I like anime and lofi hiphop and fingering my asshole

I like anime and lofi hiphop and fingering my asshole

Attached: LateEsteemedIndianrockpython-max-1mb.gif (320x180, 617K)

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why are you 13yo on Yea Forums?

i like fingering my bum too but i dont rly like lofi hiphop

Those are all good, can you post a link so we can hear what you're listening to?

Im double that

do you make lofi? If not stop listening to it and get better taste in music lol the majority of lofi is just a YT cash grab it's fucking AIDS and probably is not definitelystealing ad revenue from tons of ACTUAL MUSICIANS

No i dont make it i just like to listen to it while fingering myself and dilating. Ok wize guy what kind of music should i be listening to if your so smart?

The classic studying anime girl and cat lofi stream of course youtu.be/hHW1oY26kxQ

not that user but you should listen to this:

this guy gets it

imagine not listening to this

Attached: IWr7x8L.jpg (680x383, 19K)

very fugging pleasing.
i need this with drums

no one here likes my music but i'll indulge you, all I'm saying is support actual musicians and not scam artists

Attached: no one appreciates your shit taste in music.jpg (850x955, 190K)

shut the fuck up jevin no one cares what you think about things also this board has no subject so fuck off Ilu k babe

is this edm

have you heard of . youtu.be/0NJDV26uUNQ this little lofi tape its pretty alright

this but unironically

What is your opinion on niggers?

Attached: buryebilslep.gif (395x542, 32K)

ask them as u fuck hundreds of their children

horhito looking for commies?

gif doesn't cut to goatse 0/10

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

lo-fi hiphop is for people who study
real people listen to synthwave

its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.

Happy feriae latinae you smelly provincial cuck