Let's post selfies ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
>I will kick it off.

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: pic_21_big.jpg (462x715, 62K)

nno mario
ggo fishe

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2017.07.10_09.57.31].png (640x480, 419K)

This is why you don't skip leg day kids
It turns you into a faggot
Oh well
At least you aren't a nigger

Needs to tan “down there.”

Attached: CFE0AEB4-5BFC-4DD3-9593-B5BBC06C579A.png (640x480, 12K)


me on the left

Attached: images(6).jpg (274x184, 8K)

Attached: 1545798084448s.jpg (182x250, 7K)

Attached: d30a563e3cce3673fa7e66e2e98927d18198819e6aac4a451a4e552db5ce3d25.jpg (551x549, 56K)

You have such a cute dick. (Not gay)

Attached: e6b.jpg (500x333, 17K)

Look, another faggot.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: 20441D65-84B1-4DB5-AECA-90DF81950EF4.jpg (600x972, 135K)

you are not certain that this person is a ((male)) so its not homosesxual to be attracted to him?/her?

Very not gay, yes.

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 1934FAFC-106B-4570-9A2D-FCF34B168F61.jpg (600x848, 164K)


Attached: me2.jpg (960x1280, 129K)

This thread is closed
Get out of here go somewhere else.

Attached: big_saggy_tits_30.jpg (806x1000, 306K)

sure why not

Attached: chuu.jpg (1331x2000, 276K)

Attached: nope.jpg (1080x1080, 74K)

No milkies please delete

Post milkies

also nice dubs!

Attached: no milkies.png (700x466, 525K)


Attached: nopenope.gif (268x350, 1.17M)

Attached: 9CD704F.jpg (1944x2592, 736K)
