What is the phenomenon called whenever you have free time coming up your significant other manufactures some bullshit...

What is the phenomenon called whenever you have free time coming up your significant other manufactures some bullshit drama and then wastes that time?

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poopie butt fart

I thought you were going to bed

saeed thread

I could tell that you were just going to end up blocking me so I expedited the process.

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then readd me so I can apologize

It's called "being dumb enough to be in a real relationship"

Looks like the honeymoons over


CTS fixed it through cunning smarts and rational thinking UwU

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this right here, this is why you want a trap gf

CTS prefers the company of men

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this sounds right to mee

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stop bumping this

i have to poop


shiro pls respond with footy

eye fucking
its called penile penetration of eye socket

W.T.F so cts and catfish are a couple 4 real now that's something

I give them a month

nice dubs
Wanna put some nice bucks on that
also can someone post nice bucks I got no berry folder on this phone

Well long-distance relationships never last

why is this on page 3?

It should be stickered

>free time