Kumber tuften dundder

kumber tuften dundder

Attached: Soda.png (495x505, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:


its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.

team17 webmaster

And the Jay-Z song was on

air traffi© ©ontrol, we have lift off
the word of the day ladies and gentlemen is . would you say you are passionate about your work? do you feel a personal responsibility to fulfill your duties?

hell no

Attached: nigga nigga nigga.gif (500x375, 950K)

well what do you do?

Attached: White Tears.gif (318x162, 948K)

pic related

Attached: pic related.gif (498x264, 959K)

at the [s4s] reunion

who we Introducing?

who we Introducing?

ball like swish

Carnival Jester

Attached: swarovski.gif (433x386, 730K)

oh OOOOOHHHHH ok cool does that like pay ok

Attached: 1555301862127.png (1280x720, 967K)

fuck no

Attached: nignogs.gif (395x309, 1022K)

why then?


Attached: iih.gif (148x148, 49K)

what's you guys's favorite Mindless Self Indulgence song

Attached: joy.gif (500x376, 1.85M)

I believe I was quite clear

epic, simply epic (dubs)

Attached: gyg.gif (220x123, 151K)

>always use an image when posting
>never have to do captcha

Attached: how can he slap.gif (320x180, 1.65M)


Attached: bafc.gif (500x281, 1.34M)

riptide rodeo banger

Attached: marlion.gif (472x609, 52K)

Attached: megaman.gif (300x300, 17K)



nice catch

dubs again!

great catch

double dubs
You're on a Roll!

it's weird how we decided to start spamming sxe with no context in every thread one day and now its a meme.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Dildo Magicant

he has shades on we cant see what he is looking at

HE'S NOT LOOKING AT ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spaded knuckle tuckers

go away triangles

its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.

it's funny because he named the thread

That is funny.

Attached: boosh.gif (260x217, 416K)


manji mane

manji mane i dont wanna new manji mane please keep being the manji mane

i named the thread

sad day when monkey is least crazy person in the room

le thrad is name.

monkey has been downgraded from "bananas" to "coco loco"

oh no no no

*inflates sac*


isle of mank military youtu.be/f6LWNQqs7TE

sad and pathetic
as if i could ever be replaced
world's coming to an end

misterie monkey mane issa monkey inna misterie monkey mane !!!!!!

El Mysterioso

mAchination mAn, God of Construction, Leader of his Field. rollin into the hangar monkey scalps in-hand, the stench of which caused digestive distress in all who smelt them

my GOIL theory was wrong....... what the hell else could it be....... and he may be comfortable sharing "SOON" but not in that moment? if it was an embarrassing thought then why does its secrecy have such a short half life? fascinating stuff we'll be right back

oh i had a falling out with my dad and it was really upsetting and i just didn't feel like talking about it



stupid monkey eating the whistle like tater chips



this slide. this fuckin slide, man. for me, it is the titillating terror of childhood curiosity... walking the premises come sundown and getting a glimpse at its WILD, GLOWING eyes... STARING BACK at its MANIC VISAGE from the pool below in MEEK DEFIANCE... wading warily under its coiled vertebrae hoping that it did not suddenly COME TO LIFE and CRUSH us all under its weight... yet monkey man remembers this very same slide in a very different way.... makes him hate himself... reminds him of his TOXIC, ANGSTY attitude towards those with whom he is no longer able to make amends... makes him want to NECC... d*mn... deep...

Attached: THE DRAGON SLIDE at PORT ORLEANS.jpg (700x400, 90K)

Attached: SPOOKY!!!!!.jpg (300x450, 40K)

misterie of monkey mane!

magistrate monkey

:} jumgel mane?

u got me ;))_0)

Attached: cool shirts guy.jpg (630x630, 165K)

piece o shit visual studio just want 2 make monkay juggle dumbass aint looking at anything how can he juggle the balls

Attached: soda2.webm (800x600, 1.83M)

this is one of the most epic things in history

Your fortune: Outlook good


Attached: dfo.png (1000x1000, 55K)

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Attached: gambit.gif (133x113, 44K)

Attached: potato hots.jpg (1000x1000, 394K)

Attached: cookies.jpg (1000x1000, 366K)


if this doesnt work then files.catbox.moe/86iyld.rar i dunno what i could do
will forward all complaints 2 bill gates complaints office

Attached: warm apple pie arrival.jpg (1000x1000, 378K)

I should ask Bill Gates for some money brb

Attached: woosh.gif (640x342, 222K)

cant test now but thang q

Attached: cookies on the windowcell.png (1000x1000, 1.33M)

