Rewrite an anime/tv show/movie/Vidya story to be booked like a wrestling event

Rewrite an anime/tv show/movie/Vidya story to be booked like a wrestling event

>Yugioh gx
>Jaden Yuki introduced as main Babyface
>Fights professor crowler for the championship
>Jaden wins
>Due to some weird technicality, crowler retains the belt
>Jaden is forced to work his way through the lower/mid card beating jobbers
>An invasion of the shadow riders happens and he's impressed Vince so much he's chosen to lead the charge against the invading shadow riders
>Around this time, Zane truesdale took the belt from crowler but turns face around this time
>Shadow riders proceed to curb stomp the shit out of everyone
>The sacred beast takes the title from Zane and Jaden finally gets another title shot.
>Jaden wins in an epic
>Zane threatens to take the title with him to a rival company, but he's still a face
>Zane and Jaden Duke it out for the title and the match ends in a draw
>Jaden retains his title at the main event of WrestleMania

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Love GX, hate autism post

Wasn't that blonde girl trying to get Jaden's dick on the low?

Rewrite THIS

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But autism literally built Yea Forums, user

It's unclear how long she wanted him, but by the end of the show, Asuka was in love with Judai. She almost confessed, but she pussed out and Judai went on to bang his hermaphrodite spirit waifu for the rest of eternity. Asuka presumably got with THE THUNDER

Did she? She comes out in Arc-V right? Stopped giving a fuck after ZeXal

Gx was pretty good, but they never dubbed the final season which was the best season.

Who the fuck are you talking about, man?

They wanted to rush out 5Ds I believe

That series was cringe and only stuck with poos

Jaden and that bitch with the cards that are about ice skating

Yeah, she's in Arc-V. She pretty much does nothing and then jobs out in the most humiliating way possible. The villain gets out a fucking structure deck that Konami wanted to shill and beats her with that instead of his regular deck.

And then they didn't dub the final arc of that either.

Guys, what the fuck are you doing? This is supposed to be a wrestling thread

Konami needs all the money they can get after telling Kojima to btfo for no reason

>tfw wrestling currently sucks this hard

Yugioh is a alternative sport

senpai they need money for more reasons than that.

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Shit. Forgot Konami made most of their money from old people gambling

nigga stfu, 5D's was kino

>anime card monsters on motorcycles

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You're gonna hate Arc-V
Anime card monsters on top of anime monster hippos

once you get past that shit, it's quite dark.

found the zoomers

5D's was in like 2008, man, it's pretty old by now.

Absolutely outlaw bingo hall tier. Only promotion that is more of an anti-draw is 5Dicks.

fucking dumb newfag niggersee

Literally the GOAT Yugioh Series

The sacred beast shit cost it that title

>Have a new baby face named Amuro that's the son of one of the agents in the back
>Company decides to get behind him 100% giving him a massive push by having him job out a midcard tag team in his first match
>Creative a new stable with him as the focus lead by another young lion Bright.
>Main event heel Char takes interest in new kid and has a match with him.
>Toys around with new kid only for him to get the upset win with a fast count.
>Backstage decide the kid's getting too much heat too quick and move him and his stable to the b show
>Stable is given a feud with the boss's youngest kid culminating in the Amuro's win due to a sneaky interference by Char
>Boss decides to punish Char's actions by suspending him for a month and Amuro moves on to feuding with the corporate IC champ Ramba Ral
>Amuro teases a heel turn during the feud after getting beat by Ral and considers quitting only for Ral to give him a pep talk to keep at it.
>Has a knock down drag out brawl with Ral in a 5v5 match ending in Ral eliminating himself and turning face.
>Boss is furious and fires Ral
>Ral's valet injures one of Amuro's allies forcing him to retire
>Boss decides to make Amuro's life hell and books him in a 1v3 elimination match with the Tri stars
>Amuro gets beatdown in the back before their match only to pull out a babyface comeback and get the win with another of his allies getting retired from a botched Jet Stream Attack

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>tfw Amuro's program with Char, Ramba, Tri stars and his performance in A-Baoa qu PPV was so great that he basically becomes literal dimes and a fan favourite mino brought him back in the main event on Luna II and AXIS PPV years later despite the likes of Kamille an Judau fade into obscurity

