Voices of Wrestling nails it again, bravo!

Voices of Wrestling nails it again, bravo!

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Yes. They're not even top 100.

They are and we are the ones who are wrong.

Have these fucking idiots studied how much money the Road Warriors drew?

Gene and Ole Anderson are the best tag team. And yes, I do post on wrestlingclassics. Fuck you zommer faggots. Jerry Lawler is a better wrestler than Kenny Omega, Whoever Okada, "Based Ace", and every other gook "wrestler" combined.

modern tag wrestling is pretty dead save for a few decent teams but the're scattered between so many promotions there are companies with literal one team divisions

that's a hard YIKES from me senpai

they're nowhere near
British Bulldogs
New Age Outlaws

Not a crazy amount.

Don't forget Footloose.

based boomer

KWADB and not enuff to not have to whore himself at cons. Is that the right answer?

>not Road Warriors

they drew huge (over 10k crowds multiples of times ) in Georgia Championship Wrestling, AWA, Jim Crockett Promtions, WWC in Puerto Rico, Memphis, Lutte Internationale in Montreal, All Japan, WWF, WCW.

Get back to many when Young Bucks headline over 10 shows in a year that draw over 10k

unless you are a legit boomer nobody on this board grew up to see the road warriors as anything more than a shell of what they were anyway. If they did and are spending time on here...ewwww

>Yea Forums uses drawing as a measure of success
>but not when it comes to the bucks, oh no, that would kill their hateboner.

Lol, picture the steiners vs the cucks

Do you know who Road Warrior Animals son is? he's in NFL and makes like $30 million a year.

Some former wrestlers take gigs to keep themselves busy and meet their fans. They don't need the money.

Not even the best modern team

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He got cut 4 years ago.

Every single move is either a Steiner driver, or throwing the cucks into the crowd Spike Dudley style.

He retired due to injury. But still made more money than his father could imagine.

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Scott would sell for them. He knows talent. It's why he respected Rey but not shitters like Nash

Young How?
I watch only the big leagues, sorry.

Whether they are or not, I'm for sure not watching them or paying to watch them at a show. Props to anyone drawing money though, even if it's exclusively from lames, faggots, and fat fucks.

None of these teams would have dared sell for them, either. Not a chance that they'd draw money any time but now.

In the 80s or 90s? Not a fucking chance.

Funny that your attributing those crowds to the Road Warriors. Also wrestling isnt as popular as back then so no shit the Young Cucks havent wrestled in front of that many large crowds.

Every single match they have goes about 15 minutes too long. It's tedious watching their spot monkey matches.

They aren't even as good as ICP

The Hurrikanes were literally a better tag team than the Young Bucks.

well when you're advertised main event you're kinda responsible for the crowds especially in their era or are you just this unknowledgeable about wrestling?

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For the 10s I’ll give them top 25

They literally built a company around themselves. AEW might be a Cody idea but it wouldn't exist without the Bucks. They draw more than any other tag team besides maybe the New Day, and it makes Yea Forums seethe kek.

>comparing Rey to the bucks

you're getting worked by outrage clickbait


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>The Young Bucks are the greatest tag te-

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You didn't have to tell us that, your grasp of the English language made it clear. ;)

Based SS

They don't take into account drawing or other statistical measures. They only care about how good you can slap your thigh.

>New Age Faggots
Shitty workers who were over for literally nine months then hung around like a bad smell. Dreadful taste user.