How come nobody has ever stolen WWE’s world title?

Just goes to show how massively popular AEW is desu senpai. WWE btfo yet again.

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E-Chads have too much respect to commit petty theft

I don’t why. WWE steals on average 7 hours a week from E Chads. They should start playing by their masters rules.

They aren’t low enough to steal trash.

I'd steal that belt, looks nice. But fuck is it big

Cum Man Punk stole the title from The Rock in 2013

its just jericho being a manlet, dont be fooled

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I don’t give a fuck what anyone says this is the best wrestling story of the last 10 years. It’s like something straight out of 80s.

>respects the world title no matter what company

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yep, and it helps that Jericho is the fucking GOAT in cutting promos and aew lets him say whatever the fuck he wants

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Absolutely. Just when you think the only stories modern wrestlers will be able to tell 10 years from now are stories about their highest kill streak in COD, Jericho goes out and AEWs world title gets stolen. It’s a great fucking story and they’re smart to work it into an angle.

>Just when you think the only stories modern wrestlers will be able to tell 10 years from now are stories about their highest kill streak in COD
Alberto del Rio and his brother beat the shit out of some guy in a party to where the guy got hospitalized. When they got arrested Del Rio beat the shit out of his brother and put him in the hospital as well.

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Guarantee if they find who stole the title. They will offer to drop all charges, if he lets Jericho beat him in the ring.

Brock Lesnar doesn't even travel with his title - he makes WWE hold it until he bothers to make an appearance.

Only rookies and fat bloated retards actually travel with a fucking toy prop! The AEW isn't even a real title, it has no prestige, no former champs, it was made up in the mind of fucking Stardust, Jericho won the title by beating a dude who came into the end of a jobber battle royal and pushed out the last of the garbage, jericho is a paper champion, that belt is meaningless, and yes, E-Chads fucking win again, we keep on winning, and come October you'll be losing to our fucking developmental brand, preschool for wrestlers will beat AEW, I feel like a God right now, please don't make me destroy you again!

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do u have to b such an asshole ?

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Did he really say that?

Don't forget the time he beat the shit out of a Ninja Turtle who catcalled Paige.

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It's from an ESPN documentary.
>my stepfather used to beat me unmercifully but I knew that if I lived through that beating... Fuck him. I won.

Because literally only a bush league has been like Jericho is dumb enough to leave the companies main title in a rented limousine outside of a 4/10 chain restaurant like longhorn steak house.

WWE as well as all major promotions that have world title belts have spares made just in case it goes missing/damaged. AEW is too poor to afford just one spare.

Stolen is just cope for Jericho forgot it somewhere.

Based Alzheimer Jericho forgetting more about the business than any of these kids will ever know

Nobody here remembers when new age outlaws stole the tag team titles which was one of the first bad and naughty things they did

Bet you a million dollars someone is going to have the title and it's not Chris Jericho

They have a spare, literally the one of the first statements made. Now that Jericho is weaving it into storyline I would assume they'll do some shit like Moxley took it or something.


>all these worked mark bitches in this thread
you realize he just was fighting a cowboy, right? Do you really think he is going to be making twitter promos where he is shilling his catchphrases all over the place if someone really stole the inaugural championship of a supposed "big league" company?

Would be absolutely based as fuck if they signed Cryme Time. Holy shit I want this to happen now.


looks a bit chubby


Ever heard of the Brahma bull title retard?

Marks gettin worked

Ya bubblin
