... i wanna hear ur thoughts on id...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第14話「ぽっぷの初恋?あこがれの順一先生!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 160K)

once upon a tiem dere wuz a classroom full ob wonderflel children dat took caer ob a smol rabbit. dis rabbit's naem wuz miss white. one day da classroom wuz gettign noisy and da teacher had tto encourage da children tto quiet down n told dem "please be quiet! don't forget miss white is also a classmaet! all rabbits, includign miss white, r bury easy tto scare... if u shout tto muche, miss white will get a heart attack n d*e!"
dis motibaet'd ebery1 tto stay as quiet as dey cam b... no1 want'd miss white tto d*e... but dere wuz 1 boy who wuz bury curious.... "is wut teacher said tru? wud miss white rly d*e if i shouted hard enuff???"
all throughout da day, all throughout da week, da boy wonder'd... and wuz moar n moar fascinaet'd by such a think... ebentulely, after skol, once ebery1 left da classroom... da yung boye caem back tto da class n went tto where miss white wuz. she look'd at da boy wid a playflel expression, waitign tto b pick'd up or fed... da boy drew his breath and began tto scream wid all his mite.. he scream'd sso hard he had shut his eyes. once he was done he open'd his eyes... and wut lay b4 him wuz a corpse. wut wuz once full ob life now lay d*ad b4 him. da eyes dat 1ce shimmer'd sso beautiflely shined nno moar. Miss White wuz d*ad. Da boy wuz obercome wid a sadeness he neber cud hab imagine'd. he cry'd his eyes out and wondered why id wuz sso easy. why wuz miss white ablel tto d*e widout him sso mu he as eben touchign her? why did he ddo id? he wuz cill'd wid regret. he wishes he cud ggo back in tiem n stop himslelf ffrom eber doign such a st*pid think. but he cudnt. he had tto lib wid his misteaki. he had tto lib whiel miss white cudn't.
ebentulely his classroom had gotten another rabbit, and dis tiem da yung boye maed certain nod tto shout at the creature. He made certain that miss white's d*ath wudnt b pointlelss, dat he wud keep her in his heart as a reminder tto neber k*ll anudder rabbit in his life.
and he lib'd a bury happye life.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.18.[640x480].[B223121E].v2.mkv_snapshot_15.04_[2017.07.22_12.31.26].jpg (640x480, 158K)

once i killed the class pet lizard

Attached: 17. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_06.29_[2018.11.17_14.31.54]. (960x720, 78K)


im sorrye fren... dat soudns liek id wuz awflel...
i lole'd sso harde

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.19.[640x480].[D142C84E].v2.mkv_snapshot_05.54_[2017.07.23_08.37.26].png (640x480, 600K)

i also snuck up on a baby bird and stomped on it and then my sister found it and nursed it over a long time but i never told them it was me who crippled it

Attached: 17. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_07.20_[2018.11.17_14.58.06]. (960x720, 62K)

....y wud u ddo dat...? jus cuz...?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第33話「遠足はみんなでハイチーズ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 184K)


birds were usually fast enough to escape me so it was an attempt to see if i could catch it i think

Attached: 06. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_20.25_[2018.11.06_15.32.28]. (960x720, 65K)

i udderstan fren.... 1ce in my classroom ebery1 wuz mobing our seats aroudn n i wuz mobing mine hi~gh up in da air n one ob da chair's legs struck a girl's eye. id wuz nod a fun situation. all i cud ddo wuz apoligiez n sit down wid my face cober'd whiel her boyfren escort'd her tto da nurse

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第06話「意地っぱりとデイジーの花ことば」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 179K)

once i stabbed someone in the eye and got arrested

Attached: 14. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_15.12_[2018.11.14_15.44.32]. (960x720, 70K)

of course the story you came up with involves small children. jesus christ.

How many times have you been in trouble for stabbing people?

intense! why did you do it?


i always carry a ball of finger nail gunk, dead skin, boogers, earwax, and eraser shavings with me and he flicked it off my desk

Attached: 14. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_17.55_[2018.11.14_17.07.59]. (960x720, 69K)

Hey, umm, okay.
I understand conceptually how that was an important thing and he defiled it, but don;t you think maybe it would be best to keep that in a safer place?
That is a jerkish thing to do, but more deserving of a punch than a full on stabbing imho.
Well, it's over now.

maybe you should fucking stop doing that and take a shower?

that's really rude.
Although I guess he could be forgiven if he mistakenly thought he was doing you a favor by cleaning off dirt off your desk if he wasn't aware of that ball's personal significance for you.

What would have to happen for you to, say, stab me if we were to meet irl? How wary should I be of the possibility of you stabbing me or otherwise causing bodily harm and how should I act to mitigate it?

hmm... i stab'd my teacher in da eye wid a penclel when i wuz in 2nd grade... bury foggy memory... i wud hab 4gotten if some kids some months later dint ask if i st*b'd my teacher wid a penclel.... wut a horriblel think ffor me tto hab done... chleldren absolutlely hab tto b taught da concept ob nice bury earlely on i feel....
dubs! wooh!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第02話「赤ちゃん育てはも~たいへん!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 153K)

Keeping something as nauseating as a pile of boogers and fingernails on your desk in plain sight of everyone is way more jerkish and disrespectful by far


i try

i was more violent back then and enraged, now i wouldn't stab any innocents outside of self defense, i'm a nice person lole

i gotta get up in 4 hours

Attached: 14. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_05.31_[2018.11.14_14.06.32]. (960x720, 63K)

get as much rest as u cam fren
sweet dreams lullaby i love u
thamku 4 checkys

Attached: thebedroommonster.gif (638x882, 60K)

yeah, cool. that is something I wasn't expecting to read.

Well goodnight Tutufriend. Sleep peacefully. ilu, sweet dreamus~




did'nt even notice the dubs
been awake for almosr 24 hours now, thanks

sorry, it wasn't meant to be that blatant.
I meant to include a spoiler there like

check mate 'd

as an experiment but I didn't leave the spaces so it didn't work

"been awake for almosr 24 hours now"

Hey same

except more than 24 hours with half an hour sleepu

nice dubs
I cannot see straight rn, kinda a mass bloom effect around my vision.

You should sleep soon, I should too lole.

unfortunately I can't sleep any time soon due to reasons (maybe a little later today), but I wish you a good rest in my stead

Yeah, thanks, I will soon for sure. Have a long day ahead.
3:14 here

13:14 here

10 hours, so somewhere in mainland west europe?

West coast US for me.

and now you love birdgirls

Attached: 16. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_06.21_[2018.11.16_23.11.11]. (960x720, 57K)

More like East Europe actually.

cool. my friend suebi lives in spain, that is a nine hour differ3ence, so I guessed from there

ikr i dont think i was trying to hurt it though

Attached: 16. Princess Tutu (2000) [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_17.09_[2018.11.16_17.32.30]. (960x720, 54K)

It's never too late for conciliatory therapeutic confessions.
Perhaps finally the opportune moment has come to open up and get it off your chest.

tutuposter do u stink a little

tutuposter is sleep

stinky boi

do u think he will let me sniff

scrape the stink into a thicc film using a credit card

It be like that

no it dont