Sh*tpost squad!!!!!!!!!!!!

sh*tpost squad!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yeh. i guess. sup. here i am, caring and thinking about u. going out of my way to reach out and say hello. u sooo strange jev. so different than the others. hard to wrap my head around ur motivations, ur hates & fears... what compels u? i'll never truly know. you seem to be a well-traveled man. or you just hear things and adopt those opinions as your own? did your parents move around a lot? u travel a bunch? i bet yr real popular. truly a learned, cultured person. cant get enuffa JEVIN

jevin . . . a real creamsicle in an enigma

what do u think of the sh*tpost squad aren't they CUTE!!!!!!! LOOK AT /QA/!!!!!!!

is this the jevin circle jerk thread?

jevin is so cute i want to pinch his cheeks

i love jevin i want to squish jevin

'tsalrite... too many hallmarks of a mediocre artist for me to care or save or value this particular artwork. UNLESS ITS URS. in WHICH CASE PROPS! WOW!

so ur 1a those eh u just BYPASS the inquiry hm? just really wanna focus on SHITPOST SQUAD in this moment in time? mm. yeah. so "DONE" with u, at this point, tbh. u come u show up like a whirlwind & demand answers yet i show interest and i am shunned in favor of an amateur traced drawing of "BOARD-CHANS". nice board-chans fag. fuk u. gna stuff ur face with ice cream? hm? gna imbibe on a weeks worth of saturated fat? yea... yea bet u will...

sparkles local antifa has been notified of his presence

binge purge binshe

i didn't draw it look at the filename silly

and no i don't have any more ice cream but i ate three muffins today (i made a thread on /ck/ with all the food i ate if ur really interested .)

yeah,,, yeah... whats UP with that jevin shows up begging for attention then the moment you give it to him he's completely not into it! a real monkey that jevin

jevin is cucking you hard get out of the relationship now

yea. yea post it. dare ya. this thread desperately needs some subplot thickener

oh no no no
not me
i never lost control

while visions of sugar-plums danced in JEV's head...

fun fact i actually know that instagram model irl. also i made a famous thread on /ic/. it has 140+ replies. lole. beep

yea im sure u chat all the time. yea yall're real tite. PFFFFMT
stop drink soda who drink soda u dum

truth stretchin slut bet she went to the neighboring high school and so u fudge ur bragging rites, typical attention seeker

soda is nice and stop saGing my threads

nice dubsnice dubs

jevin so cool
i might have to **** jevin

ur like 30 so u don't understand but my generation it doesn't matter if ur not close to each other because we can uber everywhere uber every fucking whdddddj

i'm going to uber to my friends house on the south shore rn just to prove u wrong


i don't have a car. i don't. DO I?????1?1?1?1?1?

can u be nice to me plz why do u always have to isntig8 i just wanna talk abt music and stuff

my point was that ur definition of KNOWING her is probably 'i passed her onna side walk 1ce :)'

does jevin listen 2 breakbeat hardcore jungle crunkstep

go to the mank tbread

'she lived near me & i could drop 80 buxx ubering 2 her old house cause i kno where it is cause i chat about her & other transient trashbags with a buncha other eceleb-obsessed morons onna secret innernette club chat rewm ;) suckaaa'

Hi jev

it's only $30

HOLY crap! mankposter is going to town on devin


dout it

i am not devin....

sorry sev

shoudl i get tha uberxl

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whats the difference

devon's a badass name. fuckin devon rn? d*mn. hott...

y'ever,.... y'ever get drunk or high or fukt up & look back at a post like this, and get a new perspective on the desperation that you're putting on? not gonna lie ive gotten that feeling about my own posts now & then. & this is one-a those posts that reminds me of those posts of mine. like "wow i was tryin so hard to prove something that isnt even really impressive but i was so insistent on proving it in the moment that i sorta loft myfelf in the process" neh? eh. nvm

knutsford knobheads

wasnt sure if u were still on the ISLAND but u ARE! h'hah hah hell yeah! woOOo OOOOOOOoo h

i waadnt trying 2 prove anything just showing u the app bc uve probably never used it

yea i uhh....... i got a car my dude. i fuckin BOP to JAMS in the whip. you meekly ask the driver if he can change the station. looOoOOoOOooOOl

ummmm yeah but when ur drunk AF after an epic rager u can't just drive home

just.. use a taxi
ur in new york
take a facking taxi

ummmm yea but u legit dont even have a car
l Oo o OO O O Oo o o OO o O OO o oOo o Ol
'tsalrite. idc. im not one to brag about havin a car.
just being dragged into jevins strange strange world of jockeying for dominance with weird ass flexes

