Do they intimidate you?

do they intimidate you?
cause for me, I really get nothing but rage when I see them. I want to kick their ass.

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i want to kick them in the mouth

I don't take fake fighting series so I don't care

Absolute indifference. I zone out during tag team wrestling so I don’t mind them since I don’t watch.

no wrestler intimidates me ever.

I've seen them irl and I'm almost a foot taller than them so no. Plus by the way theu seethe on twitter they are clearly pussies

i've literally never been intimidated by another human being because i'm a gun owner

it's not that I take it serious either, but they both look like total dweebs. don't get me wrong, I'm not much better, but I want to beat them so badly.

Cool christian dudes. When was their gimmick ever about intimidation?

>admitting you have a small penis and are too much of a pussy to have a fist fight because you'd lose
major yankee cringe

>intimidate you
No. Just no.
I just wanna kick Nick's ass. No problem with Matt though.

It seems you have been worked doughboy

They're not supposed to intimidate you. They're supposed to annoy the shit out of you.

>"The Young Bucks are not good heels"
>Thread full of people saying they want to kick their asses for real in real life

Attached: buck.jpg (582x504, 34K)

by the looks of this thread then, mission accomplished.

you're a wrestler, shouldn't your goal at least to be somewhat a threat to someone?
it's like joining the UFC and looking like CM Punk. You'll just get made fun of, especially when you were just "beating" Cena a few years back. a man that is nothing but muscle.

If it wasn't for Yea Forums I wouldn't even know they're wrestlers.

who cares. They are silly annoying shits who make cool tag team moves, there is room for all kinds of stuff

>bringing up Punk unprompted just to rag on him in an unrelated thread

Attached: RentFree.png (405x340, 306K)

They are strong competers but they look like boys. Mother is 6'4 and she looks can beat these boys here and back if she want.

then they’re doing their jobs correctly

I liked them from when I started watching PWG in 2009 but they really started to get a big ego and parody themselves in the last few years that turns me off from their matches

is that their heel gimmick?
they "try" to look tough but are just total dweebs ? and then we get mad?
then yes, they're succeeding at their job.


The Bucks are certified legit IWGP heavyweights and would definitely fuck you up

Are they actually heels? They seem too insufferable to spend any time trying to find out

I'm a lazy shitter and fap all day and I would still kick their ass.

Beard buck should drop jeff buck and be a singles wrestler

Yes. They've barely ever been face. There whole schtick is to annoy the fuck out of people. They took it far around 2014, but that's when they really started making dimes, so you can't blame them for going all the way with it.

I know for sure that I could beat both of them at the same time.

Yes, it's a meta gimmick.

None of the neckbeards and faggots who are fans of them actually think this though. They think they're the greatest ever. Anyone who has seen them and continue to think they're annoying stopped watching their brand of wrestling specifically because of guys like them.

The Bucks changed of course and have a more mainstream approach to things in 2019 but there are still many layers that a patrician can notice. Nothing new that the filthy masses are horrible, dumb everything down and can't understand simple concepts. who cares

Oh so it's just another situation of
>guy acts like a heel
>neckbeards cheer anyway since they like to feel like they're in on the joke

Not really, here something you might understand: Imagine people who trigger "libtards". Of course you are a heel to left wingers but you are a hero of the right. The Young Bucks trigger Cornette type boomers and the worked crying makes the whole thing funnier

I met them at a con this year they nice chill dudes honestly gave every fan a little time.

The average fan shouldnt look at a wrestler and debate if they can kick their ass, this is why The Young Cucks and Phil Mendez ruined the buisness

you are literally getting worked by their gimmick lol

>it's like joining the UFC and looking like CM Punk
you need to stop obsessing about him

They do trigger me to be honest, something about their faces and their stupid pose and the whole superkick shit and the way they wrestle, basically everything.

In b4 werked

The guy with the bandana on, I want to see what his hairline looks like underneath it.

I don't care if I'm fuming, seethin', boiling, or worked.
they look like fags and I want to beat them up.

me also

based let's kick their ass then