Attached: 18354896.jpg (1000x373, 28K)

no makefile for u tho none existant no makefile what can u do!!!! thrown u for a spin u cant do shit!! i got u!!

lololol .... lol .......................
was JUNG' rly different before "I HAPPENED"?
why must everyone hijack my manersems

Attached: hoh-CENSORED.png (678x173, 27K)

Attached: c.jpg (1000x1000, 38K)

cant say the c word

i dont have a singular MEMORY like THIS , per se , that makes me sad wanteing to go nite nite forever? but things like this PICCY, and maybe a handful of moments with the ol' X, make me feel sim'ler'ly. like i know when my astral self meets with life review spirits once complete with having lived, that those kinds of moments will sting most, knowing that my flaws got in the way and were in the spirit of ultimate destruction and discordant vibration bad for soul body & mind ........ d*mn .......

Attached: haunt me forever........png (566x27, 14K)

Fame overrides all


i UNDERSTAND that this is ridicule
kjussayin kjussayin

Attached: 20180720_213605.jpg (2560x1536, 1.03M)

llllllllllllllllllllllllllll oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wadda fAAAAAack

monkey knows way too mcuh
SAAAAAAAAAGe ODMS MODS ODMS delete 2 monky thread & shitpost squad jevin thread pls thank u

that's what i said, and that's why i took a picture of it

you know what to do

random filipino woman at golf course... SHE get to see monkey man...................
but not me
never me


yeeah but she didn't really SEE me y'know

she only saw my earthly projection but the real me ? *taps noggin* it's all in here man

this guy shits it

fucking love u man

Attached: 1533359769477.gif (480x270, 687K)

looks like she's saying "ma ma shmee"

whatever you say kiddo

Attached: DnnuLxnWsAAa7X2.jpg (640x368, 108K)

okay, cool. that's what she's saying then.

heh heh yeah man it's 4/20 woooo blaze da bluntz

Attached: ralphio.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

maher mane...

maher mane


Ansnwmer nasn ennas wnrrna we


the discord monkey

monkey brings the ruckus

and the adrenaline to my loins

loins brimming with adrenaline

adrenaline frothing out my loins

i got some shit up my ass

take a dump

i see some children in the street

maher mane

chow fun moher mane :] spaghetti slop on shirt. every t-shirt you've ever owned in a pile in the corner. and an illustrated book about birds. modest comic book collection in an oblong cardboard box within arms reach. maher man o maher man what comes next for u

Mr. Macoco Mahon?
Ministry Mango Mop?
Moister Middle Mat?
Minimum Mastery Mogul?
Majoco Majicque Cacawary?
Meticulous Monster Mold?
Jingly Tapert Rospbeter?

>You biffed it?

stoney munhi

Attached: Soda.png (835x655, 163K)

like the protruding pineal gland

good to know thank you you didn't have to do that but you did

good to know the crew really out here

stupid monkey smoking a dog bone

dink dink

So i'll just do this instead

Sharting magnicifently

Are we out of the woods yet

The mank *allegedly* is a nonce

The woods burned down ages ago


Don't be upset

fuckng retard monkey didnt open his third eye just became a retard

bet sparkles is spliffing down the wee-ee-ee-EED hard tonight

spliffin' tha bluntz yo'

monkey man night sweats

poop chasms

Attached: rockin'.gif (200x271, 36K)

no no no no you got it all wrong

i don't think so

no no no no no you got it all wrong

the fuck up with fucking poop chasms bitch shut the fuck up do soemthig else poop chasm sucks bitch


no you, you're here to entertain me

spittin teeth bdoink

Attached: soda___doh.jpg (663x543, 19K)

dance monkey

dance you god damn monkey
do that thing that's funny

dance... ANCCE


Thanks dance

monkey tonite's your nite. u gon swipe us off our feet.
doooo~ooo ^oo Voo ooooo~, do a dance for us~

do they have Tesco's in the UK?

copyerrr copyer ur like patent infringing xhinese company juust difernt enuf to dodge accusations & lawsuits COPYERRR DO UR OWN THING U COPY ME

hehehehhhwldlhllellll ll l l ywaahahah haa ahewqohpgpoapOWho. HOHOOWOHN!

