Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: Average Luck

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hi jewwy how are you today


Oy vey
Oy gevalt

nice trips dorito dork

thanks pepsi mank!

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im good how are you
nice trips
nice dubs but blank post?


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its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.


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Do you know what a palidrobe is???

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not that user but did she kill ray romano afterwards?? i need 2 know pls

Ray Romano turned Sawyer Sweeten into a horcrux :(((

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they are segmented palindromes


lol that's what the mohel said.


its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.

double dubs confirms!
thanks for the kewl phrase, now I know its origins ; )


im jewwy also nice dubs

i hope jewwy doesn't talk about poop today

thank u Jewwy san

are you threatening me

no... -_-

okay good otherwise I would have to grr at you


are you threatening me

Still hoping you don't talk about that one thing today..

helo friends!

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Birds are not that important.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Your fortune: Outlook good

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: )

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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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