Book his farewell tour

book his farewell tour

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Lawrence is the funny one anyway

Not gonna lie I thought Elyse was going to divorce Ethan as the first one to go but she just got relegated to the midcard instead

I grew up and stopped watching these dudes but what is happening to him? Also what happened to the rest of their team? He and Lawrence should unironically be wrestlers they got the size

Based funhaus poster

he's leaving FH to stream, the rest are still there as well as this hot Australian

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Bruce is leaving Funhaus to start his own business

>jobs to this returning babyface in a Loser Leaves Funhaus match

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This shit always seem to happen with these youtube guys.

Literally whom

one of the three funny guys is leaving, i hope alanah takes his place in the main trio because everyone else is a dimeless shitter

Omg is this really lexi??

>tfw no more James & Bruce banter

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no more ska....

Adam is the only based one left then, Lawrence is the epitome of reddit and James is trying his hardest to be chris pratt and only actually works when he's with Bruce

>ywn get a hoss Bruce run

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at least there's a hot strayan who hasn't eaten man ass but is possibly willing to try if asked by a significant other

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How the FUCK do we stop all the talent going to AEW lads?

>Respawn team with Sark,Nanners and Hutch along with midcarders like hollywoodangels producing kino skits
>inside gaming team of Master Chief voiced by Adam then later becoming a team with bruce,lawrence,spoole,joel etc..
>ETC team of Khail, Ricky and Eliot

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>ricky and eliot become a shell who always have to bring a up politics
>steve and larson make okay wrestling content
>of all people Bruce leave the IG crew
its completely ending, this will be the undisputed nail in the coffin of that era


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>the Part-Timer who always goes over

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Hollywood's Bad Boy himself

Rooster Teeth is owned by WB. Bruce is a saint for leaving this elite Jew fag company.

>watching literally anything under the RT umbrella
You're a decade behind.

I'll do you one better,they started on machinima