Attached: he-hhehe-heh-helll y'h'heh-heh-heah.jpg (960x768, 155K)

i never heard u say that before with my patent pending pitch shift inflection v^ markers

damn das some dank shit frank


Attached: soda_azn_2.png (300x300, 48K)

windsor windsor windsor windsor windsor


das a lotta green mayne

haha this shit really opens my mind to the beauties of nature and shit xD weed 420 bro :)

Attached: 1447334500780.jpg (1280x720, 104K)


DAMN . . . yea

lol yeah, haha yeah lol haha yeah roflmao yeah haha yeah

damn . ..

damn lol haha yeah lol raphael lol yeah lol haha yeah damn haha yeah haha lol

sham facoun

fuck the shamoun up

Running my tongue along Satan's grundle



Attached: mc hammer.gif (480x356, 512K)

Attached: hotdog.gif (480x266, 1.5M)

Gorge's George

Attached: what.gif (480x266, 1.45M)

but wait

Attached: ..png (250x250, 889)

rare dubs
rare dubs

Attached: mermaids.gif (207x281, 152K)

hello my name is monky and i'll be your waiter tonight

one cheeseburger plox


shame ur facoup


Attached: NOT THE APE GANGS.jpg (694x530, 67K)

Attached: data.gif (200x150, 638K)

>when the eneny fires a gun and misses
Lol every time


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: picard.jpg (1280x720, 103K)


emerging out of spheres

Attached: picard_in_a_ball_pit_with_head_stickin_out_with_a_source_of_light_to_highlight_his_head.jpg (1200x900, 136K)

monkeys gotta go

an attempt was made


wait i forgot something

go on

fuck u thats how change is made fUCK u

go on bitch attempt was made? u make one
u make then
im turning the tides over here
monkeyts gotta go !!!!!!!

how change is made bithch how change is made bithch

how change made bich

you make then you make then
monkey man
issa mistereie monkey mane issa misterie inna misterie monkey mane ! ~ hula hooping type vibe . member ppool stores , smelll of pool store bro , fuck yes, pool store smell rn? d&mn .. .

pool store floaty flamingo
monkey mna drawn notheir monkey
monkey man draw nothier monkey

manjimand meet demand for nothiner monkey right this moment

this fuckin slide man


someone do something new for moneky
monkey old monkey stale

old stale monkey bones

have i ever told you the story of me ol'..... bones

lolololoolol no :}
story pls :)

pool store smelll


monkey man moneky man

stupid ugly black head, black velcro head, ugly ! who white popel wanna fuc black head? gross.. jewish scum working over time making seem not so gross , but no one want velcro head...

still te velcro head is not in demand! sory Jew :]

lllelleleleemme tell u a story of mmmme ol'....... bones/ there was a time when as a young lad me ol'.... bones... shot TWELVE people in under ONE second
but my bone were far too ol' i couldnt whip it like the old days
so they took my ol' bones and buried them in a little liquor chest in a graveyard.... THEN MY OL' BONES WERE NEVER SEEN AGAIN!
and thats the story of me ol bones i got new ones

next to my buried old bones is a reservation.... for your (soon to be old) BURIED OLD BONES

velcro head percent - wise staying still :] in merica come comeing years
hard work lite brown mexican man can be train can be assimilat
velcro head stay poopie stay lasy stay on gomverm payrole
my perdication :]


velcro head leave velcro head u are not wanted
every once in while, velcro head make me proud
but get a coupl dozen velcro heads togehter
difernt story

mods pls... just this once
i'm on my knees pleading and begging
get that man

picter picter
jungl picter from ur life pls

picter now


comment about nothing that will be interpreted as a personal slight

callin me sensitive b&ch? nope
nope u probly
u still talkin bout this u probly

shut up

random words strung together with no inherent purpose that are perceived as personal attacks


nah fuck u idiet nah fuck u
completed ur joke bitch thank me bitch
punchline fuckwad
sayin i got a persecution complex bitch? nah
nah sounds like u

psychotic outrage triggered by a random person on earth posting gibberish to a malaysian string puppet discussion forum

"baased' Baasaaed awowoaa i aghree heh heh buauaauauauaosed the velcroheads tot me that1 baased i woodnta sed it but this guy went & did woaw ! wh'hohaough!'
finished the joke bitch i just finished it idiot , dumb fuck , shitbag velcrohead sympathizer

when your ego is so delicate and important to your every day life that you flip your shit at anything that can even be remotely interpreted as about you

'bdoyyy obvious allusion to a conversation that directly involved that person now is some sort of delusion heh heh gotem gotem good also take my played out abstraction of the chan - forum concept i coodnt come up with my own i took 1 that sum1 else sed 1ce'
trash sultana b*tch

ur the puppet

you probably think these posts are about you

Tbh I would attack you personally if I knew who you were

Attached: 1555845733894.jpg (400x485, 37K)