ok not everyone has rich jewish parents to buy them a mercedes for their bar mitsfit


it only WORKS on me because i TEND to JOCKEY FOR DOMINANCE REGARDLESS. but then jevin brings up these weird FEMININE FLEXES and he ROPES me in. weird ass girl ass flexes. member when i thot u were goil? lol so goily. single mom raise u? yeh. i bet she's a real FIRECRACKER


eh. i think its just a COUNTY thang. i can see being sans-car in your brown-people county. things much closer 2gether everything crammed outskirt of city congealed barf puddle at bus stop type vibes

u fucken funny dude
u mankgo bro?
prouda u

i liek usign lyft insted

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第04話「どれみはママ失格!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snaps (640x480, 167K)

Marigold County reprazent

alright ur just gonna talk about uncomfortable personal shit all night so i'm ending this conversation here
go away

i like uber better bc it just "feels" classier
lyft is pink


fuck off retard

ids jus da app..... id saebs u mone mones tto.....

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.08.[640x480].[CB4B470A].v2.mkv_snapshot_07.25_[2017.07.12_10.59.21].png (640x480, 430K)

thanks my brodude

u started first binshe :]
no1 else bothers to reflect it bacc atcha
sept me me me

my friends use both (bow-th)

i literally don't start anything ur just a weird intrusive possible sociopath
actually i think u unironically are a sociopath/have ASPD or some shit
ur irl life is completely separate from ur online life (multiple identities, secretive) u get off to "exposing" ppl like u did to me with our omegle chats

ur literally just a shitty human being which is why no one fucks with u


Attached: dhalsim.gif (192x198, 90K)


nice triplels
hmmm.... i dond rly see a raisin tto use both unlelss uber gibs me wicked discounts or somethink...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_04.54_[2017.07.10_10.09.39].png (640x480, 379K)

u are a perplexing character so i was just trying 2 make sense of ur very feminine vindictive overly-sensitive communication style. u referred to my supposed age first, doin the same thing, trying to make sense of me. having a different identity online's like the first fuckin rule of bein online, 'hell're u on about? yeh yeh every1's a sociopath when u inundate urself in eceleb gossip forums basking in every1s perceived flaws behind their bax. u come at me braggin & tryina disparage me u gna get dealt with! not usedta gettin dealt with so u LASH out. lookit u LASH out

No, you are a sociopath. He's right.

pic of 'lash for reference

Attached: lash.jpg (2048x1365, 322K)

sounds a lot like jev too, lookin at this INFO-PANEL. eh. that d*mn sure aint me irl. tha innanette breeds those behaviors. 'ever. jus a big ol sandbox. no1 gets hurt. 'tsall a wash. spitepost, bunk, veiled compliment, etc.


ohhhhhhh i get it!!!! funYYYYYY ++++++++

>no1 gets hurt.
you're talking to real people here
people have feelings


sure, but still

yeh. good. sometimes i throw something in there that i know to be false just to see how srsly the other persons takin the exchange. well done. is tru. but i dont think ive crossed any lines here today i was just responding to jevin's nasty attitude with a bit of my own nastiness. cant always be sugar plum fairy mode to nasty ppl. gotta take em to task

still gay

i don't disagree

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name one time when jevin acted genuinely malicious towards you. calling you a 30 year old boomer is not "nasty", it's a joke.

yeh... u could have taken me further to task... like how, when jevin replied but didn't answer the questions in my first post, i immediately brought up his struggles with anorexia, couched in a somewhat whimsical format, but still a little fucked up. he continued to be nice and mentioned a thread he made on /ck/. i took up his offer, remaining guarded & hostile. he then posted the thread with a "FUN FACT" that sent me over the edge. that was it. i trashed him. i could have been interested & engaged but instead i was nasty and rude and attempted to detract from his "FUN FACT". then finally jevin was rude.
jokes on u i just typed out this thing up here :]]
where i give benefit of doubt :]

even the way i present the idea that i was backing off my stance, was hostile. somehow me agreeing with this fellow becomes a hostile affair

im sociopath???????????????????? ................

im sociopath.................................

i noticed that you like to blame other people and defend yourself as much as possible even when you are clearly in the wrong, which is what made me agree with jevin in that you are a sociopath

sparkles is an asshole news at 11

HOLY CRA- sparkles a socipath

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