Yes, yes, no, no, no

Attached: infinitefractal.jpg (800x800, 211K)


no triggering stuff thank's

The first four yes's and no's were deliberate.
The fifth outcome was determined by chance, not choice.
Thank you thermodynamic uncertainty.


Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: yes.png (698x749, 9K)

Fuck you
Get triggered nigger

how new r u to get trolled this easily

>Her thinks I'm trolled
Go back to the corner tranny
Go there
Stay there
Can take a deep breath and relax
Then kys you retarded comic convention user

u got trolled into thinking he got trolled who got you trolled.

Attached: noyes.jpg (523x483, 32K)


That's not what trolling is you dummy cummy thicc THICC
retarded nigger

now u got trolled because i thought you got trolled because u got trolled into thinking he got trolled who got you trolled.

Attached: dot32.jpg (473x437, 9K)

They call things that aren't trolling trolls attempting to goad you into responding.
Cheap trick, somewhat effective, but not very funny.
Groaner tier comedy.



Lmao is that s fucking greyed out peep
Looks like it
Remember that April fool's joke,?
Got times good
I liked it
Have like a hundred images from that day

I don't have any memory of this but I have a bunch of these greyed out squished images here. 33 of them at least.

Attached: dot25.jpg (473x437, 9K)

some more

Attached: dot22.jpg (473x437, 9K)

and some more

Attached: dot31.jpg (473x437, 9K)

the OC was just a dot but i squished it in pixlr editor (smear tool) to make these images here.

Attached: dot.jpg (473x437, 4K)

this one is my favorite

Attached: dot13.jpg (473x437, 9K)


Your fortune: Godly Luck

100% nice
plz be good to me
[/spoiler] just another day at the office.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

i'm extremely happy that i took time out of my life to look at these images

Attached: 1485136185023.gif (500x400, 658K)