'bdorrrrrrr bdoyyyp obviousely addressing one person but being raised by mostly mom made me passive aggressive & gossip oriented so i just talk past the ppl im talking about & address them in vague ways so that when they rightly respond i am seen king:]'
secret king fag, gamma male secret king idiot, secret king complex womanly gossipy fag

"time management solutions"

Attached: zipper head.png (600x608, 567K)

>I drink coffee

Attached: gay dude.jpg (998x667, 94K)

``Smack my ass and call me Carla"

Attached: jason.jpg (474x318, 9K)

gamma male secret king psychosis seen it 1ce seen it a thousand times. classic example? they "lol" after an insult. they purport to "laugh out loud" after an insult. almost like when someone tries to sneak something nasty in & then they go "UMMMMMM ANYWAY" really quickly like it was no big deal and they're already thinking about the next thing but is all a front a farce a fake


>when you win the internet argument

Attached: le smuge anime gril faec.jpg (511x564, 25K)

"d-do 1 for cringe pls!"
gotcha numba b*tch

>my geographical location is superior to your geographical location

Attached: meme from memegenerator.jpg (400x400, 30K)

yea me thats me, thats ME that that applies to, b*tch, secret king gamma male passive aggression never wins, smug animy nother great example of secret king gamma male behaviour 'tswhy i only save sexy animys not animys that are smug about sputtering a dook-dump of snark without addressing crux, address crux tbich

>my social status makes me objectively better than you

Attached: le smug meme face.jpg (500x500, 171K)

never seddit never seddit not me smarm sage
not tru not tru never sed it nope nope nah nope

>when you hurt someone's feelings with words over the internet

Attached: the anime face.jpg (500x642, 68K)


nah didnt happen didnt happen to me you're jus helpin me up the post count to croak mank bitch :] easy fuel :] easy fun fuel for those who want to go back & read after the fact & admire MY MY MY dominance

>disregarding your humanity for the sake of a false sense of superiority

Attached: smug anime face meme.jpg (600x600, 21K)



no1 remembers a smug shit bag, no1 members the smug animy, anyone & everyone post a smug animy, im breath of fresh air when i dissent, im desperate needed in dialogue, exposing weakness of secret king gammas left & rite, fending them off with rocc solid logicc & slashing gish gallop nonsense in half faster than it can be shat out!

>when you personally respond to every single troll attempt made against you and you convince yourself that you're not being trolled

Attached: some dumb bitch.png (414x459, 263K)

h-he stopped giving you a (you) h-he's not responding anymore!

"im the 1 that repeats the one thing for more & different replies! yAhhhhhh o!"
yea me, yea thats me i do that, yep, best explanation for lingering animosity, 'tsalrite, not proud about it, not point of pride for me, would never post smug animy about it like a secret king gamma

Hey why's this guy typing up paragraphs of responses to these posts? They're not about him...


"jokes on u i have no investment in this exchange!"
ye. ye we know dude. ye we know my man. u are secret king gamma male crap sacc. i just laid out the framework of ur mentality. obviouse. damaged broken bone rain dog, is wat u are. me whole me complete me rising above

Good question, I'm not sure.

>if you're like me you can barely take care of a plant

Attached: a little baby.jpg (2136x1424, 558K)

fckin love u dogg
see that other dude? thats the kinda post ywanna make. u are level 1 spiteposter u are basic nothing starter set brand kit. that dude witty u succ

Is he going insane?

Attached: mari.png (827x681, 561K)

i'm a level 50 spiteposter

lame u abandoned ur shtick & leeched on2 a better one fuckin LO OO OO O O OO O OL

(actually level 100 guys dont let him know then we'll pvp and he'll get donked hard when he sees my actual level ;0)

I'm sorry who are you again

Attached: another anime face.jpg (512x288, 14K)

I wanted to do a critical analysis of one of the most underrated s4s memes, "Introducing" .
Why is it underrated? There is so much here to discuss, but let's go through the basics.

1. The Title:
The name of this meme is "Introducing" . This serves two purposes. On the surface, it suggests that the meme is being presented as something new.
The second purpose of the title is meta. Because the title of the meme itself is "Introducing", we are constantly subjected to an introduction every time it is posted. Yet with repetition, we are left wondering, "Have we been introduced yet? What is this asshole waiting for? Is THIS the meme that is being introduced?" But the meta part here is that the title is a satire of the way in which people present their new memes. It is as if, by saying that we "introduce" memes, we are thus showing them off, or something along those lines. But memes are special because of their repetition, and no one really remembers where they begin. Something memorable doesn't need a fancy introduction, it merely needs to be served straight up, over and over again like we're dogs waiting for our lamb and beef. The "Introducing" meme makes this point clear, while also poking fun at the people who think good memes need introduction.