Her son getting Marc Mero'd

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>Amuro's stable have a celebration in honor of how far they've come only for Amuro to be blindsided by Char back from suspension
>Char cuts a promo about how he's going to get his win back from Amuro and teases there's a spy on his side
>Continues for a few weeks of back and forth with no clear winning side and its revealed that its one of the valets who is the traitor
>She turns face again warning Amuro and his friends about a future beat down
>Char's henchmen beat her next episode backstage breaking her neck and shelving her
>At the ppv Amuro hold his own against Char but only wins thanks to an interference from a manager
>Amuro and friends truly over at this point and get drafted along with Char back to the A show
>Upper mid carder Sleggar joins the stable impressive by the rookie's skills
>Bright is put in a love triangle relationship with him immediately teasing Sleggar going heel
>Booker decides to throw another love triangle in for whatever reason between Amuro, Char, and Char's new protege Lala
>Boss's second son fights him in a hardcore match cleaning house and kicking Amuro's ass
>Stable in the back watching
>Sleggar decides to kiss bright's girl and runs out to give him the assist
>Helps Amuro gain the upper hand only to be thrown from the scaffolding
>Amuro lands the Final Shooting and pins Dozle one two three
>Crowd goes wild and Amuro rides with Sleggar to the hospital to close out the show

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Once vince russo started booking naruto and did that whole war arc it was ruined. The black zetsu swerve is what really crossed the line

Why did they bury Madara, bros

>Boss books a gauntlet match for Amuro the next night against perennial midcarder M'Quve followed by a match with Char
>Char's spent his downtime training and shows great improvents
>Amuro gets a clean win over M'Quve despite M'Quve using heel tactics to try to sneak one out
>Drag out brawl with Char the two evenly matched with Amuro barely winning
>Story of the match is whose side is Lalah really on
>Show ends with reveal that Amuro's closest ally, Sayla, is actually Char's sister
>Tag matched booked for ppv between Sayla and Amuro vs Lalah and Char
>Guys carry the women to best match of their career
>Lalah tries to get between Char and Amuro only to get hit by a double lariet
>Match devolves into a dusty finish with both workers fighting over whose responsible
>Boss has had enough of this and decides to book a ppv to decide this once and for all bringing in all his talent including his oldest son, Gihren, and daughter, Kycilia
>Amuro and friends gather up all the baby faces on their side and get ready for a company wide war
>A-Baoa qu ppv comes and the card is dedicated to the now company wide feud
>Card starts with a few jobber matches mostly going either way with a few victories to each side
>Face side wins the battle royal and Boss starts getting worried things much go towards the face
>Calls a meeting with Face leader to work out some kind of deal
>Big meeting between the two in a back stage segment hammering out the details
>Interrupted by Monster heel Sol R. Ray laying them both out and sending them to the hospital

>With his father injured Gihren takes over for the foreseeable future as the owner and continues on as planned
>Kycilia goes and checks the tapes from the locker room and finds that Gihren planned the attack
>Cracks start showing in the heel side with people taking sides between Gihren and Kycilia
>Backstage segment in the heel locker room Kycilia shows him the evidence and hits him with a chair taking over command for the evening
>Some heels walk out but most stay
>Changes the booking of the main event to a last man standing match instead of a cage match
>Main event hits and Char and Amuro square up for the championship
>What starts as a wrestling match turns into a brawl going all around the arena eventually working their way to the back
>Amuro hits the final shooting only for Char to counter it with the Red Comet laying both men out
>They struggle to their feet before both blading with massive amounts of color
>Sayla bursts in and tears the two apart and convincing the two not to fight
>Char does a show of respect hand shake to Amuro and lays down for the ten count winning Amuro the match
>Get a back stage vignette where Char reveals he is the son of the previous owner who had the company stolen away from him by the Zabi family
>Makes a face turn betraying Kycilia and hitting her with a Red Comet ending the Zabi rule
>PPV ends with Amuro celebrating his title victory in the ring with his friends
Best build that they've done in ages desu senpai

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Now i kinda want to see the Zeta edition

>new faction of managers and wrestlers created
>Tai, Matt, tk, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Mimi
>Agumon, gabumon, patamon, piyomon, tentomon, gomamon, and palmon start rocking the cruiserweight division
>Decide they want to take on the heavyweights now
>Challenge the world champion devimon
>He decides to seperate them from each other
>They reunite and patamon's new gimmick, angemon wins the heavyweight title off of devimon
>The title is relinquished shortly after due to injury
>Etemon takes the heavyweight title
>During a training promo Tai's dumbass pushes agumon too hard and he decides on a temporary heel gimmick, skullgreymon
>that heel wasn't over and he decides to quickly turn face again with the new gimmick metalgreymon
>the rest of the gang do fuckall and metalgreymon wins the heavyweight title off of etemon