2: The Image
Once again, there is a dual purpose here. Yes, it is a monkey who appears to be saying "introducing" as we might read from the shape of his/her lips.
However, there is also some doubt as to whether or not this is really the case. Monkeys cannot talk. So is the monkey the meme? Is someone introducing the monkey, rather than it being the monkey introducing someone/thing else? There is no clear answer here.

3. The Message
Ultimately, the message is unclear. And Introducing proves that this is just AOk. It proves that meme-making is at its heart a simple endeavor, and we should all just have fun with it, rather than try to create the next big thing.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

store brand subplot thickener yAAAAAAAAwn

"b'derrrrrrrrr??? this worx on namefigs but this fellow has chosen to leave the namefield blank! lemme try any way .. . . .. .. ."
'tcha tardass

Music recommendation for the week:
The Chemical Brothers - No Geography

Attached: albumart.jpg (620x620, 102K)


Good analysis I've read it before

Attached: cher.jpg (600x373, 30K)

fucking LINK
dont just TELL me the NAME of the shit fucking LINK it
givin me fuckin work to do & sh*t screw u

this man is not MANK material
~armed moker guards descend on u ~


mitley alice funk

Sharing music illegally is illegal

Attached: BEST GIRL!!!!!.png (1064x983, 1.55M)

they have u tube channel dip shit u are DIP SHIIIT ur not SPOSTA BE HEEERE HI-IQ ZONE SHOO SCRAM

monkey coming to close..


So it wasn't that hard to find after all?

Attached: i don't get this one.jpg (686x582, 48K)


nice dubs, anybody got any good book recommendations

Attached: neko neko.jpg (604x499, 27K)

alan rickman

ddid i say it was HARD 2 FIND? no, no there is an EMBED feature for SHARING MUSIC like that so dont fuckin TELL me the NAME of your REC post a fuckin SONG from the FUCKIN album and i only BOTHERED to LOOK to SEE if it's MADE AVAILABLE LEGALLY which it is
fuck u laffen at lo-iq fag u cannot follow what is logically happening here because im winning as always! fag !

Does he have an autobiography
or did he write fiction

Attached: rest in rip.jpg (500x573, 62K)

low - iq fag "AHA! HA HA ! i am BLISSFULLY UNAWARE of the DIALECTIC FLOW happening here he jus meche funni & i laffem:]" dumb shit sacc

this guy's really losin' it

Attached: generic anime reaction image.png (351x329, 188K)

post song from fucking album if u want ppl to check it out, it is unlikely enough that they clicc embed after seeing the video thumbnail that appears, let alone taking note of some weeb's fave shitty indy album of the year to save for later, post link or get lost! shit bag

Don't you mean Didact

he is man he is

secret king gamma tard

Ego death status: failed

Attached: tha WIDE girl.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

nah, nope, nope, nah, these replies incite further replies from others minimizing the work i have to do to get the monkey 2 die :]

no you fucking schizo aspie fuckup idiot

My nigga failed at death lol

Attached: some other shit whatever you get it at this point right.jpg (500x500, 58K)

reply incited :] mission amcomplish :]]]
ego death in perfect action bitch LIOLOL u kidding? thibk i care bout smug animy? gamma secret king? u are grappling with ur gamma secret king ways, not me, sux 4 u, figured id give u somethin to check out that'd explain your neurosis, dont read it idc kno u wont record will show my victory either way :} #dompeice

alright im done with this, time to find something else to do

Attached: a cat.jpg (800x858, 100K)

monkey croak ? I win :]
suckas interact with ego death zone cusytom tailered for maximal replie :????????? i win :]
no attachment no stakes dont care :]
surveying my kingdom b*tch

Good day, gentlemen!

Attached: tiny man.jpg (357x362, 17K)

perfect timin' fuckhead :]
thanx for the numba boost B8tch :]
monkey dead i win :)
yayyy vidyo game tiiime ! discord buddys & vidyo game time! cozypAAAAAAAAnts!
trashbag life

You've earned this.

Attached: riker unbearded.jpg (572x652, 31K)

heh . .. yea. . . yea i DID- . . . .
hell yea :]
now wat
... no no w--wait . . . cum bak akshly !

~tweedles thumbs~



The proof is located inside of the pudding.

well, consume it then